ARCHIVED - RPP 2006-2007
Public Service Staffing Tribunal
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The Tribunal has a single strategic outcome:
Contribute to a competent, non-partisan and representative public service through impartial and timely disposition of disputes related to the
internal staffing and lay-off processes in the government of Canada.
The results to be achieved in support of this strategic outcome are:
- Tribunal decisions are sound and well reasoned
- Complaints are processed in a timely manner
- Timely results of ADR interventions
- Access to Tribunal services and information
The Tribunal has one activity–Processing of complaints relating to the appointment, revocation and lay-off provisions under the Public Service Employment
Act; and three sub-activities– Management of hearing processes, Mediation, and Corporate Services.
Human Resources
2006-2007 |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
33 FTEs |
33 FTEs |
33 FTEs |
Preliminary performance indicators for each of these results are identified in the chart below. The performance measurement framework of the Tribunal also includes
performance indicators related to a Productive Workforce and Sound Management. The results and performance indicators will need to further be developed and refined during
2006-2007 and future years.

We describe below in greater detail the expected results, the performance objectives that the Tribunal is striving to achieve based on the performance measurement
framework, and how the plans and priorities of the Tribunal discussed earlier support these performance objectives.
The management of hearing processes will include case management, registry services, issuing decisions, translation of decisions, dissemination of decisions and case
summaries, and scheduling and managing logistics with members. Legal and policy support will also be provided, as well as orientation and training to members.
Result: Tribunal decisions are sound and well reasoned
This result is the ongoing primary concern of the Tribunal. Key performance objectives include:
- High quality of decisions. The Tribunal will need to be able to issue sound decisions that provide effective recourse and are of high quality. An
important measure of quality will be the number of legal challenges of decisions that are submitted to the Federal Court and then dismissed.
- Fair and transparent process. The Tribunal will need to ensure all parties are treated fairly, that all processes are fair and transparent, and
that the Tribunal maintains its impartiality and independence. This indicator will be monitored by the number of challenges to the Federal Court, as well as by
stakeholder feedback and complaints.
Result: Complaints are processed in a timely manner
A key challenge for the Tribunal will be to minimize the length of time to render decisions. Key performance indicators include:
- Stakeholder satisfaction. The Tribunal intends to periodically conduct client satisfaction surveys and/or conduct evaluations after each training
session in order to obtain client feedback. An important element of quality of service will be to provide a client centered service that is courteous, respectful,
efficient and timely.
- Elapsed time for processing complaints. The Tribunal will be establishing service standards for processing complaints and will monitor actual
elapsed times in relation to these standards, with the goal of avoiding a backlog of complaints.
Result: Access to Tribunal services and information
This result applies to both the management of hearing processes as well as mediation. Key performance objectives include:
- Maintain high level of responsiveness. For example, in acknowledging complaints or requests for mediation received from clients, responding to
requests for information, or in scheduling training sessions.
- Effective regulations and procedures. The effectiveness of Tribunal regulations, procedures, guidelines and guide in supporting the processing of
cases and ADR interventions. This will be monitored through periodic consultations with stakeholders.
- Quality of access to services and information. The Tribunal plans to use technology to the extent possible. Over time, this will mean using the
web as a key tool to provide information to clients (e.g., decisions, training, forms, etc.), automating scheduling and other administrative matters with the parties,
linking the web to the case management information system so that clients can look at their individual files, gradually moving to e-filing, and linking the case
management system to the performance management system.
- Quality and availability of technology. To ensure that the technology used by the Tribunal (software, systems, equipment and infrastructure) meets
the requirements of the Tribunal and users. Users can be both internal (e.g., members, staff), and external (e.g. complainants, bargaining agents, delegated managers,
human resources professional advisors, Public Service Commission, lawyers).
The mediation at the Tribunal includes the mediation of complaints, mediation training, and other ADR processes.
Result: Timely results of ADR interventions
Key performance objectives include:
- A high participation rate. The Tribunal will strive to increase the use of ADR mechanisms to help resolve complaints, both at the Tribunal as well
as within federal departments and agencies. To help achieve this objective, the Tribunal plans to provide ADR training to departments and agencies as well as members
of the Tribunal.
- High success rate of parties in mediation. The Tribunal will strive for a high success rate in mediation whereby the parties are successful in
reaching a mutually satisfactory resolution to the dispute.
- Stakeholder satisfaction. The Tribunal intends to periodically conduct client satisfaction surveys and/or conduct evaluations after each mediation
or training session in order to obtain client feedback.
Corporate Services includes responsibility for human resources management, finance, administrative services, material management, information technology/information
management, library services, audit/evaluation, security, and includes any shared service arrangements.
Result: Adaptable workforce
Key performance objectives include:
- Healthy workplace. The Tribunal wishes to foster a work environment that puts a priority on teamwork, communications, and respect. It will do this
by offering staff opportunities to provide input to decision-making, by fostering good internal communications, and by recognizing staff and members for taking
- Adaptable workforce. The Tribunal will emphasize career development, continuous learning, and the creation of meaningful jobs. It will maintain
generalist positions as much as possible, avoid too much specialization, look for people who are adaptable and multi-disciplinary, and provide staff with the
opportunity to work on challenging projects. Jobs will be designed to enable the Tribunal to attract and retain qualified staff (e.g., interesting jobs, knowledge
based, and high level job content).
- Organizational learning. The Tribunal will provide employees and members with the appropriate tools and support needed, promote sharing of
information and knowledge within the Tribunal, document policies, operating procedures and guidelines in order to help retain corporate knowledge, and put an
organization-wide learning strategy and plan in place.
Result: Sound management
The Tribunal will ensure that its management practices are aligned with the Management Accountability Framework (MAF), and carry out periodic assessments of its
management practices against the MAF.