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  • Contaminant Type: Other inorganics
  • Province/Territory: Nova Scotia
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Status Fiscal Year Classification Highest Step Completed
West Chezzetcook (6401) - Control Tower
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Disposed - Ahern Avenue (302) - Building 3
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2011-2012 N Not a Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Shearwater Aircraft Burn Area (Site 252)
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Shearwater Sea King Crash Site (Site 248)
Historical review planned. 2023-2024   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Roads and Grounds Storage Yard
Historical review planned. 2023-2024   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Disposed - Digby (9101) - Victoria Beach
Historical review completed. No further action required. 1999-2000 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
CFS Mill Cove (2701) - Antenna Field
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2000-2001 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Aldershot Landfill/Former Incinerator
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Former Photo Lab (B95) - Aldershot
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2013-2014 N Not a Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Active 100m Range - Aldershot
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2006-2007 2 Medium Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Meadowview Landfill - Aldershot
Long term monitoring completed. No further action required. 2017-2018 N Not a Priority for Action 10 Long-Term Monitoring (Optional)
Former Building 37 Aldershot
Detailed testing completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Newport Corner (3110) - Sewage Treatment Plant (package)
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Newport Corner (3111) - Retaining Wall in Stream
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2000-2001 N Not a Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Bedford Rifle Range (712) - Latrines
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2002-2003   03 Initial Testing Program
CFAD Bedford (801) - Ridge Landfill
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFAD Bedford (803) - Former Landfill (West of B162)
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFAD Bedford (810) - Otto Fuelling & Defuelling B48
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFAD Bedford (829) - Camera Hut (BD44)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Wrights Cove (8603) - Two suspected dump areas
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2018-2019 N Not a Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFAD Bedford (831) - Open well NE of B146
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
CFAD Bedford (832), Asbestos pipe on access road B79/107/109
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Wrights Cove (8602) - CN Rail Tracks/Building
Remediation / risk management completed. Confirmatory sampling underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Disposed:Bedford Degauss Rnge(7701),Naval Reserve Tufts Cove
Historical review completed. No further action required. 1999-2000 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Hartlen Point (5548) - Possible Former Dump
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Hartlen Point (5556) - Former Burn Pit
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Osborne Head (5666) - Potential Landfill
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 1999-2000 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
CFB Shearwater (204A) - Former Mobile Asphalt Plant
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2019-2020 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
CFB Shearwater (208) - Former Maintenance Hangar
Long term monitoring completed. No further action required. 2019-2020 1 High Priority for Action 10 Long-Term Monitoring (Optional)
Shearwater (210) - Fire Fighting Training Area
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFB Shearwater (211) - Landfill 1
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFB Shearwater (212) - Landfill 2
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFB Shearwater (213) - Landfill 3
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
CFB Shearwater (214) - Landfill 4
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Shearwater (217) - Engine Run Up Area (DIPM Site)
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Shearwater (220) - Fill Area South of Hangar H
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Shearwater (243), Buried Lines Connect. Fmr Fuel Tank Farm
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Melville Island (5913) - Causeway
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2000-2001 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Dockyard (1011) - Inflammable Stores (D57)
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Stadacona (3701) - Heating Plant (S11)
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2019-2020 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Stadacona (7601) - Queens Printer Bulding S93 EPRINTIT
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Stadacona (7602) - Queens Printer Bldg S93 Trident Offices
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Stadacona (7603) - Queens Printer Bldf S93 Tattoo Off./Stge
Historical review completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Windsor Park (4504) - Military Police (WP92)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2000-2001   03 Initial Testing Program
Windsor Park (4506) - Former Gas Chamber (WP49)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Dockyard Annex (1117) - W53 Garage
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 N Not a Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Dockyard Annex (1118) - W54 Residence
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2009-2010 N Not a Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Shannon Park (3406) - Skating Rink (B20)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
DCD School (907) - Fire Fighting Training Area
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
DCD School (908) - Contaminated Spoil Fill Area
Remediation / risk management completed. Confirmatory sampling underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
DCD School (909) - Creek, Lagoon and Beach
Confirmatory sampling completed. No further action required. 2019-2020 1 High Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Air Canada & Air Canada Cargo (Bennery Brook)
Remediation / risk management completed. No further action required. 2011-2012 2 Medium Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Back 40 / Groundside Slate Disposal (BKF)
Detailed testing completed. No further action required. 2014-2015 3 Low Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Masstown (2502) - Antenna Field
Historical review completed. No further action required. 1999-2000 N Not a Priority for Action 02 Historical Review
Debert Rifle Range
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
Pictou Armoury (3202) - Old POL Storage Shed (B2)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2000-2001 N Not a Priority for Action 03 Initial Testing Program
New Glasgow Armoury (2901) - Armoury Buidling
Confirmatory sampling completed. Long term monitoring underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 09 Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Glace Bay Armoury (1803) - South Fence (Naphtha)
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2001-2002   03 Initial Testing Program
Princess Site - Edwards Pond
Remediation / risk management completed. Confirmatory sampling underway. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy