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ARCHIVED - Purchasing Activity Report 2008 - Departmental Details

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Note: The table was split in four parts for better accessibility on the Web. This is the first part. To view the whole table, see the Excel format.

Department and Agency Below $25 000
Contract awards Amend-
# $ 000 $ 000 $ 000
Agriculture and Agri-Food, Department of 5,637 28,134 528 28,662
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada 41 443 16 459
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 1,703 3,701 412 4,113
Auditor General, Office of the� 1,033 4,838 171 5,009
Canada Border Services Agency 2,246 9,683 -10 9,673
Canada Revenue Agency 1,552 8,620 931 9,551
Canada Industrial Relations Board 54 100 0 100
Canada School of Public Service 1,943 15,953 1,412 17,365
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 35 559 -27 532
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2,349 11,698 439 12,137
Canadian Forces Grievance Board 31 121 22 143
Canadian Grain Commission 6,301 3,243 19 3,262
Canadian Heritage, Department of� 6,224 11,738 338 12,076
Canadian Human Rights Commission 305 1,305 211 1,516
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal 12 105 5 110
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 555 2,580 176 2,756
Canadian International Development Agency 1,171 8,442 512 8,954
Canadian International Trade Tribunal 135 523 0 523
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 1,165 6,229 112 6,341
Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission 115 789 86 875
Canadian Space Agency 1,102 9,038 125 9,163
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 36 523 1 524
Canadian Transportation Agency 224 953 168 1,121
Chief Electoral Officer, Office of the 651 4,350 496 4,846
Citizenship and Immigration, Department of 2,452 6,638 2,094 8,732
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs, Office of the 148 1,212 83 1,295
Commissioner of Lobbying, Office of the 15 103 7 110
Commissioner of Official Languages, Office of the 162 1,021 24 1,045
Competition Tribunal, Registry of the 82 209 0 209
Copyright Board 18 163 0 163
Correctional Investigator of Canada, Office of the 10 60 0 60
Correctional Service of Canada 77,660 94,111 4,489 98,600
Courts Administration Service 2,234 3,516 8 3,524
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 924 3,363 30 3,393
Environment, Department of the 6,869 43,710 -529 43,181
Finance, Department of 15 186 70 256
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 128 859 49 908
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 246 1,579 33 1,612
Fisheries & Oceans, Department of 20,484 97,734 -4,725 93,009
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Department of 31,789 87,508 15,329 102,837
Health, Department of 8,470 38,312 579 38,891
Human Resources and Skills Development, Department of 6,833 19,353 975 20,328
Immigration and Refugee Board 1,561 23,143 5,193 28,336
Indian Affairs & Northern Development, Department of 6 125 649 774
Industry, Department of 5,763 21,231 179 21,410
Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada, Offices of the 5 70 0 70
Infrastructure of Canada, Office of 65 532 58 590
Justice, Department of 3,258 9,172 361 9,533
Library and Archives of Canada 1,159 5,588 813 6,401
Military Police Complaints Commission 102 642 47 689
NAFTA Secretariat -- Canadian Section 281 242 0 242
National Capital Commission 3,136 8,363 426 8,789
National Defence, Department of 9,841 101,738 12,814 114,552
National Energy Board 132 1,618 16 1,634
National Farm Products Council 9 62 0 62
National Parole Board 164 972 81 1,053
National Research Council of Canada 18,741 52,362 -311 52,051
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy 37 573 0 573
Natural Resources, Department of 10,213 30,126 -8,396 21,730
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 151 1,462 68 1,530
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada 6 91 1 92
Parks Canada Agency 12,146 31,354 761 32,115
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 48 498 12 510
Privy Council Office 736 3,024 211 3,235
Public Health Agency of Canada 2,995 17,789 192 17,981
Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of 7 29 0 29
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness CanadaCanada� 1,087 3,906 -17 3,889
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Office of 71 278 5 283
Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal, Registry of 3 26 -16 10
Public Service Commission 749 2,644 783 3,427
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada 346 1,852 71 1,923
Public Service Labour Relations Board 346 513 0 513
Public Service Staffing Tribunal 33 143 0 143
Public Works and Government Services, Department of 38,061 113,967 13,090 127,057
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 5,052 37,795 1,023 38,818
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 18 35 0 35
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission 70 504 40 544
Security Intelligence Review Committee 166 235 0 235
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 154 1,718 43 1,761
Statistics Canada 1,397 5,732 287 6,019
Status of Women, Office of the Co-ordinator 23 281 1 282
Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Office of the 345 3,191 135 3,326
Supreme Court of Canada, Registrar of the 245 989 13 1,002
Transport, Department of 6,541 21,559 1,124 22,683
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada/ Tribunal d'appel des transports du Canada 1 21 0 21
Treasury Board 672 4345 187 4,532
Veterans Affairs, Department of 2,259 5,207 899 6,106
Western Economic Diversification, Department of 373 1,795 327 2,122
Total 321,733 1,050,847 55,829 1,106,676