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  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Classification: Medium Priority for Action
  • Located in a Census Metropolitan Area
  • Contaminant/Media Pair: Energetics / Soil
  • Province/Territory: British Columbia
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Sites Found:5
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Municipality & Province,
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Reporting Organization
RP-3c Rocky Point White Phosphorus Active Disposal Area
Metchosin, BC DND
AH-7 Albert Head Northwest Power Generation Region
Metchosin, BC DND
AH-5 Albert Head- Grenade Range (Active Site)
Metchosin, BC DND
RP-2a Rocky Point Active Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Metchosin, BC DND
RP-2b Rocky Point Former Landfill B
Metchosin, BC DND