Directive on Security Screening

Ensures that security screening in the Government of Canada is conducted in a way that is effective, rigorous, consistent and fair, and enables greater transferability of security screening between departments.
Date modified: 2025-01-07

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Appendix E: Mandatory Procedures for Resolution of Doubt and Review for Cause

E.1 Effective date

  • E.1.1These procedures take effect on January 6, 2025.

E.2 Procedures

  • E.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsections,, and 4.1.6 of the Directive on Security Screening.
  • E.2.2Mandatory procedures are as follows:
    • E.2.2.1Demonstrate and document that adverse and missing information have been thoroughly addressed; and
    • E.2.2.2Conduct a resolution of doubt or review for cause as expeditiously as possible;

    Resolution of doubt

    • E.2.2.3Initiate a resolution of doubt when unverifiable, missing or adverse information is uncovered during the security screening of an individual;
    • E.2.2.4Provide the individual with a summary of the adverse, missing and unverifiable information in question:
      • E. to disclosure to the individual:
        • E. the investigative body when adverse information is uncovered as a result of:
          1. An RCMP law enforcement records check; or
          2. A CSIS security assessment;
        • E. information that cannot be disclosed:
          1. For reasons of national security;
          2. That could endanger the safety of any person; and
          3. That would be exempt under the Privacy Act sections 18, 19, 20 and 21, and subsections 22(1) to 22(3);
    • E.2.2.5Conduct additional security screening activities:
      • E. resolve doubt when information is available or reported about an individual that may cast doubt on their reliability or loyalty to Canada; and
      • E.
        • E. consent has been obtained; and
        • E. department has the legal authority to do so;
    • E.2.2.6Before a decision is rendered, conduct a resolution-of-doubt interview to provide the individual an opportunity to discuss any matters of concern and to explain the situation; and
    • E.2.2.7Consider information obtained through a resolution of doubt toward the eligibility of an individual to be granted a security status or clearance;

    Review for cause

    • E.2.2.8Initiate a review for cause of the security status or clearance previously granted to an individual when:
      • E. is uncovered or reported about an individual that may call into question their reliability or loyalty to Canada; or
      • E. information reflects:
        • E. questionable judgment or dishonesty; or
        • E. recurring pattern of questionable judgment or dishonesty;
    • E.2.2.9When conducting a review for cause, in accordance with subsection F.2.2.11 of Appendix F: Mandatory Procedures for Security Screening Decisions and Notifications, pending the outcome, consider a decision to suspend:
      • E. security status or clearance; or
      • E. to sensitive information and assets, including IT systems and facilities;
    • E.2.2.10Undertake the review-for-cause process, as an administrative investigation, including an interview of the individual;
    • E.2.2.11When a review for cause is conducted in parallel to a disciplinary process for an employee:
      • E. the processes with distinct decisional authorities; and
      • E. a disciplinary decision in the security file only where it relates to a security concern; and
      • E. with:
        1. Departmental human resources management; and
        2. The Centre for Labour and Employment Law, as required; and
    • E.2.2.12Consider information obtained through a review for cause on the continued eligibility of an individual to retain a security status or clearance.

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