Site Status

Search Results Summary
  • Limited to Active Sites
  • Contaminant/Media Pair: BTEXs (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) / Soil
  • Reporting Organization: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Federal Electoral District: Churchill--Keewatinook Aski
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Sites Found:2

The tables below shows the number of Federal Contaminated Sites which are in one of the following status groups: Suspected, Active, or Closed. Each group has one or more phases with corresponding messages describing the status of sites.

Click on a site count below to search sites with the corresponding status.


Assessment PhaseSites
Preliminary classification completed. Detailed testing underway.2
The following are the definitions for the three site status types for contaminated sites:
Further assessment work is required to confirm whether the site is considered a "contaminated site."
Active sites are confirmed contaminated sites where remedial action is or may be required.
No further action is required.