Site Status

Search Results Summary
  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Contaminant Type: BTEXs (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene)
  • Reporting Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
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Sites Found:4

The tables below shows the number of Federal Contaminated Sites which are in one of the following status groups: Suspected, Active, or Closed. Each group has one or more phases with corresponding messages describing the status of sites.

Click on a site count below to search sites with the corresponding status.


Assessment PhaseSites
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway.2
Classification completed. Remedial action plan under development.1
Remediation/Risk Management PhaseSites
Remedial action plan completed. Remediation / risk management underway.1
The following are the definitions for the three site status types for contaminated sites:
Further assessment work is required to confirm whether the site is considered a "contaminated site."
Active sites are confirmed contaminated sites where remedial action is or may be required.
No further action is required.