215 Main Street

  • Photo of property 02424
A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 02424


  • Address:

    215 Main Street
  • Place Name:

    no data
  • Municipality:

  • Province/Territory:

    Nova Scotia
  • Federal Electoral District:

    West Nova
  • Coordinates

    43.832290, -66.119570, Accurate within ± 10m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    0 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    1,278 sq. m.
  • Exterior Parking:

    11 spaces
  • Interior Parking:

    0 spaces
  • Record Created On

    November 12th, 2019
  • Record Last Modified On

    April 17th, 2023


Structure Number Custodian Structure Name Structure Address Floor Area (sq. m.) Building Occupancy Level
155524Public Services and Procurement Canada215 Main Street215 Main Street1,278Fully Occupied

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
00017573ClosedYarmouth Fisheries Building (No Further Work Required; Divested)05 - Detailed Testing Program

Payment In Lieu of Taxes

Taxation AuthorityPayment
Yarmouth, Town$24,204.96

Source: PWGSC, REAL ESTATE DIVISION, Municipal Grants Information System

Taxation Year: 2022

Photo Album

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Photo of property 02424