Rescinded - TBITS 06.11: Naming and Addressing for Government Handling Applications - Implementation Criteria

Provides the minimum requirements associated with naming and addressing in Government Handling Applications.
Date modified: 2000-08-25

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1. Reference

1.1 Name

  • Canadian Open Systems Application Criteria (COSAC) B MHS Naming and Addressing for Government Message Handling Applications

1.2 Identifier

  • TBITS-6.11

1.3 Category

  • Standard

1.4 Effective date

  • September 1994

1.5 Approving authority

  • Treasury Board of Canada (TB)

1.6 Maintenance agency

  • Information Technology Management
  • Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS)

1.7 Cross index

  • Federal Government OSI policy (TB 820162 May 1993)
  • TBITS-1, Open systems interconnection B Basic reference model
  • TBITS-6.1, Canadian open systems application criteria  Overview
    (See also Appendix G)

2. Purpose

The purpose of the COSAC suite of TBITS publications is to provide guidance and assistance to departments in complying with the OSI policy and in migrating their systems to OSI-conforming systems.

This profile comprises guidelines for MHS naming and addressing in the government and recommends a government-wide process for the registration of MHS names. The establishment of government-wide MHS naming and addressing conventions is a prerequisite to wide interoperability of departmental messaging systems.

The profile meets the following requirements:

Compatibility with X.400 (1984) naming conventions currently used by departments;

Suitability for future departmental and interdepartmental naming requirements;

Support for bilingual names;

Support for other applications such as Electronic Data Interchange and Interlibrary Loan and directory services.

3. Application

This profile provides information and direction relating to naming and addressing conventions for government MHS applications. It defines the standards and parameters to be used by departments and agencies of the federal government when developing or procuring MHS systems or when considering other systems that have naming and addressing requirements.

4. Specifications


5. Qualifications


6. Implementation


7. Government standards working group

Treasury Board OSI Implementation Committee Ad Hoc Working Group on MHS Naming and Addressing

Victor Grebler (Chairperson) PWGSC
Tim Rumball (Secretary) PWGSC
Linda Bloskie IC
Brian Bruce HRDC
Joël Comeau TC
Francine Côté F&O
Lucie Côté TBS
David Clemis IC
John Curley NRC
Sharron Curley PWGSC
Eric Després PWGSC
Ted Farant PWGSC
Maj. Douglas Fawcett ND
Kalman Fejes PWGSC
Ken Foran F&O
Roslyn Gill RC
Angele Gosselin PWGSC
Capt. Louis Gravel ND
Jocelyn Guay NRC
Michael Harrop TBS
Geoff Hawes RC

Cooper Hum HRD
Mike Jager PWGSC
Pauline Johns Jus
Maj. Michel Kahn ND
Noel Lachance CSE
Kent Lancaster PWGSC
Gerry Lathrope PCO
Johanne Lepine CCG
Dan MacDonald IC
Livio Merlo AECB
Luc Ouimet NRCan
Catherine Postma PWGSC
Frédéric Ranger CRTC
Pierre Rivard ND
Renu Sabharwal HC
Raoul Sodhi FAIT
Ihor Stus RCMP
Leigh Swain NLC
Craig Taylor CCG
Robyn Thompson NRC
John Whelan INAC

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2017,
ISBN: 978-0-660-20406-2

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