Sand Point Range Rear

A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 81843


  • Property Number:

  • Custodian:

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Official Contact:

  • Interest

    Crown Owned
  • Restriction:

    No Restriction
  • Primary Use:

    Transportation Marine
  • Address:

    344 Highway - PID 35205616
  • Place Name:

    Eddy Cove
  • Municipality:

  • Province/Territory:

    Nova Scotia
  • Federal Electoral District:

    Cape Breton--Canso
  • Coordinates

    45.519901, -61.264668, Accurate within ± 10m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    0.0058 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    0 sq. m.
  • Record Created On

    January 11th, 2002
  • Record Last Modified On

    April 12th, 2024

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
00017431ClosedSand Point Range Rear02 - Historical Review

Payment In Lieu of Taxes

Taxation AuthorityPayment
Guysborough, District$118.70

Source: PWGSC, REAL ESTATE DIVISION, Municipal Grants Information System

Taxation Year: 2022