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  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Reporting Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Reason for Federal Involvement: Federal Real Property
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FCSI Identifier
Site Name
Status Fiscal Year Classification Highest Step Completed
00001035 Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Island Lake RCMP Detachment Site
Remediation / risk management completed. Confirmatory sampling underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Lutselk'e RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Tuktoyaktuk RCMP Detachment Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Tulita (Fort Norman) RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Fort McPherson RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Holman Island RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Aklavik RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Fort Simpson RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Rae-Edzo RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Sachs Harbour RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Iqaluit RCMP Air Services Hangar Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Ferryland RCMP
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Hatchet Lake RCMP Detachment Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Virden RCMP Detachment Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Carman RCMP Detachment Site
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
The Pas RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Gods Lake Narrows RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
00022385 Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Thompson RCMP Air Services Hangar Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Esterhazy RCMP Detachment Site
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Lumsden RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Prince Albert RCMP Air Services Hangar Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 1 High Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Indian Head RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Carlyle RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Cardston RCMP Detachment Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 N Not a Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Lac Brochet RCMP Patrol Cabin Site
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Pikwitonei RCMP Patrol Cabin Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
00022670 Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Moose Lake RCMP Detachment Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Ucluelet Detachment
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Arviat RCMP
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Kugluktuk RCMP Detachment Site
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Sanikiluaq RCMP Detachment Site
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 07 Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Depot Grounds
Remediation / risk management completed. Confirmatory sampling underway. 2023-2024 3 Low Priority for Action 08 Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Depot Area O
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 04 Pre-Classify contaminated site using the CCME National Classification System (optional)
Igloolik RCMP Detachment
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development. 2023-2024 2 Medium Priority for Action 06 Classify the site using the CCME National Classification System
Gameti RCMP Patrol Cabin Site
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program
Wells RCMP Detachment
Initial testing completed. Detailed testing underway. 2023-2024   03 Initial Testing Program