Archived [2022-05-04] - Directive on Service and Digital - Appendix I: Interim Standard on Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

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Appendix I. Interim Standard on Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

I.1 Effective Date

  • I.1.1This standard takes effect on December 6, 2021.
  • I.1.2This standard replaces the following Treasury Board policy instrument:
    • Standard on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (2012-05-01)
  • I.1.3This standard provides details on the requirements set out in section of the Policy on Service and Digital and section of the Directive on Service and Digital.
  • I.1.4This standard must be read in conjunction with the Policy on Financial Management, the Policy on People Management, and the Policy on the Planning and Management of Investments.

I.2 Standards

  • I.2.1ERP solutions will have a user experience that includes end-to-end business processes supporting back-office functions.
  • I.2.2ERP solutions enabling common business practices and requirements will be offered in clusters to organizations when appropriate and possible.
  • I.2.3ERP solutions will be vertically integrated and horizontally interoperable, across the enterprise, to the extent possible.
  • I.2.4Institutions must select from a set of pre-approved ERP solutions, that will be developed and maintained by the CIO of Canada, Comptroller General (GC), and the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), in consultation with institutions and users, to ensure the solution meets their respective needs.
  • I.2.5ERP solutions will have limited customization. Requests for exceptions and customizations must be presented to the Government of Canada Enterprise Architecture Review Board and supported by the business owner prior to seeking approval from the CIO of Canada.

I.3 Responsibilities

  • I.3.1In consultation with key stakeholders, the Office of the Comptroller General is responsible for oversight of enterprise resource planning solutions in the areas of institutional finance; procurement; real property; asset and materiel management; grants and contributions; portfolio, investment, and project management; budgeting, forecasting, and planning; and treasury and banking; as well as the corresponding business capabilities, information, and data models.
  • I.3.2In consultation with key stakeholders, the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for oversight of enterprise resource planning solutions in the areas of institutional people management, as well as the corresponding business capabilities, information, and data models.

© His Majesty the King in right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2017,
ISBN: 978-0-660-20357-7