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Appendix C1 - Benchmark Index by Function - Representing Canada's Interests Abroad

Executive Group Benchmark - Number: 5-C-1

Position Title: Program Manager, Immigration

General Accountability

Is accountable for developing and implementing operational policies, plans, guidelines, standards, processes and procedures for cost-effective management of the delivery of the Department's immigration and visitor programs and services for the assigned geographical region; and providing input to the development and support of strategies and approaches to advance the position of the federal government with respect to social policy and immigrant and refugee issues.

Organization Structure

This is one of the senior positions reporting to the Head of Mission. The others include Program Manager, Political and Economic; Program Manager, Commercial; Program Manager, Consular/Administration; Program Manager, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Attaché.

Specific functions of the positions reporting to the Program Manager, Immigration, are as follows:

Manager, Immigration Operations,(staff of 15) is responsible for planning, developing and coordinating the implementation and monitoring of operational policies for the delivery of immigration services for the geographical area; and directing the development, maintenance and enhancement of automated and manual information management systems.

Manager, Visitor Operations, (staff of 11) is responsible for planning, developing and coordinating the implementation and monitoring of operational policies for the delivery of the visitor visa program, including workers, students, tourists and returning residents, for the geographical area; managing program accounting operations, including management of revenue collected in cost recovery and right of landing fees; and managing reception and registry operations.

Immigration Control Officer is responsible for developing and maintaining productive working relationships with airline companies operating in the geographical region; developing, promoting and providing training programs for airlines and local immigration personnel with respect to the identification of fraudulent documentation and denying access to Canada to inadmissible persons; managing relations with maritime shipping companies in order to develop strategies and processes to prevent the transport of improperly documented passengers to Canadian shores; and reporting on activities in the control policy area with respect to the assigned geographical area.

Nature And Scope

The Department is the focal point for the government's priorities and agenda with regard to a broad range of issues related to socio-economic concerns and interests in the field of migration and citizenship. Its mandate covers the development of legislation, policies and regulations targeted at selecting and resettling immigrants and refugees, controlling movements of people into Canada and managing policies and programs related to citizenship in response to immigration levels established to reflect national economic, social and humanitarian objectives and international obligations.

In this context, the Program Manager is responsible for coordinating, among the missions and satellite offices in the assigned geographical area, the cost-effective delivery of the Department's immigration and visitor programs and services. The incumbent directs the development and implementation within the area of operational policies, strategies, processes and procedures, reflecting the priorities of the federal government as well as the letter and intent of the legislative and regulatory framework for the selection of immigrants and management of visitor programs. The incumbent must ensure, in cooperation with other Program Managers and Heads of Mission in the area, that each point of service delivery is given adequate attention.

The Program Manager directs the development of service standards and comprehensive schedules to ensure that requests are processed expeditiously in the mission and that the other countries within the area of responsibility are provided with an acceptable level of service. The incumbent must schedule regular visits by immigration officers to conduct interviews, inform staff at missions in these countries on developments in the immigration and visitor fields and develop alliances with the officers in these posts, as well as with officials in these countries.

The Program Manager examines and reviews all business processes related to the selection and control of immigrants and visitors with a view to increasing the effectiveness of resources allocated to these activities. The incumbent develops approaches and tools to assess the effectiveness of operational policies and procedures in supporting the delivery of the program's activities. He or she directs the analysis of the results of these reviews and develops and coordinates the implementation of corrective actions required to address the deficiencies identified. The incumbent is required to regularly recalibrate operational policies, procedures and systems to ensure that the visa office can carry out its responsibilities effectively and efficiently and in a manner that is responsive to constantly changing international and domestic circumstances.

As the senior immigration official in the area, the Program Manager is called upon to provide advice on the application of immigration policies and processes, not only to immigration officials in the office, but also to Heads of Mission and Canadian representatives in locations that do not have a resident immigration official. While each visa officer is authorized under the Immigration Act to make the final decision on most immigration applications, the incumbent provides definitive advice to supervisors and officers regarding the disposition of particularly complex and sensitive cases. The incumbent has delegated ministerial authority to approve cases on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Acting on behalf of the Minister, he or she may be subject to probing questions by the media and interest groups regarding his or her decisions.

The Program Manager develops the position of the geographical region with respect to control and enforcement activities. He or she must exercise this responsibility in an environment characterized by high levels of fraud, false documentation and deplorable socio-economic conditions for the average citizen. Much of the cost recovery is done in countries with underdeveloped banking systems, which lends itself to the temptation for theft and possible malfeasance among persons within and outside the mission. These concerns are not restricted to the cash and cost-recovery systems. Control documents, such as visas and seals, are extremely valuable on the black market. The incumbent must have effective systems in place to deter any attempts of malfeasance. The lack of reliable public services, a high crime rate, high inflation and inadequate health care all combine to encourage emigration. This requires the incumbent to establish and maintain productive working relationships with on-site representatives of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the RCMP, as well as with Immigration Program Managers in other missions, to ensure a successful interdiction program. He or she directs all interdiction activities with airline staff and airport and immigration officials on improperly documented airline passengers. Special procedures are necessary to guarantee the integrity of police certificates, birth certificates and other official documents requested by the visa office. He or she must keep current on immigrant movements worldwide and related processing difficulties, as applications are received and accepted at all missions from anywhere in the world. The surreptitious entry of prohibited groups of individuals usually associated with drugs, violence and other criminal behaviour can affect bilateral relations between Canada and other countries.

The Program Manager reports on the full range of immigration-related issues, demographics, social issues, trends and developments of interest to Canada. Examples include farm workers' movements and general immigration into Canada, as well as refugee and irregular movements. He or she is involved in promotion and recruitment activities aimed at attracting prospective applicants with the required education level to fill shortages in Canada. Members of Parliament and other politicians approach the Head of Mission and the Program Manager frequently on the most serious and most mundane issues. Routine changes in Canadian immigration procedures are often prominently featured in the local media.

The Program Manager is called upon to provide effective coordination and leadership in managing the immigration program within the context of the mission's management practices. In this capacity, the incumbent prepares the budgets and ensures the integrity of all financial operations, including cost recovery for the immigration program. He or she manages human resource activities for the immigration program for both Canada-based and locally engaged staff.

The incumbent is also in frequent contact with officials of the other programs in the mission and in other missions in the region to discuss and resolve problems and develop common strategies and initiatives to promote Canada in the area. He or she establishes and maintains a network of strategic contacts with the host government, international organizations and agencies to advocate and maximize Canadian influence on policies and programs regarding social issues, immigration and refugees of importance to Canada. This involves participation in discussions in both informal and formal settings. The incumbent must ensure that a consistent message is expressed to local contacts and at international conferences, symposia and working groups, etc. The incumbent has frequent contacts with representatives of airlines and airports to discuss interdiction and enforcement issues and with officials of foreign governments and international organizations to discuss social policy and immigration matters of mutual interest.

Dimensions (Constant Dollars)
FTEs: 28 (+ 5 area staff)
Operating budgets (including area budgets): $330,000
Cost-recovery revenues: $350,000

Specific Accountabilities

  1. Directs the development and implementation of cost-effective operational policies, guidelines, procedures and processes to ensure that the Department's programs and services in the host country and the assigned geographical area are delivered in a manner that is consistent with government priorities and the intent and letter of the Immigration Act and Regulations, including medical, security and criminal screening.
  2. Ensures the integrity of the application of the Immigration Act through effective management of visa officials and judicious exercise of delegated ministerial authorities.
  3. Develops strategies and initiatives to establish and maintain productive working relationships with the staff of other programs in the mission and in other missions, as well as with the staff of foreign governments and international organizations in the area, to advance Canadian interests regarding social policy and immigration and refugee issues.
  4. Manages relations with the host country and other countries in the area to ensure that developments and trends on social policy issues are identified and that analyses and reports are prepared to inform headquarters organizations and other government departments.
  5. Directs the development and implementation of strategies and initiatives to ensure productive working relationships with officials of airlines, airports, maritime transportation companies and government departments to advance Canadian interests and prevent the passage of improperly documented travellers.
  6. Ensures the integrity of the program's cost-recovery operations in the mission, including the development and implementation of appropriate operational policies, processes and procedures for the collection, safe-keeping, accounting and banking of all fees collected and all control documents by the immigration program at the mission.
  7. Develops and implements strategies and initiatives to attract priority immigrants, such as skilled independent workers or business applicants.
  8. Manages human resources for the Canada-based and locally engaged staff assigned to and hired by the visa offices, and ensures that the operational interests and concerns of the program are included in the management of the mission.

Evaluation Rationale

Program Manager, Immigration


Extensive knowledge of immigration legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and precedents; thorough knowledge of post and program management abroad, both in general and specific to the mission in the host country and to the particular problems in the assigned geographical area; and extensive experience in dealing with officials of foreign missions and governments, as well as international organizations.
Operational and conceptual management of the immigration and visitor programs and activities in the host country and the assigned geographical area.
Successful achievement of objectives requires establishing and maintaining working networks with a variety of Canadian and foreign officials, advocacy groups and stakeholders, and representing Canada's positions, policies and interests.
Mid-range number reflects the degree of managerial and specialized knowledge and expertise required to manage the diverse activities involved in the examination and processing of program-related applications; the development, tailoring and establishment of fraudulent behaviour-control and enforcement mechanisms; the analysis of and reporting on immigration-related social and demographic issues, trends and developments; and the management of cost-recovery operations related to immigration and visitor operations in a dispersed geographical area characterized by fluctuating socio-economic and political conditions.

Problem Solving / Thinking

Thinking is done within broadly defined objectives in the management of immigration and visitor programs and activities in a foreign geographical area.
Requires evaluative and analytical thinking to develop and implement strategies and procedures adapted to the characteristics of the geographical environment.
(50) 264
Solid percentage is consistent with the degree of thinking required to manage a complex program to meet government socio-economic interests in a foreign jurisdiction.

Accountability / Decision Making

Reporting to the Head of Mission, acts as the senior immigration official in the geographical area and exercises an extended degree of decision making that is subject only to general policy guidelines from the home department.
The position has a primary impact on program activities. The proxy selected to represent these activities is an operating budget of $330,000 (constant).
Mid-range number reflects the size of the budget and the degree of latitude in representing the Department, managing and providing guidance in the resolution of individual cases and exercising ministerial authority to approve cases on humanitarian or compassionate grounds.


FIII3 528
F4(50) 264
F2P 304
Total = 1096 A1
Program Manager, Immigration - Number: 5 - C - 1
Figure: 5 – C – 1 - Text version

Benchmark Number: 5 – C – 1

Program Manager, Immigration

The subject position is at the second managerial level reporting to the Head of Mission, and there are 5 peer positions at the same reporting level.

Reporting to the Program Manager, Immigration are 2 Managers and 1 Control Officer.

Linear organisation chart:

Head of Mission

  • Program Manager, Political and Economic
  • Program Manager, Commercial
  • Program Manager, Consular/Administration
  • Program Manager, CIDA
  • RCMP Attaché
  • Program Manager, Immigration
    • 2 Managers for :
      • Immigration Operations
      • Visitor Operations
    • Immigration Control Officer

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