List of Senior Designated Officials (SDOs) for Materiel Management by institution
Section 4 of the Policy on the Planning and Management of Investments requires that Deputy Heads at departments listed on Schedules I, I.1, and II of the Financial Administration Act must designate a senior designated official for Procurement, Materiel Management, Project and Programme Management, and Real Property.
Please use this form to inform the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) when a Senior Designated Official (SDO) is appointed by your department's Deputy Head.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Institutions starting with the letter A
- Accessibility Standards Canada
Louis-Philippe Daigle
- Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Stéphane Lavigne
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Karen Durnford-McIntosh
- Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Kurt Chin Quee
Institutions starting with the letter C
- Canada Border Services Agency
Alexandre Martel
- Canada Energy Regulator
Billy Dixon
Jenny Ye
- Canada Revenue Agency
Jean-Claude Azar
- Canada School of Public Service
Jodi Brouillard
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Stanley Xu
- Canadian Grain Commission
Cheryl Blahey
- Canadian Heritage
Véronique Côté
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
Natalie Dagenais
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Jimmy Fecteau
- Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Éric Gagnon
- Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Sean O'Donnell
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Benoit St-Jean
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Jerome Laliberte
- Canadian Space Agency
Assia Turenne
- Canadian Transportation Agency
Ruth Dagenais
- Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Roxane Bériault
- Correctional Service of Canada
Stéphanie Lane
- Courts Administration Service
Jean-Francois Talbot
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Manon Nadon-Beaulieu
Institutions starting with the letter D
- Department of Finance
Sophie Béliveau
Institutions starting with the letter E
- Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Mathieu Paquette
- Elections Canada
Robert Ashton
- Employment and Social Development Canada
Yann Blais
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
Linda Drainville
Institutions starting with the letter F
- Farm Products Council of Canada
Carole Gendron
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario
Lisa Furtado
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Carole Bourget
- Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Werner Liedtke
- Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Michelle Fortin
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Richard Goodyear
Institutions starting with the letter G
- Global Affairs Canada
Shirley Carruthers
Amanda Jane
Institutions starting with the letter H
- Health Canada
Serena Francis
Ryan Huard
- Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
Michelle Baron
Institutions starting with the letter I
- Immigration and Refugee Board
Hongchao Wang
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Marc Primeau
- Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Jean-Francois Tessier Lafleur
- Indigenous Services Canada
Philippe Thompson
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Cara Cosgrove
- International Joint Commission
Maxime Beauchamp
- Invest in Canada
Katie Curran
Institutions starting with the letter J
- Justice Canada
Pamela Rudiger-Prybylski
Institutions starting with the letter L
- Library and Archives of Canada
Julie Charbonneau
Institutions starting with the letter M
- Military Grievances External Review Committee
Miguel Adam
- Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
Jean-François Poirier
Institutions starting with the letter N
- National Defence
Nancy Tremblay
- National Film Board
Stéphanie Lalonde
- National Research Council of Canada
Peter Johnston
- Natural Resources Canada
Francis Brisson
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Benjamin Cyr
Institutions starting with the letter O
- Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Nadine Roy
- Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Eric Stalder
- Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Carl St-Amand
- Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Eric Trépanier
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
Sébastien Lafond
- Office of the Intelligence Commissioner
Justin Dubois
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Richard Roulx
- Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
Maia Welbourne
- Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Joseph Kramar
Institutions starting with the letter P
- Pacific Economic Development Canada
Diane Fahlman
- Parks Canada Agency
David Millar
- Parole Board of Canada
Eric McMullen
- Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Manon Souligny
- Polar Knowledge Canada
Daniel Pisani
- Prairies Economic Development Canada
Michelle Owens
- Privy Council Office
Matthew Shea
- Public Health Agency of Canada
Serena Francis
Ryan Huard
- Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Mélanie Lamoureux
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Jill McIntosh
- Public Service Commission
Farhat Khan
- Public Services and Procurement Canada
Andre-Guy Chechippe
Institutions starting with the letter R
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Civilian Staff)
Christine Lamarche
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police - External Review Committee
Sonja Mitrovic
Institutions starting with the letter S
- Shared Services Canada
Scott Davis
- Statistics Canada
Martin Chapman
- Supreme Court of Canada
Catherine Laforce
Institutions starting with the letter T
- The National Battlefields Commission
Philippe Lafrenière
- Transport Canada
Brian Leonard
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada
James Clarkin
- Treasury Board (Secretariat)
Annie Boyer
Institutions starting with the letter V
- Veterans Affairs Canada
Christopher Clissold
Institutions starting with the letter W
- Women and Gender Equality Canada
Lucie Malette