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Note: The table was split in four parts for better accessibility on the Web. This is the first part. To view the whole table, see the Excel format.
Department and Agency |
Contract awards |
Amend- ments |
Subtotal |
# |
$ 000 |
$ 000 |
$ 000 |
Agriculture and Agri-Food, Department of |
2,780 |
23,869 |
505 |
24,374 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
1,840 |
4,697 |
400 |
5,097 |
Auditor General, Office of the |
1,227 |
5,786 |
229 |
6,015 |
Canada Border Services Agency |
2,464 |
9,603 |
422 |
10,025 |
Canada Revenue Agency |
2,965 |
17,302 |
1,265 |
18,567 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board |
280 |
492 |
4 |
496 |
Canada School of Public Service |
887 |
6,640 |
81 |
6,721 |
Canadian Artists & Producers Professional Relations Tribunal |
9 |
31 |
25 |
56 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety |
32 |
160 |
-4 |
156 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency |
31 |
331 |
-22 |
309 |
Canadian Firearms Centre |
178 |
731 |
-3 |
728 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
17,193 |
33,336 |
1,090 |
34,426 |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board |
57 |
197 |
21 |
218 |
Canadian Grain Commission |
4,431 |
2,004 |
12 |
2,016 |
Canadian Heritage, Department of |
5,915 |
12,590 |
339 |
12,929 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission |
385 |
1,523 |
140 |
1,663 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal |
16 |
152 |
0 |
152 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
524 |
2,493 |
198 |
2,691 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat |
1 |
15 |
0 |
15 |
Canadian International Development Agency |
1,463 |
10,220 |
1,897 |
12,117 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal |
175 |
475 |
0 |
475 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission |
876 |
4,119 |
111 |
4,230 |
Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission |
379 |
2,177 |
56 |
2,233 |
Canadian Space Agency |
1,214 |
5,778 |
209 |
5,987 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board |
7 |
102 |
0 |
102 |
Canadian Transportation Agency |
164 |
728 |
27 |
755 |
Chief Electoral Officer, Office of the |
1,052 |
6,312 |
1,091 |
7,403 |
Citizenship and Immigration, Department of |
2,625 |
7,353 |
1,059 |
8,412 |
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs, Office of the |
190 |
1,466 |
49 |
1,515 |
Commissioner of Official Languages, Office of the |
162 |
1,350 |
125 |
1,475 |
Competition Tribunal, Registry of the |
3 |
21 |
0 |
21 |
Copyright Board |
32 |
123 |
0 |
123 |
Correctional Investigator of Canada, Office of the |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Correctional Service of Canada |
70,713 |
77,857 |
2,558 |
80,415 |
Courts Administration Service |
1,938 |
3,344 |
10 |
3,354 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec |
517 |
1,161 |
23 |
1,184 |
Environment, Department of the |
5,848 |
30,251 |
314 |
30,565 |
Finance, Department of |
808 |
3,778 |
1,698 |
5,476 |
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada |
100 |
535 |
63 |
598 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada |
236 |
1,440 |
28 |
1,468 |
Fisheries & Oceans, Department of |
18,411 |
86,779 |
-4,403 |
82,376 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Department of |
24,533 |
71,736 |
1,439 |
73,175 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission |
14 |
103 |
0 |
103 |
Health, Department of |
9,486 |
37,371 |
1,201 |
38,572 |
Human Resources and Skills Development, Department of |
10,396 |
19,379 |
9,348 |
28,727 |
Immigration and Refugee Board |
375 |
1,348 |
1,871 |
3,219 |
Indian Affairs & Northern Development, Department of |
2,490 |
21,404 |
2,524 |
23,928 |
Indian Claims Commission |
147 |
534 |
0 |
534 |
Industry, Department of |
8,819 |
29,383 |
-687 |
28,696 |
Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada, Offices of the |
121 |
342 |
3 |
345 |
Infrastructure of Canada, Office of |
133 |
990 |
86 |
1,076 |
Justice, Department of |
5,515 |
13,965 |
463 |
14,428 |
Law Commission of Canada |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Library and Archives of Canada |
2,052 |
6,501 |
634 |
7,135 |
Military Police Complaints Commission |
123 |
749 |
57 |
806 |
NAFTA Secretariat -- Canadian Section |
365 |
560 |
0 |
560 |
National Battlefields Commission |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
National Capital Commission |
3,142 |
8,284 |
276 |
8,560 |
National Defence, Department of |
10,048 |
97,588 |
30,506 |
128,094 |
National Energy Board |
129 |
1,126 |
73 |
1,199 |
National Farm Products Council |
6 |
45 |
0 |
45 |
National Parole Board |
276 |
560 |
67 |
627 |
National Research Council of Canada |
22,242 |
54,378 |
3,016 |
57,394 |
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy |
226 |
967 |
17 |
984 |
Natural Resources, Department of |
9,495 |
32,759 |
12,138 |
44,897 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council |
203 |
1,706 |
95 |
1,801 |
Northern Pipeline Agency |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Parks Canada Agency |
16,483 |
43,745 |
257 |
44,002 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board |
99 |
745 |
52 |
797 |
Privy Council Office |
1,086 |
3,890 |
422 |
4,312 |
Public Appointments Commission Secretariat |
5 |
24 |
0 |
24 |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
3,189 |
17,170 |
-46 |
17,124 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada |
1,115 |
3,856 |
305 |
4,161 |
Public Service Commission |
265 |
2,320 |
812 |
3,132 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada |
689 |
3,216 |
1,184 |
4,400 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board |
228 |
552 |
1 |
553 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal |
42 |
274 |
0 |
274 |
Public Works and Government Services, Department of |
52,426 |
148,312 |
26,133 |
174,445 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
5,701 |
38,060 |
1,639 |
39,699 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee |
17 |
79 |
0 |
79 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission |
36 |
346 |
12 |
358 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee |
78 |
203 |
0 |
203 |
Social Development, Department of |
7,494 |
14,390 |
1,083 |
15,473 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council |
151 |
1,063 |
3 |
1,066 |
Statistics Canada |
2,958 |
8,477 |
211 |
8,688 |
Status of Women, Office of the Co-ordinator |
61 |
703 |
69 |
772 |
Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Office of the |
372 |
2,228 |
109 |
2,337 |
Supreme Court of Canada, Registrar of the |
374 |
1,317 |
13 |
1,330 |
Transport, Department of |
9,175 |
26,144 |
2,610 |
28,754 |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada |
45 |
141 |
4 |
145 |
Treasury Board |
868 |
4121 |
2,247 |
6,368 |
Veterans Affairs, Department of |
4,778 |
6,696 |
468 |
7,164 |
Veterans Review and Appeal Board |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Western Economic Diversification, Department of |
478 |
1,082 |
104 |
1,186 |
Total |
366,677 |
1,098,253 |
110,437 |
1,208,690 |