Port Hardy Airport (MISC)

  • Photo of property 18951
A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 18951


  • Property Number:

  • Custodian:

    Transport Canada
  • Official Contact:

    General Enquiries
    Telephone: (866) 995-9737
    Email: Questions@tc.gc.ca
    Web site: www.tc.gc.ca/eng/contact-us.htm
  • Interest

    Crown Owned
  • Restriction:

    Provincial Reversionary Clause
  • Primary Use:

    Transportation Air
  • Address:

    Lot 1, Plan 19950, Rupert District (3675 Byng Rd)
  • Place Name:

    Port Hardy
  • Municipality:

    Port Hardy
  • Province/Territory:

    British Columbia
  • Federal Electoral District:

    North Island--Powell River
  • Coordinates

    50.675828, -127.356302, Accurate within ± 100m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    776.5340 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    5,173 sq. m.
  • Record Created On

    August 8th, 1990
  • Record Last Modified On

    December 18th, 2021


Parcel # Municipality Census Classification Federal Electoral District Land Area (ha) Number of Buildings Floor Area (sq. m.)
00Port HardyRuralNorth Island--Powell River776.534085,173
01Port HardyRuralNorth Island--Powell River715.164985,173
02Mount Waddington CIsolatedNorth Island--Powell River60.136700
03Thomas Point 5IsolatedNorth Island--Powell River1.232500


Structure Number Custodian Structure Name Structure Address Floor Area (sq. m.) Building Occupancy Level
018951Transport CanadaAir Terminal BuildingPO Box 4603,371Fully Occupied
112906Transport CanadaFSS TowerPO Box 460230Fully Occupied
112907Transport CanadaSand Urea ShedPO Box 46035Fully Occupied
112908Transport CanadaFirehallPO Box 460149Fully Occupied
112909Transport CanadaTrades BuildingPO Box 460570Fully Occupied
112910Transport CanadaMaintenance GaragePO Box 460714Fully Occupied
112911Transport CanadaPumphousePO Box 46030Fully Occupied
113413Transport CanadaEPUPO Box 46074Fully Occupied

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
00026127SuspectedPort Hardy Airport (APEC)02 - Historical Review
00026126ActivePort Hardy Airport FTA (PFAS)05 - Detailed Testing Program
00026090ActivePort Hardy Airport AEC 37 Former UST07 - Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
18951003ClosedTanks01 - Identify Suspect Sites
18951002ClosedPipeline Easement02 - Historical Review
00002657ClosedCaustic Soda Spill Area and Other Site Use04 - Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
00002510ClosedFormer UST, AST and Septic tank (south of the site)04 - Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
00002511ClosedPort Hardy Airport04 - Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
00002508ClosedPort Hardy, BC (Consolidated)04 - Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
00002509ClosedSlurry Pit (next to hydrogen building)04 - Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
18951001ClosedFormer Fire Training Area09 - Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting

Payment In Lieu of Taxes

Taxation AuthorityPayment
Port Hardy, District$197,336.37

Source: PWGSC, REAL ESTATE DIVISION, Municipal Grants Information System

Taxation Year: 2022

Photo Album

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Photo of property 18951