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  • Located in a Census Agglomeration Area
  • Contaminant Type: Other inorganics
  • Contaminant Type: PHCs (petroleum hydrocarbons)
  • Province/Territory: British Columbia
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Sites Found:4
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Municipality & Province,
or Country
Reporting Organization
688 - Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc - 07173 - KAMLOOPS NO. 1 - 7000128498
Kamloops 1, BC ISC
688 - Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc - 07173 - KAMLOOPS 1 - 7000070696
Kamloops 1, BC ISC
715 - Lhtako Dene Nation - 08270 - QUESNEL 1 - 7000018694
Quesnel 1, BC ISC
Pacific Biological Station - Current Fuel Storage
Nanaimo, BC DFO