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Appendix C1 - Benchmark Index by Function - Public Service Direction and Services

Executive Group Benchmark - Number: 8-H-1

Position Title: Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel and Special Projects

General Accountability

Is accountable for providing leadership as the government authority on Public Service management issues related to human resources management priorities and initiatives; and managing and terminating Governor-in-Council (GiC) and Deputy Minister (DM) appointments across the Public Service.

Organization Structure

This is one of four positions reporting at the second managerial level to the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet. The others are Visiting Assistant Deputy Minister; and Special Advisor, Management Priorities.

Specific functions of the four positions reporting directly to the Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel and Special Projects, are as follows:

Director, Human Resources Management Policies and Priorities, (staff of 8) is responsible for managing a centre of policy expertise engaged in developing, promoting and advancing strategic advice and guidance for identifying and addressing corporate issues related to the sustainable renewal of human resources in the Public Service; and providing support to the Clerk of the Privy Council-the Head of the Public Service-in promoting and advancing the government's agenda for Public Service reform and in developing strategies and initiatives to address priority issues related to Public Service renewal.

Director, Talent Development and Human Resources Planning, (staff of 4) is responsible for providing professional advice and assistance to the Assistant Secretary in the management of a centre for assisting the DM community in addressing career management issues; developing policies and processes to enhance the leadership and performance management of the senior executive cadre (EX-4 and EX-5 levels); researching and analysing trends and developments in the management of senior level human resources; and providing secretariat services for the Committee of Senior Officials (COSO).

Director, Appointments, Recruitment and Succession Planning, (staff of 7) is responsible for the development and implementation of operational policies, processes and systems for recruiting and appointing GiC and DM appointees; developing and implementing innovative approaches to the recruitment of talent from the private sector; providing advice on the appropriate terms and conditions of GiC appointments; managing a comprehensive program on conflict of interest, and values and ethics for senior personnel; and providing support to the Prime Minister's Office in the management of the GiC selection and appointment process.

Director, Compensation Policies and Programs, (staff of 4) is responsible for the development and implementation of operational policies, programs and systems for the GiC, as well as terms and conditions of appointment, and compensation and benefits programs; and maintains an effective working relationship with the Prime Minister's Office.

Nature And Scope

The Privy Council Office is primarily responsible for providing information, advice and services to the Prime Minister in relation to the Prime Minister's responsibilities as Head of the Government and the Federation. Functioning as the interface between Ministers and the permanent administrative structure of government, the Office ensures that the government's priorities and objectives are transmitted for implementation and administration and provides Secretariat services, support for decision-making processes, and policy advice to the Cabinet and to the Chairs of Cabinet committees.

The Assistant Secretary is responsible for formulating and advancing the human resources management agenda for the Public Service and for initiating policy development and implementation strategies covering corporate senior human resources management.

The Assistant Secretary provides professional and managerial advice and policy leadership related to the senior appointment system, succession planning, leadership development, performance management, compensation and benefits, and conflict of interest matters for senior officials, such as Associate Deputy Ministers, Deputy Ministers and GiC appointees.

Within this mandate, the Assistant Secretary is responsible for monitoring and reporting on various aspects of the renewal agenda, including concepts and approaches required for supporting various initiatives under the umbrella of Results for Canadians, including modernization of the comptrollership function, portfolio management and DM accountability.

The incumbent is also accountable for monitoring government-wide corporate support and the impact of human resources modernization plans and initiatives on recruitment, staffing, classification, labour relations, collective bargaining, pay and benefits, values and ethics, and employment equity matters impacting the workforce of the future and the government's ability to attract and retain a skilled workforce.

The Assistant Secretary directs the management of the classification, annual performance and salary review, and compensation process for the GiC community; DMs; chairs and chief executives of Crown corporations; and heads of agencies, boards and commissions. The incumbent is responsible for directing the GiC appointment process, including interviews, selection and appointment recommendations to the Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet. The incumbent is also responsible for directing the high-flyer review undertaken by COSO, and integrating these results into the senior officer succession management process. The incumbent works closely with the Public Service Commission and with Foreign Affairs Canada to identify key positions in the Public Service or with international organizations (the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Bank) to ensure the placement of highly qualified Canadians.

The Assistant Secretary is responsible for supporting the work of the Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation as it applies to the GiC community. This includes preparation of research, briefings and recommended courses of action for the Committee Chair. A key challenge is to remain aware of current national and international trends in executive compensation in both the private and public sectors in order to analyse and make recommendations on Treasury Board Secretariat and other compensation data submitted to the Advisory Committee.

One of the key challenges is to provide advice to the Clerk and Prime Minister as to appropriate individuals to fill the highest government positions as well as advice on appropriate compensation, benefits and relevant career and succession management matters. In meeting this challenge, the Assistant Secretary provides advice to the Prime Minister and the Chair of the COSO, who is the Clerk of the Privy Council, on managing meetings and resolving potential conflicts, based on the knowledge of the differing opinions of key stakeholders.

In carrying out these duties, the incumbent has contact with a broad range of senior officials in the federal government, including the Secretary of the Treasury Board, the DM of Justice, other DMs and the Heads of Crown corporations, agencies and government boards, such as the Public Service Commission, the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency and the Canada School of Public Service, as well as in private consulting firms, on issues affecting the general direction of human resources management reform initiatives, and senior appointments and compensation

Dimensions (Constant Dollars)
FTEs: 28
Operating budget: $335,000

Policy advice for human resources management policy affecting the federal Public Service represented by the Public Service payroll of $1.3 billion.

Specific Accountabilities

  1. Provides leadership in identifying critical public administration management issues and develops options for resolving them by recommending courses of action or negotiating approaches to ensure the most effective solutions to broad management issues.
  2. Directs the development of major policy initiatives and proposals, briefing materials and recommendations for the consideration of the Clerk of the Privy Council or the Prime Minister to ensure that the government's priority of improving corporate human resources management policies and practices maintains its momentum across the Public Service.
  3. Leads the planning, development and implementation of human resources management policies, practices and strategies. This involves the recruitment and appointment, career management, performance assessment, compensation and termination processes for the GiC population to ensure the proper appointment process and the effective career management of the most senior leaders in government.
  4. Provides advice and recommendations to the Clerk, the COSO and the Prime Minister to facilitate the appointment and compensation of senior officials.
  5. Assists in the coordination of the operations of the Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation with a view to providing the Committee with the best advice on compensation data and practices that affect the compensation of the GiC population.
  6. Manages the Branch by establishing managerial objectives, targets and standards of performance, as well as staff development requirements.

Evaluation Rationale

Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel and Special Projects


Mastery of concepts, theories, techniques and practices in the field of human resources management; in-depth knowledge of all aspects of Public Service operations, including the roles and interrelationships of departments, Crown agencies, boards and commissions, with particular emphasis on knowledge of organizational structures, departmental responsibilities and specific mandates; and in-depth professional knowledge of senior management competencies, selection practices, performance evaluation processes, and compensation and benefits practices in the public, quasi-public and private sectors.
Coordination of policy formulation and advice on a range of related human resources management programs and issues impacting the GiC population and the Public Service as a whole.
Successful achievement of objectives requires developing effective interpersonal relationships in dealings with peers and superiors by presenting advice, and leading and participating in discussions with senior officials up to the Prime Minister level.
Highest number indicates the tendency toward a broad managerial know-how in integrating and managing policy issues and operational programs affecting the government's broad management agenda.

Problem Solving / Thinking

Thinking is done within the government's broad policy and program agenda to articulate long-term human resources management issues across the Public Service.
Analytical, constructive thinking is needed to provide advice and formulate recommendations on a wide variety of complex and significant matters, such as recommendations on new government human resources management practices and policies.
(57) 460
Higher percentage reflects a tendency toward creative thinking requiring the application of more imaginative approaches, usually under some pressure, in the formulation of government human resources management policy and in successfully promoting new human resources corporate management practices.

Accountability / Decision Making

Reporting to the Deputy Secretary at the second level, is subject to only general direction in formulating recommendations and providing advice on human resources management practices and for decisions impacting the appointment, compensation and career management of the GiC community.
Position has a contributory impact on the provision of human resources management advice and services government-wide. The proxy selected to represent these operations is the payroll for the core Public Service of $1.3 billion (constant).
Highest number reflects the strong freedom to act, the position's impact on corporate policy and on the selection and professional development of the DM and GiC appointee community, as well as the position's advisory role on the direction of human resources management practices in the Public Service.


GIII3 800
F4(57) 460
F6C 608
Total = 1868 A2
Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel And Special Projects - Number: 8 - H - 1
Figure: 8 – H – 1 - Text version

Benchmark Number: 8 – H – 1

Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel And Special Projects

The subject position is at the second managerial level reporting to the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, and there are 2 peer positions at the same reporting level.

Reporting to the Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel and Special Projects are 4 Directors.

Linear organisation chart:

Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet

  • Visiting Assistant Deputy Minister
  • Special Advisor, Management Priorities
  • Assistant Secretary, Senior Personnel and Special Projects
    • 4 Directors for:
      • Human Resources Management Policies and Priorities
      • Talent Development and Human Resources Planning
      • Appointments, Recruitment and Succession Planning
      • Compensation Policies and Programs

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