2019 Public Service Employee Survey Results for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions by Question 109. You indicated that you are a person with a disability. If you wish to provide further details, please select the box(es) that apply to you.

The results of the 2019 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) are presented according to the numerical order of questions, grouped by section theme as they appeared in the questionnaire. Results are not shown when there is no historical comparison, or when there is an insufficient number of responses.

Note: Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. Results have been adjusted for non-response to better represent the target population. Therefore, percentages should not be used to determine the number of respondents within a response category. Positive answers and Negative answers are calculated by removing the "Don't know" and "Not applicable" responses from the total responses.

Survey Themes

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My Organization (Department or Agency)

Question 41. If I am faced with an ethical dilemma or a conflict between values in the workplace, I know where I can go for help in resolving the situation.

Survey year Demographic Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2019 Speech impairment (unable to speak or difficulty speaking and being understood) - Not selected 9 45 9 37 0 0 0 54 37 11
Top of Page

Stress and Well-Being

Question 74c. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work? Unreasonable deadlines

Survey year Demographic Not at all
To a small extent
To a moderate extent
To a large extent
To a very large extent
Don't know
Not applicable
Positive answers
Negative answers
Total responses
2019 Speech impairment (unable to speak or difficulty speaking and being understood) - Not selected 9 9 64 18 0 0 0 18 18 11
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