Archived [2020-04-01] - Workplace Fitness Program Policy

Allows departments and agencies to sponsor and establish workplace fitness programs when there is significant employee interest, and where a reasonable cost option has been determined to the satisfaction of the deputy head.
Date modified: 2010-10-04

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Policy objective

To allow departments to establish workplace fitness programs.

Policy statement

Where there is significant employee interest and a reasonable cost option has been determined to the satisfaction of the deputy head, departments may sponsor work place fitness programs.


This policy applies to voluntary fitness programs in departments and agencies listed under Schedule I, Part I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act.

Policy requirements

Departments electing to sponsor work place fitness programs must:

  • accept responsibility for the payment of all costs of the fitness program, including fit-up, operating and maintenance costs for the facilities associated with the program. In addition, departments that do not pay rent for their accommodation must pay to the custodian department providing their accommodation, the market value of the space dedicated to the fitness program. One time costs, and ongoing costs related to the space shall be paid directly to the custodian department in the first year. For the following years, an amount equivalent to the annual market value of the space utilized, including any associated operating costs, must be transferred to the custodian department through the MYOP process;
  • ensure that user fees cover, or recover, incremental operating costs (e.g. special maintenance and security, exercise equipment, insurance, instructor training, staff salaries, etc.) where these are significant;
  • ensure that work to set up facilities is authorized by custodian departments and any lease arrangement with third parties for space is made with custodian departments;
  • ensure that these programs meet reasonable safety guidelines (e.g. health history screening, consent forms indicating that participants accept the normal risks inherent in and incidental to fitness activities, competent instructors, the availability of first aid); and
  • ensure that commercial contractors, if any, have adequate liability insurance.


Treasury Board Secretariat will periodically review the extent to which departments are respecting the requirements of this policy.


Risk Management policy
Policy on Indemnification of servants of the Crown
Volunteers policy
Claims policy


Enquiries about this policy should be directed to the responsible officers in departmental headquarters who, in turn, may seek interpretation from:

On general policy issues

Safety, Health, Employee Benefits and Services Group
Human Resources Management Division
Human Resources Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat

On real property issues

Real Property Management
Comptrollership Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat

On financial issues

Expenditure & Management Strategies Sector
Treasury Board Secretariat

On risk management issues

Risk Procurement and Asset Management Policy Sector
Comptrollership Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2017,
ISBN: 978-0-660-20441-3

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