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  • Census Agglomeration Area: Gander
  • Classification: Sites Not Yet Classified
  • Media Type: Soil
  • Media Type: Soil
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Sites Found:5
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Status Fiscal Year Classification Highest Step Completed
Former USAF POL Underground Storage Tanks Site
Historical review not required. 2000-2001   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Former USAF POL Underground Storage
Historical review not required. 2000-2001   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Hanger 21 & 22 Abandoned USTs & ASTs
Historical review not required. 2000-2001   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Former Rail Siding Fuel Pipelines
Historical review not required. 2000-2001   01 Identify Suspect Sites
Old Navy Site - Shooting Range
Initial testing completed. No further action required. 2009-2010   03 Initial Testing Program