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The original version was signed by
The Honourable Chuck Strahl, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
1. Chief Commissioner’s Message
2. Management Representation Statement
3. Program Activity Architecture (PAA)
4.1 Rationale for Department’s Existence
4.5 Program Activities by Strategic Outcome
1. Analysis by Program Activity
1. Departmental Link to Government of Canada Outcome Areas
2. Financial Information Tables
3. Claims Process and Stages of Inquiry
4. Mediation/Facilitation Process
1. Reports of inquiries and mediations concluded by the ISCC
It is my honour to present the Indian Specific Claims Commission’s first stand-alone Departmental Performance Report covering fiscal year 2007-2008. The ISCC operates according to the following four principles: 1. Independence and Impartiality; 2. Equity and Natural Justice; 3. Openness and Transparency; and 4. Importance of Oral History. These principles guide us in developing and sustaining our relationships, as well as conducting our activities.
The Commission was established by Order in Council in 1991 as a Commission of Inquiry. The Commission’s mandate is to conduct inquiries into specific claims disputes between First Nations and the Government of Canada, as well as providing mediation services at any stage of the claims process to foster achievement of positive outcomes.
In fulfilment of its mandate, the Commission has developed a sound reputation for conducting its inquiries and providing mediation services in a balanced and neutral manner that favours neither party in the process. Since its inception in 1991, the Commission has held 81 inquiries involving 92 claims, and issued 70 inquiry reports. It has also provided mediation/facilitation services to 53 specific claims negotiation tables and issued 12 mediation reports.
As Chief Commissioner, I actively support approaches to the issues and concerns of the parties that foster the greatest degree of impartiality and independence so that the credibility and acceptance of our work and findings is beyond reproach.
We at the Commission see our role as bridging different points of view. However, despite all of our best efforts, different perspectives will continue to characterize the specific claims process in Canada for some time. This concept of bridging will remain critical if we are to make collective progress in the specific claims area.
Since 1994, the Commission has called upon the Government to create an independent, permanent body with binding authority to expedite the resolution of First Nation specific claims. With the Specific Claims Tribunal Act, there are changes underway. This Tribunal will have decision making powers, a key ISCC recommendation for many years. As well, the Government has indicated its intent to set up a mediation body, another decision that the ISCC supports given its own positive experience with mediation. We stand ready to assist in any way we can with the creation of a lasting solution to reduce delay and address the backlog of cases in the specific claims process.
In parallel to the tabling of Bill C-30 in November 2007, the ISCC's own mandate was amended this last year by Order in Council P.C. 2007-1789. As well as fixing a March 31, 2009 closing date for the ISCC, the Order in Council directed the Commission to cease work on inquiries which had not yet reached the community session phase and stop accepting new claims for inquiry. If a First Nation requests that the Commission cease its inquiry, it must do so immediately without issuing a final report. The Commission must complete and report on all remaining inquiries by December 31, 2008, and cease all its activities, including those related to mediation, by March 31, 2009.
As the Commission's work wraps up, our focus is on completing the inquiries and mediation files still under way, and ensuring that the knowledge and experience acquired during our 17 years of operation are not lost.
One of the Commission’s priorities over the next year will be to help secure new employment for ISCC personnel, who have worked diligently with Commissioners.
The Commission would like to reassure First Nations and Government that the quality of our work will be maintained throughout this challenging period.
Commissioners and staff will continue to work diligently to complete our work within the time allotted, effectively fulfilling the Commission's mandate. We will offer the benefit of our experience over the years to the new tribunal and to the new mediation services organization, once both are formally created.
Ren�e Dupuis, C.M., Ad.E.
Chief Commissioner
I submit for tabling in Parliament the 2007-08 Departmental Performance Report for the Indian Specific Claims Commission.
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2007–08 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Name: _______________________________________, Diana Monnet
Title: Executive Director, Indian Specific Claims Commission
In June 2006 the ISCC sought and received Treasury Board approval of its Program Activity Architecture submission. The ISCC operates with strategic outcome: “Fair resolution of Indian Specific Claims”. The description of the program activity was changed from - “Indian Specific Claims Commission” - to - “Conduct Inquiries and Provide Mediation Services” in order to provide a more informative description of the Commission’s mandate.
Strategic Outcome | Program Activity |
Fair Resolution of Indian Specific Claims | Conduct Inquiries and |
Provide Mediation Services |
The mission of the Indian Specific Claims Commission is to assist First Nations and Canada to resolve specific claims in the context of the Specific Claims Policy. The Commission operates at arms-length of the government and First Nations. It is a commission of inquiry offering to a First Nation, at its request, an independent and neutral process – other than litigation – to inquire into specific claims that have been examined and rejected by the Minister of DIAND or when the First Nation disputes the compensation criteria the government proposes to use in negotiating the settlement of its claim. At any stage of the specific claims process, the Commission can provide mediation or facilitation services to assist the parties in reaching a satisfactory resolution when requested by both the First Nation and Canada. The Commission may also prepare reports from time to time that the Commissioners consider are required in respect of the Commission’s activities and the activities of the Government of Canada and the Indian band(s) relating to specific claims.
Depending on the exact nature of the Indian specific claim, the fair resolution of the claim can provide a range of benefits including one or more of the following:
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
6,800,000 | 7,021,817 | 6,106,340 |
Planned | Actual | Difference |
49 | 47 | 2 |
Priority Description | Type | Performance Status |
1. Conduct fair and impartial inquiries. | Ongoing | 5 Inquiry reports completed and 8 Inquiry Reports were released. |
2. Provide mediation services at any stage of a claim. | Ongoing | 6 mediations were completed for specific claims under negotiation. |
3. Maintain the excellence of ISCC operations while First Nations and Canada continue to discuss alternative approaches for resolving Indian specific claims. | Ongoing | Canada and First Nation leadership have reached an understanding respecting the future approach for accelerating the review and resolution of specific claims in a fair and impartial manner, including the establishment of the Specific Claims Tribunal. |
Program Activity Description |
Expected Results |
Performance Status |
2007-2008 ($-dollars) | Contributes to the following priority | |
Planned Spending |
Actual Spending |
Conduct Inquiries and provide Mediation Services | Inquiry Reports | Successfully met | 6,800,000 | 6,106,340 | 1 and 3 |
Mediation sessions | Successfully met | 2 and 3 |
Since its inception in 1991, the Commission has held 81 inquiries involving 92 claims, and issued 70 inquiry reports. It has also provided mediation/facilitation services to 53 specific claims negotiation tables and issued 12 mediation reports.
Of the 81 inquiries that the ISCC has completed a report on since 1991, 50 were recommended to the Minister of DIAND for negotiation or further research and/or review. Another 9 were not recommended to the Minister of DIAND for negotiation. And, the remaining 22 were withdrawn, settled or accepted by the Minister of DIAND for negotiation without conducting a full inquiry.
From April 1, 2007, to March 31, 2008, the Commission completed the following five inquiries: (i) Lower Similkameen Indian Band [Vancouver,Victoria and Eastern Railway Right of Way]; (ii) Lucky Man Cree Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement Phase 2]; (iii) Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation [1903 Surrender]; (iv) Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement]; and (v) Saulteau First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement and Lands in Severalty].
Reports on the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation [1903 Surrender], Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement] and Saulteau First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement and Lands in Severalty] inquiries were released in this reporting period.
Reports on the Lower Similkameen Indian Band [Vancouver,Victoria and Eastern Railway Right of Way] and Lucky Man Cree Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement Phase II], were completed and will be issued early in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
In addition, the Commission released reports on five inquiries completed in previous reporting periods. These are:(i) the Blood Tribe/Kainaiwa [Big Claim]; (ii) Kluane First Nation [Kluane National Park and Kluane Games Sanctuary]; (iii)Opaskwayak Cree Nation [Streets and Lanes Claim]; (iv) Paul First Nation [Kapasiwin Townsite Inquiry]; and (v) Sakimay First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement].
From April 1, 2007, to March 31, 2008, the Commission completed the following six mediations: (i) Fort Pelly Agency [Pelly Haylands Claim Negotiations]; (ii) George Gordon First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement Negotiations]; (iii) Metepenagiag Ni’kmaw Nation [Hosford Lot and Red Bank Reserve 7]; (iv)Michipicoten First Nation [Pilot Project]; (v) Muskoday First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement Negotiations]; and (vi) Sturgeon Lake First Nation [Treaty Land Entitlement Negotiations]. Reports on the completed mediations will be issued in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
All of the Commission’s reports can be found on our website at
Fair Resolution of Indian Specific Claims
Conduct Inquiries and provide Mediation Services - In 2007-2008, the ISCC completed 5 Inquiry reports. It also released a total of 8 Inquiry Reports, of which 5 are from Inquiries completed in the previous years. The ISCC completed six mediations for parties in negotiation that requested this service.
Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
6,800,000 | 7,021,817 | 6,106,340 |
Planned | Actual | Difference |
49 | 47 | 2 |
Within the Government-as-a-Whole Framework, the ISCC is classified within the Spending Area of Social Affairs. The ISCC’s strategic outcome is linked to the Government of Canada (GoC) Outcome Area entitled: “A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion”. There are eleven federal organizations, including the ISCC, that contribute to this GoC outcome area through their respective strategic outcomes and program activities. For additional information, please go to the Whole-of-Government Planning and Performance website at:
This website provides links to these 11 Departments and Agencies DPRs.
Program Activity | Actual Spending 2007-08 ($-dollars) |
Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area | ||
Budgetary | Non-budgetary | Total | ||
Conduct Inquiries and provide Mediation Services | 6,106,340 | — | 6,106,340 | A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion |
2007-2008 | ||||||
2005-06 Actual |
2006-07 Actual |
Main Estimates |
Planned Revenue |
Total Authorities |
Actual | |
Conduct Inquiries and provide Mediation Services | 6,876,146 | 6,533,756 | 6,733,000 | 6,800,000 | 7,021,817 | 6,106,340 |
Total | 6,876,146 | 6,533,756 | 6,733,000 | 6,800,000 | 7,021,817 | 6,106,340 |
Less: Non-Respendable Revenue | --- | --- | N.A. | --- | N.A. | --- |
Plus: Cost of Services Received Without Charge | 693,000 | 678,000 | N.A. | 667,000 | N.A. | 606,400 |
Net Cost of Program | 7,569,146 | 7,211,756 | N.A. | 7,467,000 | N.A. | 6,712,740 |
Full-Time Equivalents | 46 | 45 | N.A. | 49 | N.A. | 47 |
2007–2008 ($ - dollars) | |||||
Vote or Statutory Item | Truncated Vote or Statutory Wording | Main Estimates |
Planned Spending |
Total Authorities |
Actual |
50 | Program expenditures | 6,136,000 | 6,203,000 | 6,476,313 | 5,560,836 |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 597,000 | 597,000 | 545,493 | 545,493 |
(S) | Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets | --- | --- | 11 | 11 |
Total | 6,733,000 | 6,800,000 | 7,021,817 | 6,106,340 |
Not applicable - The Commission does not provide any loans nor does it make investments or advances to outside parties.
Not applicable - The Commission does not operate any programs or services that produce revenues.
Not applicable - The Commission does not have a Revolving Fund.
Not applicable - The Commission does not provide any goods or services that require the collection of fees.
Not applicable - The Commission did not have any project spending in 2007-2008.
Not applicable - The Commission did not have any project spending in 2007-2008.
Not applicable - The Commission does not have any transfer payment program authority.
Not applicable - The Commission does not have any transfer payment program authority.
Not applicable – The Commission is an independent organization that operates at arms-length from government.
Not applicable - The Commission was established as a Commission of Inquiry in 1991 by Order in Council. In fulfilling its mandate, the Commission does not operate and/or provide projects, programs, and services that might directly impact the goals and objectives of the government’s Sustainable Development Strategy.
Not applicable - There were no Parliamentary Committee Reports or External Audits directed specifically to the Indian Specific Claims Commission.
There were no internal audits or evaluation of the Indian Specific Claims Commission in 2007-2008.
Comparison to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Special Travel Authorities
Not applicable – The Indian Specific Claims Commission follows the rates and allowances outlined in the Treasury Board Travel Directive.
The Commission operates at arms-length and is independent from government. It is a commission of inquiry offering to First Nations a process, other than litigation, to inquire into specific claims that have been examined and rejected by the Minister of DIAND, or when the First Nation disputes the compensation criteria established by the Minister for that particular claim.
In this regard, it is important to note that the Commission does not operate as a court and is not, therefore, bound by the strict rules of evidence, the limitation periods in which claims can be brought nor other technical defences that might present obstacles to resolving the First Nation’s claim against the Crown. This flexibility enhances the Commission’s ability to conduct its inquiries in a fair and impartial manner in order to expedite the process of making recommendations to the Minister of DIAND regarding a First Nation’s specific claim or objection to the compensation criteria. This process fosters the development and implementation of innovative solutions that can resolve complex and contentious issues of policy and law related to Indian specific claims.
A specific claim starts with a First Nation that has researched its claim and submitted it to the Minister of DIAND together with any supporting documentation. DIAND’S Specific Claims Branch performs its own research and, with the involvement of the Department of Justice, assesses the merits of the claim to determine if the claim establishes an outstanding lawful obligation on the part of the government, as defined in the Specific Claims Policy. If the federal government does not believe it has an outstanding lawful obligation, the First Nation’s claim is denied and the Minister of DIAND informs the First Nation that it will not negotiate settlement of the claim. In this instance, apart from accepting the decision of the Minister, the First Nation has two options that it can pursue; it can seek a remedy from the appropriate court, or it can request the Commission to conduct an inquiry.
There are five stages to the Commission’s inquiry process:
These five stages typically take between two to five years to complete depending on the number and complexity of the issues being considered and on the parties involved.
The Commission’s terms of reference also permit it to prepare reports, from time to time, that the Commissioners consider are required in respect of the Commission’s activities and the activities of the Government of Canada and the Indian band(s) relating to specific claims.
At the request of either Canada or the First Nation and with the consent of both, the Commission can provide or arrange for mediation assistance at any stage of the claims process. Depending on the nature of the claim, the Commission offers a broad range of alternative dispute resolution services tailored to suit the particular needs of the parties. The Indian Claims Commission provides facilitative mediation services that are culturally sensitive, informal, non-threatening, and flexible. Together with the mediator, the parties decide how the mediation process will be conducted.
There are four steps in the Commission’s mediation process;
Indian Specific Claims Commission
P.O. Box 1750
Station B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1A2
Telephone: 613-943-2737
Facsimile: 613-943-0157
T.T.Y: 613-943-3772
The ISCC maintains a website that can be accessed to provide the reader with details on the status of claims for which the Commission has completed its inquiry or mediation activities. A copy of the report for each inquiry or mediation is available from our website at: