Federal Identity Program registry of applied titles
The Registry of Applied Titles includes a list of all applied titles and official abbreviations approved by the President of the Treasury Board.
The process for creating or changing an applied title is outlined in the Design Standard for the Federal Identity Program.
Enquiries may be directed to the Communications and Federal Identity Policy Centre, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
- Applied title:
- approved name used to identify a department, program or activity. This title is used in all communications.
- Legal title:
- the name that appears in the enabling legislation (act), proclamation, order in council, or other instrument used to create a branch of government.
- Signature:
- the combination of one of two official symbols (flag symbol or Arms of Canada) and the bilingual applied title, used to identify a department.
Part 1 - Titles of Federal Institutions Print version
The columns below include all federal institutions listed in schedules I, I.1, and II of the Financial Administration Act (FAA). The first column on the left indicates which of the FAA schedules the institution falls under. The next four columns indicate the institution’s legal title as it appears in the FAA in English and French, followed by the institution’s applied title as registered in both languages under the Federal Identity Program. The next two columns to the right show the official abbreviation of the institution in each language.
This information is also available as an Open Government dataset.
Note: Institutions that do not fall under the FAA schedules referenced above, such as Crown corporations, are not subject to the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity. As such, they are not required to seek approval from the President of the Treasury Board for their title, and they have been excluded from this registry.
FAA | Legal Title | Appellation légale | Applied Title | Titre d’usage | Abbr. | Abrév. |
- | Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada | GC | GC |
- | Treasury Board Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada | TBS | SCT |
I | Department for Women and Gender Equality | Ministère des Femmes et de l'Égalité des genres | Women and Gender Equality Canada | Femmes et Égalité des genres Canada | WAGE | FEGC |
I | Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food | Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | AAFC | AAC |
I | Department of Canadian Heritage | Ministère du Patrimoine canadien | Canadian Heritage | Patrimoine canadien | PCH | PCH |
I | Department of Citizenship and Immigration | Ministère de la Citoyenneté et de l'Immigration | Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada | IRCC | IRCC |
I | Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | Ministère des Relations Couronne-Autochtones et des Affaires du Nord | Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada | Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada | CIRNAC | RCAANC |
I | Department of Employment and Social Development | Ministère de l'Emploi et du Développement social | Employment and Social Development Canada | Emploi et Développement social Canada | ESDC | EDSC |
I | Department of Finance | Ministère des Finances | Department of Finance Canada | Ministère des Finances Canada | FIN | FIN |
I | Department of Fisheries and Oceans | Ministère des Pêches et des Océans | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Pêches et Océans Canada | DFO | MPO |
I | Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development | Ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce et du Développement | Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada | GAC | AMC |
I | Department of Health | Ministère de la Santé | Health Canada | Santé Canada | HC | SC |
I | Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities | Ministère du Logement, de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités | Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada | Logement, Infrastructures et Collectivités Canada | HICC | LICC |
I | Department of Indigenous Services | Ministère des Services aux Autochtones | Indigenous Services Canada | Services aux Autochtones Canada | ISC | SAC |
I | Department of Industry | Ministère de l'Industrie | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada | ISED | ISDE |
I | Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice | Department of Justice Canada | Ministère de la Justice Canada | JUS | JUS |
I | Department of National Defence | Ministère de la Défense nationale | National Defence | Défense nationale | DND | MDN |
I | Department of Natural Resources | Ministère des Ressources naturelles | Natural Resources Canada | Ressources naturelles Canada | NRCan | RNCan |
I | Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Ministère de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile | Public Safety Canada | Sécurité publique Canada | PS | SP |
I | Department of Public Works and Government Services | Ministère des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux | Public Services and Procurement Canada | Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada | PSPC | SPAC |
I | Department of the Environment | Ministère de l'Environnement | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | ECCC | ECCC |
I | Department of Transport | Ministère des Transports | Transport Canada | Transports Canada | TC | TC |
I | Department of Veterans Affairs | Ministère des Anciens Combattants | Veterans Affairs Canada | Anciens Combattants Canada | VAC | ACC |
I | Department of Western Economic Diversification | Ministère de la Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest canadien | Prairies Economic Development Canada | Développement économique Canada pour les Prairies | PrairiesCan | PrairiesCan |
I | Treasury Board | Conseil du Trésor | TB | CT | ||
I.1 | Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada | Service canadien d'appui aux tribunaux administratifs | Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada | Service canadien d'appui aux tribunaux administratifs | ATSSC | SCDATA |
I.1 | Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique | ACOA | APECA | ||
I.1 | Canada Water Agency | Agence canadienne de l’eau | Canada Water Agency | Agence de l’eau du Canada | CWA | AEC |
I.1 | Canadian Grain Commission | Commission canadienne des grains | CGC | CCG | ||
I.1 | Canadian Human Rights Commission | Commission canadienne des droits de la personne | CHRC | CCDP | ||
I.1 | Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | Secrétariat des conférences intergouvernementales canadiennes | CICS | SCIC | ||
I.1 | Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | Agence canadienne de développement économique du Nord | Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | Agence canadienne de développement économique du Nord | CanNor | CanNor |
I.1 | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes | CRTC | CRTC |
I.1 | Canadian Security Intelligence Service | Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité | Canadian Security Intelligence Service | Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité | CSIS | SCRS |
I.1 | Canadian Space Agency | Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency | Agence spatiale canadienne | CSA | ASC |
I.1 | Canadian Transportation Agency | Office des transports du Canada | Canadian Transportation Agency | Office des transports du Canada | CTA | OTC |
I.1 | Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à la Gendarmerie royale du Canada | Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP | Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à la GRC | CRCC | CCETP |
I.1 | Communications Security Establishment | Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications | Communications Security Establishment Canada | Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications Canada | CSE | CST |
I.1 | Copyright Board | Commission du droit d'auteur | Copyright Board Canada | Commission du droit d'auteur Canada | CB | CDA |
I.1 | Correctional Service of Canada | Service correctionnel du Canada | Correctional Service Canada Footnote 2 | Service correctionnel Canada Footnote 2 | CSC | SCC |
I.1 | Courts Administration Service | Service administratif des tribunaux judiciaires | Courts Administration Service | Service administratif des tribunaux judiciaires | CAS | SATJ |
I.1 | Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | Agence de développement économique du Canada pour les régions du Québec | Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions | Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec | CED | DEC |
I.1 | Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Nord de l'Ontario | Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Nord de l'Ontario | FedNor | FedNor |
I.1 | Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Sud de l'Ontario | Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Sud de l'Ontario | FedDev Ontario | FedDev Ontario |
I.1 | Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada | Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada | FCAC | ACFC |
I.1 | Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | Centre d'analyse des opérations et déclarations financières du Canada | Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | Centre d'analyse des opérations et déclarations financières du Canada | FINTRAC | CANAFE |
I.1 | Immigration and Refugee Board | Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié | Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada | IRB | CISR |
I.1 | Impact Assessment Agency of Canada | Agence canadienne d'évaluation d'impact | Impact Assessment Agency of Canada | Agence d'évaluation d'impact du Canada | IAAC | AEIC |
I.1 | Leaders' Debates Commission | Commission des débats des chefs | ||||
I.1 | Library and Archives of Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives du Canada | Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada | LAC | BAC |
I.1 | Military Grievances External Review Committee | Comité externe d'examen des griefs militaires | Military Grievances External Review Committee | Comité externe d'examen des griefs militaires | MGERC | CEEGM |
I.1 | Military Police Complaints Commission | Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant la police militaire | Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada | Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant la police militaire du Canada | MPCC | CPPM |
I.1 | National Farm Products Council | Conseil national des produits agricoles | Farm Products Council of Canada | Conseil des produits agricoles du Canada | FPCC | CPAC |
I.1 | National Film Board | Office national du film | NFB | ONF | ||
I.1 | National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat | Secrétariat de l'Office de surveillance des activités en matière de sécurité nationale et de renseignement | ||||
I.1 | Northern Pipeline Agency | Administration du pipe-line du Nord | Northern Pipeline Agency Canada | Administration du pipe-line du Nord Canada | NPA | APN |
I.1 | Office of the Auditor General | Bureau du vérificateur général | Office of the Auditor General of Canada | Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada | OAG | BVG |
I.1 | Office of the Chief Electoral Officer | Bureau du directeur général des élections | elections | elections | ||
I.1 | Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | Bureau du commissaire à la magistrature fédérale | Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada | Commissariat à la magistrature fédérale Canada | FJA | CMF |
I.1 | Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying | Commissariat au lobbying | Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada | Commissariat au lobbying du Canada | OCL | CAL |
I.1 | Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Commissariat aux langues officielles | OCOL | CLO | ||
I.1 | Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada | Bureau de l'enquêteur correctionnel du Canada | The Correctional Investigator Canada | L'Enquêteur correctionnel Canada | OCI | BEC |
I.1 | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | Bureau du directeur des poursuites pénales | Public Prosecution Service of Canada | Service des poursuites pénales du Canada | PPSC | SPPC |
I.1 | Office of the Governor General's Secretary | Bureau du secrétaire du gouverneur général | Office of the Secretary to the Governor General | Bureau du secrétaire du gouverneur général | OSGG | BSGG |
I.1 | Office of the Intelligence Commissioner | Bureau du commissaire au renseignement | ||||
I.1 | Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner | Commissariat à l'intégrité du secteur public | Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada | Commissariat à l'intégrité du secteur public du Canada | PSIC | ISPC |
I.1 | Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions | Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières | Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada | Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières Canada | OSFI | BSIF |
I.1 | Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada | Commissariats à l'information et à la protection de la vie privée au Canada | OIC | CI | ||
I.1 | Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada | Commissariats à l'information et à la protection de la vie privée au Canada | OPC | CPVP | ||
I.1 | Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | Agence de développement économique du Pacifique Canada | Pacific Economic Development Canada | Développement économique Canada pour le Pacifique | PacifiCan | PacifiCan |
I.1 | Parole Board of Canada | Commission des libérations conditionnelles du Canada | Parole Board of Canada | Commission des libérations conditionnelles du Canada | PBC | CLCC |
I.1 | Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | Conseil d'examen du prix des médicaments brevetés | Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada | Conseil d'examen du prix des médicaments brevetés Canada | PMPRB | CEPMB |
I.1 | Privy Council Office | Bureau du Conseil privé | Privy Council Office Footnote 3 | Bureau du Conseil privé Footnote 3 | PCO | BCP |
I.1 | Public Health Agency of Canada | Agence de la santé publique du Canada | Public Health Agency of Canada | Agence de la santé publique du Canada | PHAC | ASPC |
I.1 | Public Service Commission | Commission de la fonction publique | Public Service Commission of Canada | Commission de la fonction publique du Canada | PSC | CFP |
I.1 | Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada and that portion of the federal public administration appointed under subsection 12(2) of the Supreme Court Act | Registraire de la Cour suprême du Canada et le secteur de l'administration publique fédérale nommé en vertu du paragraphe 12(2) de la Loi sur la Cour suprême | SCC | CSC | ||
I.1 | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Gendarmerie royale du Canada | RCMP | GRC | ||
I.1 | Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | Comité externe d’examen de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada | RCMP External Review Committee | Comité externe d'examen de la GRC | ERC | CEE |
I.1 | Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians | Secrétariat du Comité des parlementaires sur la sécurité nationale et le renseignement | Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians | Secrétariat du Comité des parlementaires sur la sécurité nationale et le renseignement | SNSICP | SCPSNR |
I.1 | Shared Services Canada | Services partagés Canada | Shared Services Canada | Services partagés Canada | SSC | SPC |
I.1 | Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada | Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada | StatCan | StatCan |
I.1 | Veterans Review and Appeal Board | Tribunal des anciens combattants (révision et appel) | VRAB | TACRA | ||
II | Canada Border Services Agency | Agence des services frontaliers du Canada | Canada Border Services Agency | Agence des services frontaliers du Canada | CBSA | ASFC |
II | Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency | Agence canadienne pour l'incitation à la réduction des émissions | ||||
II | Canada Employment Insurance Commission | Commission de l'assurance-emploi du Canada | Canada Employment Insurance Commission | Commission de l'assurance-emploi du Canada | CEIC | CAEC |
II | Canada Revenue Agency | Agence du revenu du Canada | CRA | ARC | ||
II | Canada School of Public Service | École de la fonction publique du Canada | Canada School of Public Service | École de la fonction publique du Canada | CSPS | EFPC |
II | Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization | Organisation canadienne d'élaboration de normes d'accessibilité | Accessibility Standards Canada | Normes d'accessibilité Canada | ASC | NAC |
II | Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail | CCOHS | CCHST | ||
II | Canadian Energy Regulator | Régie canadienne de l'énergie | Canada Energy Regulator | Régie de l'énergie du Canada | CER | REC |
II | Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments | Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments | CFIA | ACIA |
II | Canadian High Arctic Research Station | Station canadienne de recherche dans l’Extrême-Arctique | Polar Knowledge Canada | Savoir polaire Canada | POLAR | POLAIRE |
II | Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada | CIHR | IRSC | ||
II | Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire | Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire | CNSC | CCSN |
II | Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | Bureau canadien d'enquête sur les accidents de transport et de la sécurité des transports | Transportation Safety Board of Canada | Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada | TSB | BST |
II | Invest in Canada Hub | Investir au Canada | ||||
II | Law Commission of Canada | Commission du droit du Canada | Law Commission of Canada | Commission du droit du Canada | ||
II | National Research Council of Canada | Conseil national de recherches du Canada | National Research Council Canada | Conseil national de recherches Canada | NRC | CNRC |
II | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada | NSERC | CRSNG |
II | Parks Canada Agency | Agence Parcs Canada | Parks Canada | Parcs Canada | PC | PC |
II | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada | SSHRC | CRSH |
II | The National Battlefields Commission | Commission des champs de bataille nationaux | The National Battlefields Commission Footnote 3 | Commission des champs de bataille nationaux Footnote 3 | NBC | CCBN |
Part 2 - Other Registered Applied Titles Print version
This section lists the registered applied titles for departmental branches, programs, and services. The first two columns on the left indicate the organization’s applied title in both official languages as registered under the Federal Identity Program. The next two columns show the official abbreviations of the organization in each language.
Note: Departments interested in proposing an applied title for a branch, program, or service are to consult with the Communications and Federal Identity Policy Centre for guidance. All applied titles must adhere to the criteria and receive approvals as required by the Design Standard for the Federal Identity Program.
Applied Title | Titre d’usage | Abbr. | Abrév. |
Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal | Commission de révision agricole du Canada | CART | CRAC |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | Conseil canadien des relations industrielles | CIRB | CCRI |
Canada Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise | Ombudsman du Canada de la responsabilité des entreprises | CORE | OCRE |
Canada Research Chairs | Chaires de recherche du Canada | ||
Canadian Coast Guard Footnote 1 | Garde côtière canadienne Footnote 1 | CCG | GCC |
Canadian Conservation Institute | Institut canadien de conservation | CCI | ICC |
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board | Commission canadienne d’examen des exportations de biens culturels | CCPERB | CCEEBC |
Canadian Heritage Information Network | Réseau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine | CHIN | RCIP |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne | CHRT | TCDP |
Canadian Intellectual Property Office | Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada | CIPO | OPIC |
Communications Research Centre Canada | Centre de recherches sur les communications Canada | CRC | CRC |
Competition Bureau Canada | Bureau de la concurrence Canada | COBU | BUCO |
Defence Research and Development Canada | Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada | DRDC | RDDC |
Environmental Protection Tribunal of Canada | Tribunal de la protection de l'environnement du Canada | EPTC | TPEC |
Health Emergency Readiness Canada | Préparation aux crises sanitaires Canada | HERC | PCSC |
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada | Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada | HSMBC | CLMHC |
Measurement Canada | Mesures Canada | MC | MC |
Office of the Chief Accessibility Officer of Canada | Bureau de la dirigeante principale de l’accessibilité du Canada | OCAO | BDPA |
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada | Bureau du surintendant des faillites Canada | OSB | BSF |
Policy Horizons Canada | Horizons de politiques Canada | PHC | HPC |
Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal Canada | Tribunal de la protection des fonctionnaires divulgateurs Canada | PSDPTC | TPFDC |
Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board | Commission des relations de travail et de l'emploi dans la fonction publique | PSLREB | CRTEFP |
Registry of the Specific Claims Tribunal of Canada | Greffe du Tribunal des revendications particulières du Canada | SCT | TRP |
Service Canada | Service Canada | ServCan | ServCan |
Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund Footnote 3 | Caisse d'indemnisation des dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures causée par les navires Footnote 3 | ||
Social Security Tribunal of Canada | Tribunal de la sécurité sociale du Canada | SST | TSS |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | Tribunal d'appel des transports du Canada | TATC | TATC |
Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada | Bureau du conseiller scientifique en chef du Canada | OCSA | BCSC |
- Date modified: