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The TSB's Program Activity Architecture identifies a single program activity: safety investigations. The TSB reports annually to Parliament on its activities, findings and recommendations through the President of the Queen's Privy Council. The Chairperson, assisted by the Executive Director and the Director General, Investigation Operations, is responsible for all activities associated with this program activity. The Director General, Corporate Services, is responsible for the provision of the full range of corporate services in support of departmental operations.
The Chairperson and Executive Director contribute to the program activity through the provision of leadership and vision, as well as the strategic management of all activities of the TSB. They also contribute by establishing strategic alliances with key stakeholders, client groups and change agents, and by communicating key safety messages through stakeholder outreach activities. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Communications Division ensures that communications are integrated into all phases of program planning, development, implementation and management.
Members of the Board contribute to the program activity through the review, approval and public communication of occurrence reports and safety recommendations. The Board also contributes to the communication of key safety messages through focused stakeholder outreach activities.
The Investigation Operations Directorate contributes to the program activity through the investigation of occurrences. It does so by assessing all occurrences and investigating those with the greatest potential for reduction of risks. The Directorate's work is focused on the collection and analysis of information, the drafting of reports and recommendations, the tracking and assessment of safety actions taken, data and trend analysis, as well as ongoing communication with the transportation safety community. The Directorate maintains a highly qualified staff of investigators who are experts in aviation, marine, rail or pipeline operations, engineering and other specialists, and investigation support staff.
The Corporate Services Directorate contributes to the program activity through the provision of sound corporate planning, financial, human resources, information management, information technology, administrative and materiel management services. The Directorate also contributes by promoting modern management practices and ensuring that the TSB complies with all government policies and directives.
The following tables provide a summary of the financial resources required by the TSB for its operations. The current TSB reference levels, as stated in the Main Estimates, are approximately $29 million. Aside from the budget reductions for procurement savings, TSB funding is expected to remain relatively stable over the coming three years.
Table 1: |
Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents |
2006-2007 | |||||
Program Activity | Budgetary | Total Main Estimates | Adjustments (planned spending not in Main Estimates) | Total Planned Spending | |
Operating | Net | ||||
Safety Investigations | 29,138 | 29,138 | 29,138 | -60 | 29,078 |
Total | 29,138 | 29,138 | 29,138 | -60 | 29,078 |
Vote or Statutory Item | Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | Current Main Estimates | Previous Main Estimates |
10 | Program expenditures | 25,486 | 24,039 |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 3,652 | 3,563 |
Total Department | 29,138 | 27,602 |
The TSB has developed an internal audit plan and resources have been allocated to the implementation of this plan. The following table identifies the audit projects planned over the coming year.
Audit Projects | Planned Completion Dates |
Compliance audit of hospitality expenses | July 2006 |
Compliance audit of use of mandatory standing offers | July 2006 |
Audit of internal controls - section 32 of Financial Administration Act | July 2006 |
Value for money audit of Air France investigation deployment phase | December 2006 |
Compliance audit of availability of work tools in both official languages | March 2007 |
Additional information about the Transportation Safety Board of Canada and its activities is available on this site or by contacting us at:
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Communications Division
Place du Centre
200 Promenade du Portage
4th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 1K8
Telephone: (819) 994-3741
Fax: (819) 997-2239