Expenditure Profile - Spending Trend Graph

The graph entitled "Spending Trend" demonstrates the spending trends between the planned spending, the authorized spending and the actual spending for three fiscal years: 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. The amounts in dollars used for planned spending, the authorized spending and the actual spending per fiscal year can be found below.

Planned Spending (indicated with a straight line) 

2006-2007 - $ 1,472 million
2007-2008 - $ 1,382 million
2008-2009 - $ 1,427 million

Authorized Spending (indicated with a dotted line)

2006-2007 - $ 1,459 million
2007-2008 - $ 1,458 million
2008-2009 - $ 1,464 million

Actual Spending (indicated with a straight heavy line)

2006-2007 - $ 1,403 million
2007-2008 - $ 1,392 million
2008-2009 - $ 1,394 million