Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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ARCHIVED - RPP 2006-2007
Military Police Complaints Commission

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Program Activity Name: Complaints Resolution - To successfully resolve complaints about the conduct of military police members as well as complaints of interference with military police investigations

Financial Resources ($ millions):
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
$ 1.9 $ 1.9 $ 1.9

Human Resources:
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
10 FTEs* 10 FTEs* 10 FTEs*

Strategic Objective 1: Ensure quality of service delivery and improved efficiency and timeliness of the handling of complaints

Regarding the development of a framework for service delivery, the Commission has identified three priorities.

  • Carry out a detailed assessment of the complaints handling process to identify and resolve any problems that prevent the improvement of quality and cause delays in the handling of complaints.
  • Implement the informal resolution initiative and adopt best practices in that regard.
  • Implement a comprehensive performance measurement framework for handling complaints.

Priority 1: Carry out a detailed assessment of the complaints handling process to identify and resolve any problems that prevent the improvement of quality and cause delays in the handling of complaints.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Conduct a formal review of the factors contributing to the improvement of the Commission's timeliness. The review's objective will be to further identify deficiencies and causes and to implement a corrective action.
  • Cases processed more expeditiously - will be achieved in 2006-2007.
2. Improve the efficiency and timeliness of the handling of complaints by holding a working session at least once during the year with representatives of the Office of the Provost Marshal.
  • Cases processed more expeditiously - will be achieved in 2006-2007.

* Since Commission members are appointed on a part-time basis, they are not included as FTEs as per TB guidance. The Governor in Council can appoint up to 6 part-time members; however, historically, 2 or 3 have been appointed. The part-time members are involved in the investigation/adjudication of complaints.

Priority 2: Implement the informal resolution initiative and adopt best practices in that regard.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Review existing informal resolution frameworks in other quasi-judicial federal tribunals to identify, modify and adapt best practices to suit the unique operating environment of the Commission.
  • Suitable cases processed more expeditiously - will be achieved in 2006-2007.

Priority 3: Implement a comprehensive performance measurement framework for handling complaints.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Develop, in partnership with the Office of the Provost Marshal, a comprehensive performance measurement framework regarding complaints handling. The measures should address both efficiency and timeliness.
  • Clearly identified and effective targets and measures in place and operating by the end of fiscal year 2006-2007.

Program Activity Name: General Services - To build and maintain effective and efficient communication and corporate support services to allow the timely and successful resolution of complaints

Financial Resources ($ millions):
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
$ 1.5 $ 1.5 $ 1.5

Human Resources:
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
6 FTEs 6 FTEs 6 FTEs

Strategic Objective 2: Enhance visibility and relationships with key stakeholders, selected public and the media

The Commission has identified the following three priorities to enhance the visibility of the Commission and relationships with key stakeholders, selected public and the media.

  • Hold meetings and working sessions with key Canadian Forces stakeholders.
  • Continue the outreach initiative and make presentations to members of the military police, members of the Canadian Forces and various stakeholders.
  • Publish articles in journals, newspapers and magazines throughout the year.

Priority 1: Hold meetings and working sessions with key Canadian Forces stakeholders.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Improve working relationships with certain key Canadian Forces stakeholders, such as the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Vice Chief and the Judge Advocate General, by meeting with them throughout the year, as required.
  • Improved working relationships, resulting in more effective and timely complaints resolution - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
2. Improve working relationships with the representatives of the Office of the Provost Marshal by meeting with them throughout the year, as required.
  • Improved working relationships, resulting in more effective and timely complaints resolution - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
3. Improve the efficiency and timeliness of the handling of complaints by holding a working session with key representatives at least once during the year.
  • Improved working relationships, resulting in more effective and timely complaints resolution - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 2: Continue the outreach initiative and make presentations to members of military police, members of the Canadian Forces and various stakeholders.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Increase awareness of the Commission by visiting a number of Canadian Forces bases and giving presentations to military police members, various Canadian Forces members and other stakeholders on these bases.
  • Enhanced awareness of the role/mandate of the Commission, allowing the Commission a greater opportunity to fulfill its mandate - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 3: Publish articles in journals, newspapers and magazines throughout the year.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Increase awareness of the Commission in the general public by publishing articles throughout the year in journals, newspapers or magazines.
  • Enhanced awareness of the role/mandate of the Commission in the general public, providing assurance to Canadians that the Commission is effectively fulfilling its civilian oversight role with regard to the military police - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Strategic Objective 3: Stabilize the work environment in order to improve the morale and the effectiveness of the organization

Regarding the improvement of the morale and the effectiveness of the organization, the Commission has identified the following priority.

  • Improve the knowledge, abilities, commitment and satisfaction of employees by placing emphasis on professional development.

Priority 1: Improve the knowledge, abilities, commitment and satisfaction of employees by placing emphasis on professional development.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Improve morale and increase the effectiveness of the Commission by continuing to offer training to staff and encouraging professional development through assignments, coaching, mentoring, etc.
  • Well-trained, motivated and committed workforce whose positive efforts are appropriately acknowledged - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
2. Develop, to the greatest extent possible, projects that contribute to the achievement of the Commission's objectives, challenge employees to create innovative solutions, and reward employees for both their creativity and their success.
  • Well-trained, motivated and committed workforce whose positive efforts are appropriately acknowledged - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Strategic Objective 4: Foster a culture of mutual trust, respect and recognition in order to achieve a harmonious workplace

In order to foster a culture of mutual trust, respect and recognition, the Commission has identified two priorities.

  • Continue to work with employees and their representatives to improve internal communications.
  • Assess the findings of the 2005 Public Service survey and correct any shortcomings.

Priority 1: Continue to work with employees and their representatives to improve internal communications.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Continue to hold monthly staff meetings where problems and concerns can be raised, both from management and staff perspectives, addressed and resolved.
  • Better informed workforce, leading to a greater appreciation of the demands and requirements placed on the organization and what the Commission must do to be successful. This awareness will foster a greater commitment to performance individually and collectively, resulting in improvements in the quality of complaints resolution - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
2. Continue to hold meetings of the labour-management consultative committee twice a year.
  • Creation of an organization where employee concerns are quickly addressed and resolved - addressed over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 2: Assess the findings of the 2005 Public Service survey and correct any shortcomings.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Implement effective solutions to any identified shortcomings from the 2005 Public Service survey. Address and resolve the concerns raised by employees.
  • Creation of an organization where employee concerns are quickly addressed and resolved - addressed over the next two fiscal years.

Strategic Objective 5: Ensure compliance with the central agencies' and the Commission's requirements so the Commission can better focus its resources on complaints resolution.

To enable the Commission's internal resources to focus on the delivery of its mandate, the Commission must operate within the compliance framework set by both the Commission and the central agencies. To help ensure compliance, the Commission has identified two priorities:

  • Train personnel with regard to the various compliance requirements of both the central agencies and the Commission. The Commission intends to work within the compliance framework. Commission energies can then be devoted to discharging the core mandate rather than addressing compliance recommendations.
  • Implement the internal audit plan and carry out risk-based audits for the purposes of prevention and detection.

Priority 1: Train personnel with regard to the various compliance requirements of both the central agencies and the Commission. The Commission intends to work within the compliance framework. Commission energies can then be devoted to discharging the core mandate rather than addressing compliance recommendations.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Achieve compliance with central agencies' and internal requirements by documenting the requirements and training personnel on them.
  • Improved Commission compliance due to enhanced employee skill sets, resulting in more time to address core functions - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 2: Implement the internal audit plan and carry out risk-based audits for the purposes of prevention and detection.
Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
1. Achieve compliance with central agencies' and internal requirements by implementing the internal audit plan, in co-operation with the Office of the Comptroller General, and by carrying out risk-based audits.
  • Implemented internal audit plan and risk-based audits - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.



Organization Information

* The reporting relationships displayed above are not yet finalized.
**Since Commission members are appointed on a part-time basis, they are not included as FTEs as per TB guidance. The Governor in Council can appoint up to 6 part-time members; however, historically, 2 or 3 have been appointed. The part-time members are involved in the investigation/adjudication of complaints.
*** Surplus position.


($ millions)

Complaints Resolution
Budgetary Main Estimates 4.2 3.4 3.4 3.4
Non-Budgetary Main Estimates 0 0 0 0
Less: Respendable revenue 0 0 0 0
Total Main Estimates 4.2 3.4 3.4 3.4
Employee benefits (.2)
Year-end lapse (1.3)*
Total adjustments (1.5) 0 0 0
Total Planned Spending 2.7** 3.4 3.4 3.4
Less: Non-respendable revenue 0 0 0 0
Plus: Cost of services received without charge*** .1 .1 .1 .1
Total Departmental Spending 2.8 3.5 3.5 3.5
Full-Time Equivalents 16 16 16 16

* Year-end lapse was due to a lower level of activity than planned during the year
** Total planned spending is the actual spending for the year
***For more information on cost of services received without charge, please refer to Table 3: Services Received Without Charge.

2006-2007 ($ millions)
Budgetary Total Main Estimates Total Planned Spending
Program Activity Operating
Complaints Resolution* 3.4 3.4 3.4
Total 3.4 3.4 3.4

*The Complaints Resolution activity includes the resources of the General Services activity. General Services provides corporate support and communication services to the Complaints Resolution activity.

2006-2007 ($ millions)
Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada
Employer's contribution to employees' insured benefit plans and expenditures paid by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat .1
Workers' compensation coverage provided by Human Resources and Skills Development
Total 2006-2007 services received without charge .1

Internal Audits or Evaluations
Audit of Information Technology
Estimated start date: October 2006
Estimated completion date: December 2006