2017 Public Service Employee Annual Survey Results for Public Prosecution Service of Canada by Question 27. What is your first official language?

The results of the 2017 Public Service Employee Annual Survey (PSEAS) are presented according to the numerical order of questions, grouped by section theme as they appeared in the questionnaire. Results are not shown when there is no historical comparison, or when there is an insufficient number of responses.

Note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. Results have been adjusted for non-response to better represent the target population. Therefore, percentages should not be used to determine the number of respondents within a response category.

Survey Themes

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My Workplace

Question 1. My department or agency implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 39 33 12 6 8 3 0 74 14 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 35 39 20 4 0 1 1 76 4 139
2014 First Offical Language - English 40 30 17 4 3 4 1 74 8 510
2014 First Offical Language - French 37 34 16 5 1 7 0 77 7 162

Question 2. Overall, my department or agency treats me with respect.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 38 37 8 10 7 0 0 75 17 479
2017 First Offical Language - French 39 44 7 6 3 0 0 83 9 137
2014 First Offical Language - English 49 32 7 6 7 0 0 81 12 509
2014 First Offical Language - French 48 41 5 3 3 0 0 89 5 162
2011 First Offical Language - English 43 37 10 6 5 0 0 79 11 475
2011 First Offical Language - French 43 42 5 6 3 1 1 86 9 142
2008 First Offical Language - English 40 36 9 8 7 0 0 76 15 417
2008 First Offical Language - French 30 39 12 11 7 1 0 70 18 110

Question 3. I am encouraged to be innovative or to take initiative in my work.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 33 35 10 15 6 0 0 69 22 480
2017 First Offical Language - French 31 42 14 7 6 0 0 73 13 139
2014 First Offical Language - English 30 36 11 13 10 0 0 66 23 507
2014 First Offical Language - French 26 40 18 10 6 0 0 66 16 163

Question 4. I believe I would be supported if I proposed a new idea, even though it might not work.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 23 35 14 17 10 1 0 59 27 480
2017 First Offical Language - French 25 44 15 8 7 1 0 70 16 139

Question 5. I have support at work to balance my work and personal life.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 32 33 11 14 10 0 0 65 24 479
2017 First Offical Language - French 39 41 8 8 3 0 1 80 11 139
2014 First Offical Language - English 37 29 10 14 9 0 0 67 23 510
2014 First Offical Language - French 39 32 14 8 5 1 0 72 13 163
2011 First Offical Language - English 36 37 9 10 7 0 0 74 17 474
2011 First Offical Language - French 43 35 13 3 4 1 1 79 7 143

Question 6. I am satisfied with my department or agency.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 29 35 11 14 11 0 0 64 25 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 35 42 10 10 3 0 0 77 13 139
2014 First Offical Language - English 32 35 12 14 8 0 0 67 22 509
2014 First Offical Language - French 37 33 15 8 7 0 0 70 15 162
2011 First Offical Language - English 29 40 12 13 6 1 0 69 19 475
2011 First Offical Language - French 34 39 14 7 6 1 1 73 12 144
2008 First Offical Language - English 26 41 12 14 8 0 0 67 22 417
2008 First Offical Language - French 25 39 17 14 6 0 1 64 19 109

Question 7. Overall, I like my job.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 41 38 9 8 4 0 0 79 12 480
2017 First Offical Language - French 46 42 9 2 1 1 0 89 2 139
2014 First Offical Language - English 48 35 9 6 3 0 0 83 9 510
2014 First Offical Language - French 44 42 8 3 3 0 0 86 5 163
2011 First Offical Language - English 46 39 9 4 2 0 0 85 6 475
2011 First Offical Language - French 47 42 5 6 0 0 1 89 6 144
2008 First Offical Language - English 48 37 7 6 2 0 0 85 9 417
2008 First Offical Language - French 41 46 5 5 3 0 0 87 7 110
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Workplace Well-Being

Question 8. My immediate supervisor creates an environment where I feel free to discuss with him or her matters that affect my well-being at work.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 46 27 8 10 9 0 0 73 19 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 57 25 10 3 4 0 0 82 8 139

Question 9. My immediate supervisor seems to care about me as a person.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 51 25 9 8 7 1 0 76 15 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 60 26 8 2 3 1 0 87 5 139

Question 10. I would describe my workplace as being psychologically healthy.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 23 31 9 18 18 0 0 55 36 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 30 37 17 11 5 0 0 67 16 139

Question 11. My department or agency does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 18 33 20 16 11 1 0 52 28 481
2017 First Offical Language - French 26 34 24 8 3 5 0 63 12 139

Question 12. Overall, my level of work-related stress is…

Survey year Demographic Very low
Very High
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 2 9 39 29 21 1 0 11 51 477
2017 First Offical Language - French 5 12 42 31 9 0 0 18 40 138

Question 13. After my workday, I feel emotionally drained.

Survey year Demographic Always/ Almost always
Never/ Almost never
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 17 25 43 11 4 0 0 15 42 471
2017 First Offical Language - French 2 29 37 24 7 0 1 31 31 139
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Harassment is normally a series of incidents, but it can be one severe incident that has a lasting impact on the individual.
Harassment is any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and offensive to another individual in the workplace, including at any event or any location related to work, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises objectionable act(s), comment(s) or display(s) that demean, belittle, or cause personal humiliation or embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat. It also includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e., based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, and pardoned conviction or suspended record).

Question 14. Having carefully read the definition of harassment, have you been the victim of harassment on the job in the past two years?

Survey year Demographic Yes
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 27 73 475
2017 First Offical Language - French 16 84 137
2014 First Offical Language - English 21 79 508
2014 First Offical Language - French 15 85 161

Question 15a. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Co-workers

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 64 131
2017 First Offical Language - French 61 21
2014 First Offical Language - English 60 108
2014 First Offical Language - French 66 24

Question 15b. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Individuals with authority over me

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 57 131
2017 First Offical Language - French 63 21
2014 First Offical Language - English 57 108
2014 First Offical Language - French 46 24

Question 15c. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Individuals working for me

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 9 131
2017 First Offical Language - French 0 21
2014 First Offical Language - English 7 108

Question 15d. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Individuals for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees)

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - French 0 21
2014 First Offical Language - English 0 108
2014 First Offical Language - French 0 24

Question 15e. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Individuals from other departments or agencies

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 4 131
2014 First Offical Language - French 0 24

Question 15f. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? Members of the public (individuals or organizations)

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 12 131
2014 First Offical Language - English 7 108
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Discrimination means treating someone differently or unfairly because of a personal characteristic or distinction, which, whether intentional or not, has an effect that imposes disadvantages not imposed on others, or that withholds or limits access that is given to others. There are 11 prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act: race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, and pardoned conviction or suspended record.

Question 16. Having carefully read the definition of discrimination, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past two years?

Survey year Demographic Yes
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 16 84 479
2017 First Offical Language - French 5 95 138
2014 First Offical Language - English 8 92 509
2014 First Offical Language - French 5 95 163

Question 17a. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? Co-workers

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 41 74
2014 First Offical Language - English 35 42

Question 17b. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? Individuals with authority over me

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 77 74
2014 First Offical Language - English 78 42

Question 17e. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? Individuals from other departments or agencies

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 10 74

Question 17f. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? Members of the public (individuals or organizations)

Survey year Demographic  
Total responses
2017 First Offical Language - English 8 74