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Other Items of Interest
Library and Archives Canada's Corporate Management
During 2006, Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) conducted an assessment of LAC against indicators of performance related to the Management Accountability Framework (MAF). The MAF summarizes TBS's expectations for modern public service management. It provides public service managers with a clear list of management expectations within an overall framework for high organizational performance.
The assessment found that LAC was performing well in areas such as governance and planning, procurement and contract management and the integration of human resources planning with business planning. It identified areas for improvement. One was the need to improve the quality of LAC performance indicators that managers can use for decision making and that could appear in future Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports. Another was the need to improve risk management as part of LAC business planning. Action began on both during 2006-2007.
For 2007-2008, in addition to continued work on the two areas of improvement noted above, we expect to pursue improvements in other areas:
Real Property Infrastructure
LAC continues to implement its long-term infrastructure strategy. In 2007-08 work will begin on relocating the cellulose nitrate-based documentary heritage to a new, state of the art, preservation facility. Completion is expected in 2009.
In addition, LAC will begin refitting an interim facility which will allow the relocation and consolidation of collections presently housed in sub-standard facilities.
To ensure a more permanent solution to the challenges LAC faces with its existing infrastructure and to meet the challenge of continuous collection growth, LAC is pursuing discussions with its partners towards expanding its long-term preservation infrastructure.
1, 2 and 3 are the operational sectors of Library and Archives Canada. They reflect our legislated mandate and program activity architecture. Corresponding strategic outcomes are:
4, 5, 6 and 7 are enabling functions to foster corporate coordination and ensure that we work across the organizational structure.
Departmental Links to Government of Canada Outcome Areas
As noted in Section 1, all Library and Archives Canada activities take place in support of one strategic outcome, which supports the Government of Canada outcome of "A Vibrant Canadian Culture and Heritage."
Planned spending decreases over the three year planning period due to sunsetting capital project initiatives including the construction of an Interim Collections Facility in Gatineau, Quebec and a cellulose nitrate-based Documentary Heritage Vault. Overall, salary related expenditures account for approximately 64% of planned spending, other operating and capital account for 33% of planned spending and transfer payments account for 3% of planned spending.
Table 1: Library and Archives Canada Planned Spending and Full Time Equivalents
Table 1: Library and Archives Canada Planned Spending and Full Time Equivalents (cont'd)
Table 2: Voted and Statutory Items listed in Main Estimates
Table 3: Library and Archives Canada Services Received without Charge
Table 4: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenues
The Librarian and Archivist of Canada has sole responsibility for the Library and Archives of Canada Act, Statutes of Canada, 2004, c.11. He shares responsibility for the Access to Information Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. A-1, and the Privacy Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. P-21.
Library and Archives Canada
550 Place de la Cité Boulevard
Gatineau, Québec
K1A 0N4
General Information: (613) 996-5115
Toll free number in Canada and the U.S.: 1-866-578-7777
TTY: (613) 992-6969 or 1-866-299-1699 (toll free in Canada)
This report can be found in electronic format at
For more information about the contents of this document, contact:
Sean Berrigan, Director General
Strategic Office
Tel: (819) 934-5858
Fax: (819) 934-5839
1."Directions for Change" is available at