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  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Contaminant/Media Pair: Metal, metalloid, and organometallic / Soil
  • Reporting Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
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Sites Found:5
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Contaminant Type Media Type Estimated Contamination Amount
Depot Area O
  • Metal
  • metalloid
  • and organometallic
  • Soil
Cubic Meters: 630

Depot Grounds
  • Metal
  • metalloid
  • and organometallic
  • Soil
Hectares: 1.28

Sanikiluaq RCMP Detachment Site
  • Metal
  • metalloid
  • and organometallic
  • PHCs (petroleum hydrocarbons)
  • Soil
Cubic Meters: 210

Cardston RCMP Detachment Site
  • Metal
  • metalloid
  • and organometallic
  • Groundwater
  • Soil
Cubic Meters: 75

Rae-Edzo RCMP Detachment Site
  • BTEXs (benzene
  • toluene
  • ethylbenzene
  • and xylene)
  • Metal
  • metalloid
  • and organometallic
  • PHCs (petroleum hydrocarbons)
  • Soil
  • Surface soil
Cubic Meters: 800