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9B. User Fees � Policy on Standards for External Fees

External Fee Service Standard Performance Result Stakeholder Consultation
Explosives licence and inspection fees 95% of the time, initial factory applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals and all other authorizations will be processed within 30 days of a complete request. See other info below or visit our web site at
Licensing turnaround times have been acceptable to stakeholders. Results indicate the standards were met or exceeded 95% of the time. Stakeholder groups are in agreement with licensing and authorization service standards. No formal complaints to this proposal have been received.
Seismic data For provision of accurate location and magnitude of strong earthquakes in Canada, turnaround time is normally within 2 hours during working hours and within 4 hours outside of working hours. Preliminary confirmation is normally available to clients within 15 minutes during normal working hours and on our Web site at

For all other requests for standard seismic data, turnaround time is within 5 working days. Complex requests are negotiated with the client.

Service standards are reviewed annually (inquiries are recorded) - results indicate greater than 95% compliance with standards. None planned at present (regular consultation provided through the Lithoprobe Seismic Processing Facility in Calgary). Client feedback on service expectations encouraged through questionnaire that accompanies responses to data requests.
Map products National Topographic System and Atlas of Canada Maps: NRCan sells maps on a wholesale basis to a limited distribution network, and service standards reflect this.

Response time for information requests is 2 working days. Order processing time: 3 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory holidays in the Province of Ontario), upon approved credit and provided account is in good standing. Hours of operation, 08:30 - 16:30 EST.

The Centre for Topographic Information of the Mapping Services Branch is certified ISO 9001:2000, hence undergoes regular management review of quality objectives, discrepancy reporting processes, and client consultation. Performance issues are addressed through ISO Quality Objectives which are updated each year to address issues that may arise.

Aggregate annual data is available on request.

Regular discussions and meetings are held with stakeholders. Service standards are reviewed continuously and included as part of the Discrepancy Management Reports (DMRs). Ongoing client and service feedback are used to ensure constant improvement as part of ISO 9001 quality system.
ISO non-destructive testing
  1. Two weeks for processing of a candidate's application form. This period is advertised on application forms 'Instructions for Candidates' available in hard copy or electronically from the NDT Web site at All candidates have this information before applying. *Note: Assessment of foreign applications or unusual training/experience situations may require more time.

  2. Examination results are usually available 3 weeks from the date of examination. This period is clearly specified in 'letter of approval' issued to the candidate to permit him/her to challenge an examination.
  1. The progress of each client application is recorded and tracked throughout the process - date of receipt, date of review, date of written responses. While performance has not been formally aggregated to summarize performance against service standards, the absence of stakeholder complaints indicates satisfaction that the published delivery standards are being met.

  2. In 2006, processing of all applications in all methods became a work function of one person, significantly reducing processing time previously required.
Fee adjustments are presented and negotiated with the 12 member advisory body of stakeholders. Previously the agreed price structure associated with fees for required services and reports is put into effect and not changed for 3 years. The stakeholders like the stability in knowing what they will be paying for the next 3 years. The revised plan is to move to annual fee adjustments based on actual costs. From January through June 2006, extensive consultations on exam fees were held with 8 exam centres, the advisory board, and the union representing 2,000 clients. The objective of these consultations was to isolate cost drivers in order to derive a formula driven fee structure. We also conducted an environmental scan, comparing our fees to those of NDT certification bodies in the UK, Australia, and the USA.
Air Photo products Aerial Photography - Order processing time by the National Air Photo Library is 10 working days, priority service 5 working days; response time for information requests of 10 working days 80% of the time; production error rate of 1.5% or less; hours of operation, 08:30 - 16:30 EST. As with maps, performance issues are addressed through ISO Quality Objectives which are updated each year to address issues that arise.

Performance results are monitored continuously. Aggregate annual data is available on request.

Major survey completed in 2004. Service standards are reviewed continuously and included as part of the Discrepancy Management Reports (DMRs). Ongoing client and service feedback are used to ensure constant improvement as part of ISO 9001 quality system.
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request. The Access to Information Act provides fuller details: Met prescribed standards 91.5% of the time. The service standard is established by the Access to Information Act and the Access to Information Regulations. Consultations with stakeholders were undertaken by the Department of Justice and the Treasury Board Secretariat for amendments done in 1986 and 1992.
Subscription data National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) - Response time for general information requests is 2 working days during business hours. Availability of web site is 24/7 90% of the time, monitored monthly. Preparation of a subscription agreement, within 10 working days of receipt. Return agreement signed by both parties within 10 working days after the document and the client's payment (when applicable) are received. Open connections following a subscription within 2 working days after payment of the subscription fees and the agreement signed by the client are received. Complaints acknowledged within 2 working days - and as per ISO procedures, corrective action is taken immediately.

Performance results are monitored continuously. Aggregate annual data is available on request. A sample survey of NTDB clients in 2006/2007 indicated that 100% were satisfied with the quality of the products.

Client consultation is ongoing - part of regular ISO process.
Other products For aeromagnetic (and gravity data), the Geoscience Data Centre (GDC) of ESS provides maximum 10 day turn-around on external requests for data (average turnaround for a standard request is 1 day). We also provide on-line access through the Geoscience Data Repository for Geophysical and Geochemical Data (GDRGG). For more info on service standards see the Web site:
Performance is aggregated against standards annually. 99% of requests are in compliance with standards.

The number of inquiries has dropped significantly since data has been made available free of charge through the GDRGG.

Client consultation is performed on an ongoing basis. All web-based clients are provided with a client satisfaction questionnaire including a request for suggestions for improvement. Advent of the GDRGG (web-based access) has significantly reduced requests via the GDC.

Other information:

The Explosives Regulatory Division (ERD) remains committed to managing its regulatory activities in an effective and efficient manner to ensure public and worker health and safety while protecting Canada's explosives supply from criminal and terrorist interests. ERD is committed to delivering 95% of decisions on requests for explosives product authorizations, importation permits, display fireworks and pyrotechnics certificates, user magazine licences, vendor magazine licences, manufacturing certificates and factory licence renewals within 30 days of the receipt of complete applications and all necessary documentation. In the case of initial applications for a factory licence where the review is a more time consuming process, ERD is committed to delivering 95% of decisions within 60 days of the receipt of complete applications and all necessary documentation.

The proposed performance standards reflect a reasonable amount of time that could be taken to complete a regulatory activity (e.g., the amount of time required to review and make a decision regarding an application for a license). The standards identify an intent to meet the standard at least 95% of the time. This reflects the fact than on occasion, a regulatory decision may be delayed due to circumstances beyond ERD control and that on occasion, spikes in workload may prevent all decisions to be reached within the defined time frame.