Site N0222001 - Waterlot

  • Status

    Historical review not required.
  • Site Status

  • Classification

Site Details

  • Reporting Organization

  • Reason for Involvement

    Federal activities
  • Property Type

    Non-Federal (Municipal Government)

Site Location

Locate this site on map
  • Latitude, Longitude

    48.55606, -124.42177
  • Municipality

    Juan de Fuca (Part 2), BC
  • Federal Electoral District


Action Plan

No action required at this time - will be re-assessed at a later date.


This table contains the population estimates at distances around the site.

Radius Population
1 km0
5 km145
10 km190
25 km571
50 km14,096

Financial/Annual Information


  • Reporting Organization

    Transport Canada
  • Internal Identifier

  • Highest Step Completed

    01 Identify Suspect Sites
  • Total Assessment Expenditure

  • Total Remediation Expenditure

  • Total Care Maintenance Expenditure

  • Total Monitoring Expenditure

  • FCSAP Assessment Expenditure

  • FCSAP Remediation Expenditure

  • FCSAP Care Maintenance Expenditure

  • FCSAP Monitoring Expenditure

  • Actual Cubic Meters Remediated

    0 m3
  • Actual Hectares Remediated

    0 ha
  • Actual Tons Remediated

    0 t
  • Closed
