Purchasing Activity Report 2010 - Departmental Details
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Note: The table was split in four parts for better accessibility on the Web. This is the last part. To view the whole table, see the Excel format.
Department and Agency | Contracts $25,000 and above | Above $25,000 and below | ||||
Sub-total | % Comp. | Grand Total | ||||
# | $ 000 | # | $ 000 | # | $ 000 | |
Agriculture and Agri-Food, Department of | 687 | 127,987 | 89.8% | 95.0% | 3,800 | 156,980 |
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada | 4 | 282 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 36 | 672 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 30 | 1,480 | 96.7% | 100.0% | 1,289 | 4,853 |
Auditor General, Office of the | 51 | 3,634 | 96.1% | 93.3% | 653 | 7,237 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 146 | 81,184 | 73.3% | 93.2% | 1,497 | 88,366 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | 1 | 35 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 123 | 250 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 183 | 415,092 | 52.5% | 63.0% | 1,259 | 421,035 |
Canada School of Public Service | 82 | 9,776 | 100.0% | 98.7% | 837 | 15,921 |
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal | 1 | 75 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 11 | 129 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 16 | 63 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | 5 | 291 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 28 | 470 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 149 | 102,814 | 75.8% | 96.2% | 4,123 | 115,915 |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board | 3 | 161 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 9 | 247 |
Canadian Grain Commission | 12 | 1,093 | 83.3% | 90.2% | 3,054 | 4,789 |
Canadian Heritage, Department of | 49 | 11,155 | 77.6% | 87.8% | 3,038 | 17,634 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | 18 | 993 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 361 | 4,420 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 21 | 303 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 12 | 614 | 83.3% | 88.0% | 449 | 4,355 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 150 | 1,716 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 289 | 127,256 | 85.1% | 88.2% | 1,332 | 135,877 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal | 11 | 622 | 81.8% | 79.5% | 303 | 1,696 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 31 | 6,601 | 51.6% | 91.6% | 1,013 | 12,881 |
Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission | 7 | 1,851 | 14.3% | 32.9% | 101 | 2,236 |
Canadian Space Agency | 206 | 138,589 | 53.4% | 80.9% | 914 | 144,933 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | 18 | 1,565 | 83.3% | 91.3% | 198 | 2,368 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board |
14 | 1,477 | 85.7% | 82.9% | 157 | 2,005 |
Chief Electoral Officer, Office of the | 103 | 22,774 | 77.7% | 71.6% | 635 | 27,340 |
Citizenship and Immigration, Department of | 159 | 41,186 | 89.3% | 89.6% | 2,955 | 51,828 |
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs, Office of the | 8 | 570 | 62.5% | 79.5% | 188 | 2,157 |
Commissioner of Lobbying, Office of the | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 15 | 214 |
Commissioner of Official Languages, Office of the | 5 | 347 | 100.0% | 98.6% | 172 | 1,258 |
Competition Tribunal, Registry of the | 2 | 120 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 53 | 229 |
Copyright Board | 2 | 99 | 0.0% | 42.4% | 17 | 219 |
Correctional Investigator of Canada, Office of the | 2 | 107 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 24 | 251 |
Correctional Service of Canada | 794 | 400,201 | 90.7% | 96.3% | 79,765 | 507,894 |
Courts Administration Service | 4 | 2,544 | 25.0% | 96.0% | 1,831 | 5,940 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 15 | 2,926 | 100.0% | 99.4% | 684 | 5,243 |
Environment, Department of the | 463 | 67,020 | 75.8% | 84.2% | 7,271 | 112,985 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 2 | 69 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 246 | 1,017 |
Finance, Department of | 30 | 12,701 | 86.7% | 95.3% | 365 | 14,751 |
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | 19 | 4,645 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 146 | 9,004 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | 38 | 4,090 | 13.2% | 5.6% | 259 | 5,477 |
Fisheries & Oceans, Department of | 1,053 | 284,851 | 67.0% | 89.1% | 25,458 | 390,326 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Department of | 652 | 199,193 | 73.0% | 85.1% | 25,161 | 265,340 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission | 2 | 606 | 100.0% | 96.0% | 18 | 906 |
Health, Department of | 485 | 129,955 | 74.8% | 90.4% | 8,126 | 163,297 |
Human Resources and Skills Development, Department of | 303 | 135,364 | 57.4% | 84.2% | 11,264 | 171,145 |
Immigration and Refugee Board | 9 | 2,357 | 77.8% | 61.6% | 2,032 | 19,295 |
Indian Affairs & Northern Development, Department of | 301 | 252,919 | 74.4% | 95.8% | 2,102 | 270,673 |
Industry, Department of | 179 | 46,512 | 58.1% | 85.3% | 4,538 | 67,148 |
Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada, Offices of the | 6 | 1,210 | 83.3% | 55.6% | 150 | 1,748 |
Infrastructure of Canada, Office of | 9 | 10,039 | 55.6% | 99.0% | 82 | 10,664 |
Justice, Department of | 109 | 15,735 | 45.0% | 70.0% | 2,857 | 24,020 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 27 | 6,754 | 70.4% | 61.3% | 679 | 9,851 |
Military Police Complaints Commission | 13 | 1,937 | 23.1% | 19.4% | 119 | 2,861 |
National Capital Commission | 139 | 61,737 | 98.6% | 99.2% | 3,453 | 70,876 |
National Defence, Department of | 3,922 | 5,692,971 | 76.3% | 85.8% | 12,164 | 5,831,122 |
National Energy Board | 29 | 2,935 | 58.6% | 73.1% | 228 | 4,784 |
National Farm Products Council | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 11 | 75 |
National Parole Board | 4 | 212 | 50.0% | 63.2% | 219 | 1,121 |
National Research Council of Canada | 427 | 71,443 | 53.2% | 70.0% | 18,395 | 119,356 |
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | 10 | 548 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 33 | 935 |
Natural Resources, Department of | 490 | 89,946 | 76.7% | 84.8% | 10,541 | 127,715 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 14 | 1,357 | 78.6% | 77.5% | 172 | 2,338 |
Parks Canada Agency | 529 | 163,526 | 87.5% | 96.6% | 11,936 | 198,871 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | 18 | 2,368 | 66.7% | 66.9% | 66 | 2,810 |
Privy Council Office | 24 | 4,105 | 37.5% | 67.7% | 587 | 7,435 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 225 | 44,420 | 70.7% | 79.9% | 2,432 | 59,558 |
Public Prosecutions, Office of the Director of | 45 | 4,320 | 91.1% | 82.6% | 974 | 7,300 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada | 40 | 11,495 | 85.0% | 90.9% | 601 | 15,113 |
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Office of | 4 | 300 | 50.0% | 66.7% | 67 | 692 |
Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal, Registry of | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 3 | 11 |
Public Service Commission | 12 | 2,654 | 50.0% | 70.1% | 200 | 3,801 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | 9 | 1,185 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 182 | 1,677 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 42 | 76 |
Public Works and Government Services, Department of | 4,642 | 5,398,771 | 92.2% | 90.6% | 35,241 | 5,543,851 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 16 | 165 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission | 5 | 304 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 53 | 628 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 757 | 502,792 | 75.8% | 95.0% | 5,246 | 532,151 |
Secretary to the Governor General, Office of the | 7 | 399 | 85.7% | 78.8% | 261 | 1,150 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee | 1 | 95 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 114 | 429 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 2 | 121 | 100.0% | 87.3% | 52 | 486 |
Specific Claims Tribunal, Registry of the | 2 | 89 | 50.0% | 48.7% | 34 | 224 |
Statistics Canada | 99 | 45,367 | 79.8% | 62.0% | 1,741 | 52,820 |
Status of Women, Office of the Co-ordinator | 1 | 146 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 21 | 429 |
Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Office of the | 80 | 9,392 | 22.5% | 57.5% | 448 | 11,845 |
Supreme Court of Canada, Registrar of the | 4 | 256 | 75.0% | 71.4% | 245 | 1,304 |
Transport, Department of | 262 | 97,452 | 77.9% | 88.3% | 5,239 | 115,730 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | 110 | 111,728 | 90.0% | 99.2% | 889 | 116,339 |
Veterans Affairs, Department of | 125 | 62,915 | 88.0% | 97.7% | 6,339 | 71,836 |
Veterans Review and Appeal Board | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 50 | 111 |
Western Economic Diversification, Department of | 21 | 3,244 | 71.4% | 45.5% | 400 | 7,886 |
Total | 18,862 | 15,070,054 | 79.6% | 88.0% | 320,679 | 16,203,482 |
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