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Search Results Summary
  • Census Agglomeration Area: Estevan
  • Limited to Closed Sites
  • Reporting Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Reason for Federal Involvement: Federal activities
  • Media Type: Groundwater
  • Media Type: Surface water
  • Media Type: Sediment
  • Media Type: Surface water
  • Media Type: Sediment
  • Media Type: Other medium
  • Province/Territory: Saskatchewan
  • Historical review not required.
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Sites Found:2

The table below summarizes the number of sites in the inventory by their classification type as defined by the National Classification System of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.

Classification Type Suspected Active Closed Total
Total 0 0 2 2
Site(s) not yet classified 0 0 2 2
The following are the definitions for the three site status types for contaminated sites:
Further assessment work is required to confirm whether the site is considered a "contaminated site."
Active sites are confirmed contaminated sites where remedial action is or may be required.
No further action is required.