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ARCHIVED - RPP 2006-2007
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

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Section II – Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome

Analysis by Program Activity

Strategic Outcome

The Agency has one strategic outcome: "Environmental assessment is an integral part of program and policy decision-making." This strategic outcome is accomplished through one program activity as noted below.

This section provides details on the Agency's program activity and its three key programs: coordination and cooperation, guidance and operations, and continuous improvement.

Funds for corporate services are included in the numbers and detailed information on those services is provided in Section IV.

Program Activity: Efficient and Effective Environmental Assessment

Key Program: Coordination and Cooperation
Description: Achieving timely, streamlined, effective environmental assessments through strong coordination and cooperation within the federal government, with provinces and in the context of land claims agreements.
Expected Results: Environmental assessment processes are well coordinated across the federal government and with other jurisdictions.

Action Item:

Action Item Indicators:

Reduce costs and delays in the federal assessment review process for individual projects by avoiding duplication, increasing certainty and resolving issues.

Supports Priorities 1 & 2

  • Coordinate the environmental assessment process where the Agency is the Federal Environmental Assessment Coordinator (FEAC).
  • Determined by the percentage of projects, where the Agency is the FEAC, that had a timely and coordinated process.

Maximize predictability, increase efficiency and minimize conflicts, while strengthening effectiveness and accountability by establishing a cooperative policy framework for environmental assessment processes across jurisdictions.

Supports Priority 1

  • Implement or renew cooperation agreements.
  • Number of concluded cooperative agreements or arrangements on environmental assessment where jurisdictions are supportive.

Establish, as part of land claims and self-government agreements, environmental assessment regimes that meet or exceed the requirements of the Act.

Supports Priorities 2 & 3

  • Provide ongoing policy advice and support to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in the development of environmental assessment provisions in self-government and land claims negotiations.
  • Consistency with the requirements of the Act of environmental assessment regimes contained in land claims and self-government agreements signed
Performance Measurement Strategy: Evaluation to measure Agency performance as federal environmental assessment coordinator and to review self-government and land claim agreements to ensure they contain principles of environmental assessment at the federal level.

  2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Financial Resources
($ thousands)
Human Resources (FTE)




The activities identified in the above table will support stakeholders and decision makers by providing informed advice, guidance and support for the environmental assessment of projects and policies. Establishment of bilateral agreements will strengthen jurisdictional relationships through coordinated assessment processes. Providing guidance on environmental assessment provisions in self-government and land claim agreements will engage Aboriginal stakeholders and support federal negotiators.


  • need for the Agency to undertake an increased leadership role to ensure the effectiveness of the FEAC function within the federal government;
  • the diversity of processes under other jurisdictions;
  • balancing the expectations of industry and provincial governments with those of the public and environmental groups in the application of the FEAC process; and
  • Aboriginal capacity issues.

Key Program: Guidance and Operations
Description: The development of environmental assessment operations, advice, guidance and support for public participation.
Expected Results: Environmental assessment expertise and operational capacity is maintained and enhanced, and the role of stakeholders and decision makers is supported.


Action Item:

Action Item Indicators:

Ensure integration of environmental factors into the decision-making process for a specific project or class of projects through the review panel, comprehensive study and class screenings.

Supports Priority 2

  • Assist in the successful development of class screenings, review panels and comprehensive study reports.
  • Determined by percentage of Agency recommendations that are accepted while avoiding legal challenges.

Promote the integration of environmental considerations at the earliest stage of the decision-making process using strategic environmental assessments.

Supports Priority 2

  • Review federal policy, plan and program proposals for the inclusion of environmental considerations in decision making.
  • Provide guidance to federal departments and agencies with respect to the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals.
  • Number of cabinet documents tracked for appropriate inclusion of consideration of environmental effects including follow-up actions with departments to ensure compliance with strategic environmental assessment requirements.

Encourage and improve public participation in the conduct of comprehensive study and panel review processes.

Supports Priority 2

  • Provide a funding mechanism for stakeholders to participate in the environmental assessment process.
  • Percentage of participant funding recipients who believe the participant funding program improved their participation in a project.

Provide tools and mechanisms that support an improved environmental assessment process.

Supports Priorities 1, 2 & 3

  • Develop, implement and/or sponsor training courses, information sessions and guidance materials on the environmental assessment process.
  • Percentage of guidance material that meets clients' needs.
  • Percentage of training users who indicate that Agency training meets their needs.

Provide timely, reliable and meaningful information about environmental assessments to facilitate public involvement in the environmental assessment process.

Supports Priorities 1, 2 & 3

  • Establish and maintain the CEAR Internet site.
  • Service standards are developed and training and guidance provided to departments.
  • Data on public use of registry and feedback from public and stakeholders.
Performance Measurement Strategy: Stakeholder and client satisfaction measured through selected surveys and data on public use of Registry and feedback from public and stakeholders.

  2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Financial Resources
($ thousands)
Human Resources (FTE)




By providing guidance on the environmental assessment process, assisting federal government departments in meeting their obligations under the Act, and maintaining the CEAR Internet site, the Agency will strengthen its role as a centre of expertise on environmental assessment. Through the development and use of a more timely and efficient environmental process (in accordance with the Cabinet Directive on Implementing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act) the Agency will demonstrate continued effective leadership in the environmental assessment process.


  • ensuring that environmental assessments comply with legislation and existing agreements, and encourage meaningful public input;
  • expanded opportunities for public participation;
  • successfully engaging key partners;
  • decentralized implementation of most federal environmental assessments; and
  • securing the active participation of other federal departments and agencies in training and guidance activities to promote compliance with the Act.

Key Program: Continuous Improvement
Description: Activities which support improved environmental assessment practices and/or outcomes.
Expected Results: Environmental assessment practices are improved, and increasingly effective mitigation measures are implemented.
Plan: Action Item: Action Item Indicators:

Maintain an ongoing quality assurance program.

Supports Priority 1 & 2

  • Provide performance information and analysis to program participants to promote compliance and improve the quality of environmental assessments.


  • Data on compliance with the various provisions of the Act and on various parameters of quality.
  • Identification of potential areas of improvement in procedures, legislation and regulations.

Promote develop and improve environmental assessment practices.

Supports Priority 2

  • Research to promote, develop and improve environmental assessment practices.
  • Provide a permanent repository for the results of follow-up programs conducted under the Act, which can be made publicly available and accessed by environmental assessment practitioners, stakeholders and all other members of the public.
  • Utilization of research and development reports and practices.
  • Systems in place for making available results of follow-up environmental monitoring programs conducted during project implementation.

Development and review of, and consultation and communication on, the legislative and policy basis for the federal practice of environmental assessment.

Supports Priorities 1 & 2

  • Review existing policies and regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Agency and Government of Canada priorities.
  • Develop new policies and regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Agency and Government of Canada priorities.
  • Regulations and policies developed or reviewed and updated to reflect current issues and priorities as required.
Performance Measurement Strategy: Number of regulations and policies developed, reviewed and updated and feedback from stakeholders on level of satisfaction with consultation on proposals.

  2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Financial Resources
($ thousands)
Human Resources (FTE)




The key policy and legislative activities will centre on the integration of federal environmental assessment. Other regulatory and policy activities, such as amendments to the Exclusion List Regulations and the Federal Coordination Regulations, will support integration while continuing to implement the directions resulting from Bill C-9.


  • obtaining the participation of environmental assessment practitioners to contribute to the Follow-up Repository;
  • designing the changes to the federal environmental system, while continuing to ensure that current processes remain up to date; and
  • maintaining progress while providing for meaningful involvement of participants and stakeholders.

Section III – Supplementary Information

Organizational Information

The reporting structure to the Minister of the Environment is shown in the figure below. Planned Spending: $18,033K with 149 FTEs.


Table 1: Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents

($ thousands) Forecast Spending 2005-2006 Planned Spending 2006-2007 Planned Spending 2007-2008 Planned Spending 2008-2009

Efficient and Effective Environmental Assessment


20,884 19,555 19,555
Less Respendable revenue (3,501) (3,501) (3,501) (3,501)
Total Main Estimates 17,570 17,383 16,054 16,054



Governor General Warrants


Northern Gas Pipeline Project



Carry Forward of 2004-2005 Eligible Lapsing Funds



Smart Regulations



Compensation for collective bargaining


Severance and Parental Benefits (paylist shortfall)


Expenditure Review Exercise


Miscellaneous adjustments (including employee benefit plans)


Reprofile to 2006-2007 (Northern Gas Pipeline Project)


Total Adjustments

1,889 650 0 0
Total Planned Spending (note) 19,459 18,033 16,054 16,054

Total Planned Spending

19,459 18,033 16,054 16,054

Plus: Cost of services received without charge

3,031 3,276 3,276 3,276
Net cost of Program 22,490 21,309 19,330 19,330
Full-Time Equivalents 145 149 146 146

Note: The funding decrease in Total Planned Spending over the planning horizon is mainly explained by reduced funding for several initiatives such as the Implementation of the renewed Act, Sydney Tar Ponds and Northern Gas Pipeline Project.

For fiscal year 2005-2006, the actual spending was $17,578K which resulted in an Agency lapse of $1,880K. This lapse mainly consists of an approved reprofile of $650K to 2006-2007 for the Northern Gas Pipeline Project and resources to cover legal services of $656K received from Justice Canada.

Table 2: Resources by Program Activity

($ thousands) Budgetary Non-Budgetary Total Main Estimates Adjustments (planned spending not in Main Estimates) Total Planned Spending
Program Activity Operating Capital Grants and Contri-butions Gross Respen-dable Revenue Net Loans, Investments and Advances
Effective and Efficient Environmental Assessment 18,941 - 1,943 20,884 (3,501) 17,383 - 17,383 650 18,033
Total 18,941 - 1,943 20,884 (3,501) 17,383 - 17,383 650 18,033

Table 3: Voted and Statutory Items Listed in Main Estimates

Vote or Statutory Item Truncated Vote or Statutory Wording

Current Main Estimates
($ thousands)

Previous Main Estimates
($ thousands)
20 Program expenditures



(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 1,774 1,826
  Total Agency 17,383 17,570

Table 4: Services Received Without Charge

($ thousands) 2006-2007
Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) 1,549
Contributions covering employers' share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (excluding revolving funds); Employer's contribution to employees' insured benefits plans and expenditures paid by TBS 700
Worker's compensation coverage provided by HumanResources and Skills Development Canada -
Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided by Justice Canada 1,027
2006-2007 Services Received Without Charge 3,276

Note: The Agency obtains certain financial, material management, informatics as well as compensation and benefits services under a shared services agreement with Environment Canada.

Table 5: Sources of Respendable Revenue

($ thousands) Actual Revenue 2005-2006 Planned Revenue 2006-2007 Planned Revenue 2007-2008 Planned Revenue 2008-2009
Effective and Efficient Environmental Assessment
Cost recovery for environmental assessment services 4,168 3,351 3,351 3,351
Cost recovery for publications, training and education materials (federal) 86 75 75 75
Cost recovery for publications, training and education materials (external) 153 75 75 75
Total Respendable Revenue 4,407 3,501 3,501 3,501

Note: The revenue derived from recovery of environmental assessments review panel costs is dependant on the level of panel activity that is eligible for cost recovery and may therefore fluctuate.

Table 6: Major Regulatory Initiatives

The following table outlines the Agency's major and significant regulatory initiatives scheduled for implementation during the planning period.

Regulatory Initiatives

Expected Results

Development of Crown Corporation Regulations:

Crown corporations came under the Act in June 2006. The Agency will help these organizations meet their new obligations. New regulations will vary the assessment process for Crown corporations involved in the provision of commercial loans. The Exclusion List Regulations will be reviewed and amended to ensure that it takes into account the needs of Crown corporations.

The Agency will assist Crown corporations in implementing their new obligations under the Act. Regulations will be developed to address the unique business activities of Crown corporations involved in the provision of commercial loans. Changes to the Exclusion List Regulations will allow for more efficient use of environmental assessment resources.

Amendments to the Exclusion List Regulations:

New entries will be added to these regulations to prescribe new classes of projects to be excluded from environmental assessment and to modify thresholds of certain existing entries.

  • Reductions in the number of environmental assessments of projects having insignificant effects conducted by federal responsible authorities, particularly with regard to screening assessments.
  • More efficient and effective use of environmental assessment resources.

Amendments to Federal Coordination Regulations:

Federal Coordination Regulations will be amended to take into account changes brought about in 2003 by the renewed Act.

  • Increased coordination among federal departments in fulfilling environmental assessment requirements and improved coordination with other participants in the environmental assessment process, including provinces, industry, environmental organizations and others.
  • A more timely and predictable environmental assessment process.
  • Increased transparency in the environmental assessment process.

Amendments to Canada Port Authority Environmental Assessment Regulations:

In accordance with changes brought about by the renewed Act in 2003, amendments to these regulations are needed to ensure the compre­hensiveness, consistency, transparency and overall quality of port authorities' environmental assessment processes.

  • Environmental assessment procedures for port authorities will be consistent with provisions of the amended Act particularly with regard to comprehensive studies and the Registry.

Airport Authority Regulations:

In accordance with changes brought about by the renewed Act, these regulations will close a gap in the Act by requiring airport authorities to conduct an assessment of the environmental effects of projects located on the federal land over which those authorities have administration, management or other specified rights or interests.

  • An environmental assessment process that captures all appropriate airport authority activities for assessment.

Review of Four Key Regulations Under the Act:

In accordance with changes brought about in 2003 by the renewed Act, the Inclusion List Regulations, Law List Regulations, Comprehensive Study List Regulations and Exclusion List Regulations will be reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant to government programs and priorities.

  • Regulations kept current, reflecting latest approaches and experience with environmental assessment.

Table 7: Sustainable Development Strategy

Internal Audits and Evaluations
Principles The Agency's mandate is to provide Canadians with high-quality environmental assessments that contribute to informed decision making in support of sustainable development. The Agency's Sustainable Development Strategy is embodied in this Report on Planning and Priorities.

The three strategic objectives of the Agency's Sustainable Development Strategy are:

  • ensuring a greater measure of certainty, predictability and timeliness in the federal environmental assessment process;
  • enhancing the quality of environmental assessments; and
  • seeking more meaningful public participation in the federal environmental assess­ment process.
Tools Environmental Assessments are the major tools that the Agency develops, promotes, and undertakes to ensure sustainable development.

Table 8: Internal Audits and Evaluations

Internal Audits and Evaluations
Audit of the Participant Funding Program.
Estimated start and end dates January 2006 – May 2006.

Section IV – Other Items of Interest

Corporate Services

Corporate Services support the operating programs and activities of the Agency and include many administrative activities normally performed outside program areas and cannot otherwise be allocated as program support overhead.

The objective of the Agency's Corporate Services is to support the core program activities by providing modern, timely and responsive services that are effective and efficient.

The major elements of Corporate Services are:

Finance and Administration Corporate finance and administrative functions, including senior management functions not directly attributable to any specific element of the operations program activity.
Legal Services Legal services provided by Justice Canada.
Human Resources Resources associated with the provision of human resources management services and products. This includes functions and costs associated with training and professional development.
Communications Corporate communication resources associated with the provision of internal and external communications services and products, including translation costs.
Information Management/ Information Technology Corporate resources associated with the provision of general information management/information technology infrastructure and services.

The Agency has a total complement of 41 FTEs within corporate services (which, for the purpose of this section, includes legal services), exclusively for internal use. The total budget for the corporate services function is $5,420K. These amounts are included in previous tables.

For Further Information Please Contact

Director of Communications
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
160 Elgin Street, 22nd floor
Ottawa ON  K1A 0H3

Telephone:   613-957-0712
Fax:   613-957-0946


The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency's Web site

The Treasury Board Secretariat's Web site