Major-General G. R. Pearkes Site

  • Photo of property 09026
A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 09026


  • Address:

    101 Colonel By Drive
  • Place Name:

    no data
  • Municipality:

  • Province/Territory:

  • Federal Electoral District:

  • Coordinates

    45.423414, -75.689092, Accurate within ± 10m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    2.0053 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    74,427 sq. m.
  • Exterior Parking:

    93 spaces
  • Interior Parking:

    0 spaces
  • Record Created On

    August 12th, 1990
  • Record Last Modified On

    January 31st, 2024


Structure Number Custodian Structure Name Structure Address Floor Area (sq. m.) Building Occupancy Level
009026Public Services and Procurement CanadaMajor-General G. R. Pearkes Building101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K274,427Fully Occupied

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
09026001ClosedMajor-General G.R. Pearkes Building06 - Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System

Payment In Lieu of Taxes

Taxation AuthorityPayment
Ottawa, City$3,655,168.78

Source: PWGSC, REAL ESTATE DIVISION, Municipal Grants Information System

Taxation Year: 2022

Photo Album

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Photo of property 09026