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This section provides an overview of NRC's Program Activities (based on NRC's Program Activity Architecture established in 2004) and how they contributed in 2006-2007 to the organization's priorities and strategic outcome - an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through research and development, technology commercialization and industry support.
NRC Program Activities are structured along two business lines (Research and Development, and Technology and Industry Support). These provide a balance between conducting R&D and delivering technical and innovation support services to industry and the public.
Table 2-1: Program Activity Profiles
In 2006-2007, in addition to its specific Research and Development and Technology Industry Support activities, NRC focused its efforts on programs that also support important Canadian priorities. Many of these are multi-disciplinary, cross-organizational initiatives that encompass a number of NRC entities (e.g., research institutes, laboratories, centres, facilities, programs and services). These collaborative programs address the Government's priorities on optimizing its S&T investments and expanding its value and reach. Examples of NRC's programming efforts in these areas can be found in the following "program spotlights" sections:
Performance Indicators (as identified in the 2006-2007 RPP) |
In 2006-2007, the Research and Development portfolio contributed to areas that are recognized as priorities for Canada through its core strengths: national research institutes and innovation activities dedicated to technology fields important to Canada; value creation through knowledge and technology transfer; the pursuit of leading-edge and integrated research in emerging cross-disciplinary fields; and the creation of economic and social benefits for Canadians. Continued support of Canadian industry and the research community through codes and standards, access to national facilities and stewardship of Canada's "big science" facilities remained a foundation to global marketplace access and international R&D alliances. The portfolio continued to develop new technologies leading to commercialization opportunities for Canadian industry.
A new patent is a key step in the continuum from discovery to innovation. The strategic management of intellectual property (IP) makes a contribution to the innovative capacity of firms. In 2006-2007, NRC applied for 215 new patents and secured 78 patents from applications made in previous years. Forty-five percent of these were issued in the U.S. – an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recognized measure of competitiveness. Based on a 2003 benchmarking study of best practices in IP management, NRC is changing its approach by screening disclosures early; conducting market research and patent analysis assessments; and regularly reviewing its IP portfolio to generate, identify and develop more "high potential commercial value" IP.
By negotiating a licence agreement to use NRC technology, the industrial partner endorses the merit of NRC research and these agreements show a direct flow of innovation into business application. NRC entered into 102 new licence agreements in 2006-2007 and IP licensing revenue was $5.0 million (see Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1: NRC IP Portfolio (2002-2007)
Source: NRC Performance Information Database, 2006
Just over $2.3 million of IP revenue in 2006-2007 was attributed directly to the Meningitis-C vaccine developed by the NRC Institute for Biological Sciences (NRC-IBS) and $1.1 million of revenue from hardware and software development can be attributed to the NRC Institute for Information Technology (NRC-IIT).
Some examples of NRC technology licensed to industry in 2006-2007 include:
When NRC develops a technology with particularly strong market potential and there is no Canadian receptor capacity identified, entirely new companies may be created to commercialize the technology. These new companies create innovative products and services for the global marketplace and new jobs for Canadians. In 2006-2007, NRC launched one new company bringing the total of new companies created since 1995 to 68 accounting for approximately 604 full-time jobs and an estimated $437 million in cumulative investment, a 6% decrease from last year8. In 2006, investment from all sources into NRC new companies was $63 million.
Company created in 2006-2007:
Scientific papers in leading peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings are internationally acknowledged measures of research quality and relevance. They are also a key tool for the dissemination of knowledge and the eventual creation of value for Canada in the long-term. NRC has consistently produced over a thousand peer-reviewed publications each year over the last five years. In 2006-2007, researchers published 1,403 articles in refereed journals. NRC researchers also presented 870 papers at S&T conferences and produced 1,239 technical reports for clients (see Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2: NRC Publications (2002-2007)
Source: NRC Performance Information Database, 2006
NRC's research excellence is also evident in the involvement of its researchers in multi-researcher networks and centres of excellence as well as the number of externally funded, peer-reviewed research grant proposals. In 2006-2007, NRC researchers participated in 110 research networks, held 217 positions on editorial boards of scientific journals and were appointed to 499 adjunct professorships in Canadian universities. One hundred and seventy four grants provided NRC researchers and their partners with $36 million, over the lifetime of the projects. Examples of external awards received by NRC researchers in the last year can be found in Section IV – Awards and Achievements.
National leadership in R&D and innovation is demonstrated by the participation of NRC researchers on 593 national committees and by the 206 conferences and workshops organized by the institutes.
In 2006-2007, NRC signed 361 new formal collaborative research agreements with Canadian partners worth a total of $149 million. The total value over the lifetime of these agreements grew to $434 million (see Figure 2-3). The number and value of collaborative agreements signed during a year are indicators that foretell increased research activity. NRC's Canadian partners invest 1.48 dollars for every dollar NRC invests.
Figure 2-3: Canadian Collaborations (2002-2007)
Source: NRC Performance Information Database, 2006
Participation in international projects and consortia exposes Canadian students, researchers and companies to the best-in-the-world capabilities. In 2006-2007, NRC signed 99 new formal collaborative research agreements with international partners worth $41 million. The total number of active international collaborative agreements is similar to last year's number (see Figure 2-4), with a total value over the lifetime of the agreements of close to $145 million. NRC's international partners invest 5.3 dollars for every dollar NRC invests.
Figure 2-4: International Collaborations (2002-2007)
Source: NRC Performance Information Database, 2006
8 Adventus Research Inc., Economic Impact of National Research Council Canada Spin-Off Companies 2007 Survey, February 25, 2007.
Strategy: Creating value through R&D in sectors with the greatest economic impact for Canada |
Facilitate technology advantage for next generation aerospace industry – Fiscal year 2006-2007 was the second year the NRC-Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre (NRC-AMTC) occupied its new building in Montreal. Over the past year, it has embarked on a $9 million technology demonstration project with funding support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions. This project is focused on the manufacture of aircraft major structural components from composite materials. The strategic objective of the project is to facilitate the development in Canada of a tier 2 major subcomponent integrator within the aerospace supply chain.
In 2006-2007, the NRC Gas Turbine Laboratory (NRC-GTL), working with Industry Canada's Aerospace and Defence Branch established a national network for the development of a technology roadmap and technology demonstrator capability in aerospace diagnostics, prognostics and health management. The network, consisting of the major Canadian Original Equipment Manufacturers (Bell Helicopter, Pratt & Whitney and Bombardier), with government, university and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the aerospace community, identified priority technology needs in 14 projects and developed the funding solutions to proceed with two new projects this past year. The network links all of the innovation system components in this domain, for the first time. Approximately 80 participants worked together to advance the process for teaming. A national steering committee directs the activities through regular meetings and a website. The establishment of the network and successful implementation of team – led innovation across the community is of benefit to the Canadian aerospace community and will form a working model for the development of a Technology Roadmap in Combustion – focused Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The NRC Institute for Aerospace Research (NRC-IAR) and GE Aviation, in partnership with Aéroports de Montréal, built a new facility to conduct icing certification tests on large engines. Construction of the facility, located at the end of Montreal's Mirabel International Airport runway, was completed in February 2007. This new NRC facility, along with existing facilities in Ottawa, could result in Canada becoming the icing certification centre of excellence for the world.
Position Canadian industry as a key player in advanced manufacturing – In 2006-2007, the NRC Industrial Materials Institute (NRC-IMI) continued to focus on the processing and forming industries. Much progress was made in biomaterials, metal foaming technologies, aluminium forming, environmental membranes, natural fibre composites and biodegradable polymers. Sectors served included automotive, medical devices, aerospace, and general manufacturing in metals and plastics. NRC-IMI, for example, achieved the development of an integrated mathematical model for the hydroforming of structural aluminium automobile components. They also developed innovative aluminium rear suspension components for automobiles to be manufactured in 2010-12. The design was optimized for the use of robotic welding equipment in their assembly.
At the NRC-AMTC some projects were able to deliver significant results quickly for General Motors and Bombardier. A collaborative project with General Motors Canada (GMC) on High Speed Grinding of Steel and Nodular Cast Iron has achieved higher material removal rates than has ever been obtained before. This has significant impact on the productivity and reduction of the manufacturing costs of crankshafts and camshafts at GMC. In collaboration with Bombardier Aerospace (BA), NRC-AMTC has developed the first in the world high accuracy positioning system for fuselage panel riveting using collaborative robots. Novel methods of calibration and the use of metrology-in-the loop for the positioning control improved the accuracy of positioning the part on a panel. The impact of the implementation of this system will be a 50 to 75 % reduction of production costs of fuselage components according to a Bombardier forecast and, as a secondary benefit, the reduction of occupational diseases due to obviating the need to have a human operator close to a noise-filled workspace environment. According to the client, this breakthrough will result in ensuring that the production of fuselage panels for most BA aircraft will remain in Montreal rather than being shipped outside Canada.
In collaboration with industrial, university and government partners, the NRC Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute (NRC-IMTI) held six meetings with current and potential members in three of their Special Interest Groups: Precision Freeform Fabrication Technologies (PFFTech), Precision Micro Fabrication Technologies (PMFTech) and Reconfigurable and Flexible Manufacturing Technologies (RFMTech).
The NRC Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology (NRC-ICPET) continued to focus on two major research thrusts: energy-oriented processes and solution-driven materials within a sustainable framework. The Institute worked with Environment Canada, Industry Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Five Winds International on the refinement of SAFT V2, a tool that can help researchers in companies determine the overall sustainability of proposed research approaches and industrial processes. As part of the evaluation, the tool was applied to several bioproducts projects currently underway at NRC. NRC-ICPET continued to build on its fuel cell research capabilities, creating new materials that outperform current commercial membranes in cost and performance. In the oil sands area, NRC-ICPET developed and renewed industrial collaborations with the Canadian Oil Sands Network for Research and Development (CONRAD) and Syncrude. These industrial collaborations complement a significant investment from other government departments in NRC-ICPET's research program which brings a fundamental chemical science approach to oil sands processing and significantly reduces the energy and process requirements associated with synthetic crude oil production.
The NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation's (NRC-IFCI) R&D program in 2006-2007 aimed at advancing fundamental fuel cell science and technology applications and accelerating the adaptation and commercialization of these technologies. To contribute to these objectives, the Institute assembled a multi-disciplinary team of research scientists, engineers, and technical staff, with recognized expertise in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. NRC-IFCI had several critical achievements in 2006-2007 in advanced materials and manufacturing which will reduce the cost of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) materials and enable the Canadian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen industry to mass produce fuel cell materials:
Reduce industry risks and costs of working on next generation information and communications technology – In 2006-2007, NRC-IMS and NRC-IIT continued to be involved in developing next-generation capabilities in information and communications technology. NRC-IIT's areas of research priority are Knowledge from Data, People-Oriented Systems and eBusiness and include research in data mining, cybersecurity and machine translation.
The Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) located on the main campus of the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) unites researchers from the partnering organizations (Translation Bureau of Canada, UQO, Industry Canada and NRC-IIT) as well as the language industry association AILIA, UQO's technology transfer office (BLUM) and NRC-IRAP. The group has now achieved a full complement of researchers together with graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Three technologies in the group's portfolio which present commercialization potential include: TransCheck (a translation error-detection software), Barçah (terminometry support software) and Portage (statistical machine translation). In December 2006, NRC-IIT signed its first industrial cooperation agreement for the use of some components of Portage technology to enhance existing translation support products.
In 2006-2007, NRC-IIT's research contract for the use of PORTAGE in the multimillion dollar GALE (Global Autonomous Language Exploitation) research program was renewed for a second year. GALE, sponsored by the U.S. Government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), has the goal of making foreign language (Arabic and Chinese) speech and text accessible to English monolingual people, particularly in military settings. NRC-IIT is the only Canadian R&D participant in GALE, the largest project in the world in natural language processing. Participation will build future returns; in working with the best in the world, NRC-IIT is involved in developing technologies that will eventually be espoused by Canadian industry and allow Canada to be competitive in this emerging area. The PORTAGE technology was also instrumental in fostering a new research project called SMART, which targets the development of new techniques in machine translation in collaboration with a consortium of European laboratories.
NRC-IMS is anticipating the importance to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector of working at the nano and quantum scales. NRC-IMS's work with self-assembled quantum dots lays the foundation for future sources of single and entangled photons with application to secure information transfer using fibre-based communication channels. In another effort, NRC-IMS led a three-nation team to optically detect a fraction of the electron's charge, a research breakthrough published in the prestigious journal Nature Physics.
An NRC-IMS team demonstrated the first functional electronic circuit composed of three single electron spins localized in a field-effect transistor, and as a result was invited to become a partner in QuantumWorks, a new Innovation Platform based at the University of Waterloo, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), that links Canadian researchers with industrial and government agency partners to lead Canada into the nano and quantum technological revolution.
In 2006, researchers from three NRC institutes demonstrated the first silicon photonic wire evanescent field (PWEF) sensor element. Given that optical PWEF sensor elements can occupy an onchip space less than a few tens of micrometers across, this technology lends itself to integration in multiplexed sensor arrays – an essential requirement for a practical molecular sensing technology. It is also compatible with standard silicon fabrication processes and therefore has the potential to provide a manufacturable solution, filling a need for label-free sensor arrays in genomics and proteomics based diagnostics and research, as well as for drug screening in the pharmaceutical industry.
Strategy: Invest in leading-edge research including increased horizontal and multi-disciplinary R&D |
Supporting Canada's leadership in fuel cells – The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Program mobilizes fuel cell expertise and research strength from a network of NRC research institutes across Canada, including the Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) in Vancouver, which is the flagship for this program. A total of $6.2 million over five years (from 2003-2004 to 2007-2008) was allocated to NRC for its Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Program - a key horizontal initiative. In 2006-2007, seven projects in PEMFC and SOFC were funded with $1.1 million at five NRC institutes. With matching institute contributions, total value of the program was $4.5 million. In 2006-2007, 35 scientific papers were published in refereed journals and two patent applications filed. NRC's research accomplishments from this cross-NRC program have been recognized in the academic community, and NRC is an important partner in research network proposals submitted to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for SOFCs, Hydrogen and PEMFC research. Fundamental research and strong competencies developed in the program have now resulted in establishing an international reputation for NRC-IFCI in hydrogen and fuel cell research resulting in five signed collaborative projects with Canada's top fuel cell companies as well as Nissan of Japan. Continuing work with Ballard Power Systems, Hyteon Inc., Tekion Inc. and Northwest Mettech is bringing this technology closer to the marketplace. These "spin-off" projects directly resulted from the research done within the program. Program funding will be up for renewal in 2008-2009.
Through research results and competencies developed as the key institute within this program, NRC-IFCI has played a pivotal role in supporting the growth of the Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell industry. During the five years since the establishment of the institute the British Columbia hydrogen and fuel cell cluster has grown from just a few companies to a dynamic emerging cluster. Today, British Columbia is widely considered to be the centre of one of the world's most advanced clusters of companies and organizations focused on fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. NRC-IFCI has worked on 19 collaborative industry projects, was invited to participate in the "EU Framework Program 6" group involving 18 European organizations, and was chosen as one of three organizations worldwide for Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) international fuel cell program.
Increase synergies in bioproducts – As part of its new strategy, NRC will be implementing a series of national programs to address Canadian priorities in health and wellness, environment, and sustainable energy. These programs will be "outcome-focused", involving multi-disciplines from across NRC and other research and commercial organizations (including other government departments and industry players). In April 2007, it was announced that the Vice-President Life Sciences will be responsible for the implementation of the first national program in bioproducts. During 2006-2007, work accomplished in establishing this new program included aligning stakeholders (including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada who is co-leading the implementation of this program), identifying expertise and capacity at NRC which will be relevant to program objectives and scoping out a potential focus. Developing bioproducts will increase the value of Canadian virgin resources and find higher value applications for low-value streams such as agricultural and forestry wastes, municipal solid waste, residual organics and other under-utilized organic resources, as well as have an impact on two Canadian priorities: environment and sustainable engery.
Support health for Canadians: Vaccines, immunology and neurodegenerative diseases – Building on the success of its Meningitis C vaccine for people of all ages, NRC-IBS continued to address important public health concerns through the application of neuro- and glycosciences to reduce the impact of age-related and infectious diseases by, among other things, developing an effective vaccine against Alzheimer's disease and conducting research on brain repair solutions through a new neuroglycobiology program. In 2006-2007, new immunology and neuroglycobiology laboratory facilities were put in place and staffing was added to grow these new activities. NRC-IBS continued to collaborate with Dow AgroSciences to reduce the load of food-borne pathogens in animals thereby contributing to the safety of the world's meat supply.
Support National Security – NRC is the lead on one Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) Research Technology Initiative project and participates in three others. In partnership with the NRC Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences (NRC-SIMS), Laval University, Health Canada and Defence Research and Development Canada Suffield, NRC-IMI designs and fabricates plastic-based substrates and devices for micro-magnetic manipulation for detection purposes. The NRC-SIMS portion of the project involves the design of nano-material architectures for the detection and capture of pathogens. The technology has a wide range of applications contributing to the speed and efficiency of diagnostics for both therapeutic and security purposes.
Safety is a major concern and governments devote a lot of effort to this area. NRC-IMI makes use of horizontal programs to develop materials technologies for safety applications, in particular the chemical or biochemical detection of pathogens, in collaboration with the Canadian Government (National Defence, Genome Canada, GHI-3, and other NRC institutes), research centres and universities, and other major players in this area.
NRC-IMI takes part in many projects in collaboration with Canada's National Defence, including:
In 2006-2007, the NRC Centre for Surface Transportation Technology (NRC-CSTT) played a key role in assisting the Canadian Armed Forces with the Leopard 2 Tank System Integration. The Armed Forces decided to make greater use of tracked vehicles, such as the Leopard 2 Tank to improve troop protection, vehicle mobility and defence capability while removing the risks associated with the use of local roadways. The new Leopard tanks however lacked many of the Canadian communications, situational awareness and command and control systems. Under very tight timelines to accommodate the desire to ship completed and operational tanks to Afghanistan, NRC-CSTT played an integral part of the team to utilize its unique approach to design and integration using a virtual design environment. In addition, NRC-CSTT assisted in the evaluation and option analysis of using varied tank crew cooling systems to combat the expected hot temperatures of operating a 66-ton metal tank in desert locations. The contribution of NRC-CSTT staff to this work served to significantly reduce the number of soldier lives lost to hazards of moving on the roadways in and around Kandahar, Afghanistan. It represents a contribution by NRC to saving Canadian lives and raising Canada's ability to function effectively in this threatening theatre.
Participate in international collaborations in a non-traditional role – In the fall of 2006 NRC, in collaboration with the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), announced the completion of the most important scientific study ever done of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. The two-year collaboration involved the use of a number of cutting-edge technologies to examine the painting's physical properties. Among these was a three-dimensional (3D) colour laser scanner designed and built by NRC which was taken to Paris to scan the painting. The scanner is capable of scanning 3D images at a depth resolution of 10 micro-meters, or about 1/10 the diameter of a human hair. The 3D model was used to document and precisely measure the shape of the wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted, to examine features of the composition and the craquelure of the paint and to study the painting's state of conservation. The technology has an extensive range of museum and heritage applications and has been widely recognised.
Integrate nanotechnology research and innovation – To build its competencies and leverage its resources and knowledge, NRC is developing a horizontal nanotechnology initiative (NRCNano) that will increase the integration of expertise across the NRC as well as facilitate collaborations with external partners, including other government departments, universities and industry. The program will work in concert with a nascent nanotechnology network growing around the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) in which specialized nano centres across Canada are linking together to share information and enable collaborative ventures.
One illustrative example of the way in which NRC institutes already work collaboratively in nanotechnology is the research being performed by three NRC institutes in the area of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT). NRC-SIMS has world-leading capabilities in making and functionalizing high purity SWNT; NRC-IMI brings its knowledge and operational experience in blending and setting process parameters for unique blends of polymers and additives; and NRC-IAR contributes its materials testing capabilities and in-depth understanding of the future needs of the Canadian aerospace industry.
Program Spotlights - NRC Genomics and Health Initiatives (NRC-GHI): Address key social and economic challenges through integrated Genomics and Health Research
Description: NRC conducts over half of all biotechnology research performed by the federal government and is a major contributor to important advances in genomics, proteomics and health-related research through the NRC Genomics and Health Initiative (NRC-GHI). NRC-GHI was established in 1999 to strengthen NRC's capabilities in genome and health sciences, integrate research capabilities across NRC, and contribute to national genomics and health research efforts in collaboration with other federal agencies, industries and universities. NRC-GHI currently comprises six large-scale and diverse biotechnology research programs, supported by three technology platforms (DNA Microarray, DNA Sequencing and Proteomics). NRC-GHI is NRC's flagship horizontal life sciences initiative and currently involves ten NRC institutes and more than 400 personnel. Plans: In 2006-2007, NRC-GHI will be entering the second year of its third phase of research activity. The initiative will continue to focus its efforts on six research programs oriented towards diagnosing, treating and preventing human and animal disease, developing technologies for pathogen detection and advancing new technologies for cardiac care and the production of commercially valuable agricultural crops. NRC completed an evaluation of NRC-GHI in 2005-2006. The results of this study will feed into a broader evaluation of the interdepartmental Genomics R&D Initiative in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. NRC is leading this evaluation on behalf of the six participating departments. Recognized Program Management and Governance Process: NRC is committed to effective research program management practices and has integrated lessons learned from the first two phases of NRC-GHI to refine the competitive program selection process for the third phase. An external Expert Panel with industry representation has reviewed all program proposals for quality and relevance. NRC uses selection criteria that favour integration of research capabilities across institutes, collaboration with external partners in other government departments, academia and industry, as well as commercial potential. NRC has also instituted formal program management for all NRC-GHI programs, tracking progress against explicit milestones and deliverables; progress is evaluated quarterly as well as annually. A new comprehensive governance model for NRC-GHI was assembled for the third phase to ensure that various accountabilities and responsibilities are clarified and understood. Approved by NRC Senior Executive Committee, the NRC-GHI governance structure is being promoted as a model for horizontal programs within NRC. |
2006-2007 Financial Resources |
Planned |
Total Authorities* |
Actual** |
$11.00 million |
$11.57 million |
$10.94 million |
*$6 million of annual funding is subject to renewal. Current approval covers the period of April 2006 to March 2008. Planned Results (from 2006-2007 RPP):
2006-2007 Performance: On behalf of the six participating departments, NRC led an evaluation of the interdepartmental Genomics R&D Initiative in 2006-2007 and revised the Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) for the Initiative. The process to renew NRC-GHI into a fourth phase (GHI-4) was launched in 2006-2007. NRC research teams were encouraged to demonstrate their ability to integrate research and technology disciplines in order to drive commercially relevant advances in cutting-edge areas of genome and health-sciences, while ensuring alignment with the new NRC strategy. Decisions on which Letters of Intent would be moving forward for full proposal development were made and new investments are being considered in areas that focus on cerebrovasular and infectious diseases. Scientific Output:
Examples of impacts from selected NRC-GHI programs include:
Economic Benefits
In addition, NRC-GHI programs have profited from several collaborations and service contracts with external partners:
Citizenship Engagement
Participating NRC Research Institutes (2006-2007): NRC-BRI, NRC-IIT, NRC-IBD, NRC-IMB, NRC-IBS, NRC-PBI, NRC-SIMS, NRC-IMI, NINT, NRC-IMS. Website: |
Strategy: Build sustainability in the Environment, Oceans Management, Coastal Science and Engineering |
Continue to support Canada's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the environment9 – NRC works with other government departments in the delivery of interdepartmental programs on clean energy and climate change. Its main contributions are in two areas: hydrogen and fuel cell R&D and in the new national program on bioproducts. In partnership with an industry collaborator NRC-IFCI developed technology for generating hydrogen on demand. The device generates 99.99% pure hydrogen and can easily be started and stopped by "throwing a switch". Its purity makes it ideal as a fuel for proton exchange membrane fuel cells and for providing gases to laboratories and industrial processes. Safety is a key concern regarding hydrogen use especially when it must be stored in large quantities or transported using public transportation infrastructure. As this newly developed device generates hydrogen on demand and does not need storage capacity it addresses these safety issues very effectively. Owing to its devices key features and scalability, NRC anticipates the technology will be used in a number of applications ranging from portable electronics, back-up power systems and possibly automobiles. This technology is currently being commercialized and will bring us one step closer to reaping the environmental benefits of hydrogen as a fuel.
NRC-IBS scientists designed an enzymatic process to effectively degrade pectin from hemp fibres, for which a patent application has been filed. Through a licensing agreement, a Vancouver company, Naturally Advanced Technologies, plans to commercialize the process and produce soft, white hemp clothing that can compete with cotton. Unlike cotton, hemp can be grown without pesticides and herbicides and rain provides enough irrigation. It absorbs carbon dioxide five times more efficiently than the same acreage of forest, so it can also help fight the greenhouse effect. NRC-IBS developments in hemp fibre processing will contribute to a sustainable value-added Canadian agricultural industry permitting Canadian farmers to compete in the lucrative world market for fabrics. Cotton cannot be grown in Canada, which has limited the potential for a Canadian presence in this market.
The NRC Biotechnology Research Institute (NRC-BRI) was co-responsible for a major environment technology demonstration project in 2006, consisting of testing groundwater (bio) remediation technologies, including nanotechnologies. Total budget for the project was $1.56 million. The technology is being transferred to a Canadian company.
In Montreal, a former industrial and municipal waste dumping site, Technoparc, represented a hazard to aquatic life in the St-Lawrence River because of the toxic leachate and oils seeping in the river, was converted into a high tech park. NRC-BRI, through a technology platform set-up in collaboration the province of Quebec, City of Montreal, Environment Canada, Economic Development Canada, and environmental industries has been involved in the testing of technologies, evaluation of industrial technology performance and assessment, management of the whole project, making links with stakeholders (private and public) and in communications with the public. NRC- BRI is further developing this project which should lead to a large scale technology demonstration project, estimated at $4.5 million for 2007-2008. When completed, this site could be redeveloped by the "Société du Havre de Montréal".
The NRC Institute for Research in Construction (NRC-IRC) developed an Integrated Indoor Air Quality Model software program that provides an integrated view to indoor environment pollution issues including pollutants (vapours and particles), sources (indoor and outdoor), and fate/transport mechanisms that affect levels of indoor pollutants. This software supports the construction (and related) industries in reducing emissions from materials, reducing ventilation loads, and improving material selection.
The NRC Canadian Centre for Housing Technology (NRC-CCHT) performed a number of projects largely aimed at assessing innovative construction products and systems and reducing energy consumption and associated green house gas (GHG) production. During 2006-2007, the Centre was the focus of a number of joint research and strategic projects. The following are highlights:
Build sustainability through oceans science – The reliable performance of technology in the marine environment is of commercial value to all ocean industries. The evaluation of that performance is an important tool in assuring the safety of people, the security of assets and the protection of the ocean environment. These concerns have led to increasing demand for cost-effective systems to harvest ocean renewable energy. In 2006-2007, researchers at the NRC Institute for Ocean Technology (NRC-IOT) began testing novel technologies at model scale, utilizing the Institute's Offshore Engineering Basin. The results will be used to launch field trials of full-scale systems, giving Canadian developers an international advantage in this emerging sector.
Canada's energy industry also benefited from performance evaluation of flexible risers for offshore oil and gas operations. These risers are often subject to vortex induced vibrations. NRC-IOT carried out physical tests to measure riser response behaviour in currents. That information was used to develop a numerical model for dynamic flexible riser vibrations. This capability to model and assess deep-water technologies is benefiting the east coast offshore industry and is being delivered in turn to the international market by Canadian SMEs.
The Ocean Sciences Technology Partnership (OSTP) in 2006-2007 succeeded, through extensive consultation sessions across Canada, in capturing the links between ocean science researchers and technology innovators from government, industry, academia, coastal communities and regional organizations. These relationships strengthened national linkages between regional networks, information sharing and awareness building, leveraging of funds, building technology commercialization demonstrations, partnerships and joint ventures. As had been envisaged, OSTP represented a national voice for the ocean technology community in 2006-2007. In addition to preparation of their "Smart Oceans Strategy", OSTP developed an Internet-based directory that provides information on Canada's suppliers of ocean related research and technology solutions.
NRC-IRAP staff played a role in the evolution of OSTP, serving as an advisor to the Board and helping guide the development of the deliverables through participation in Board meetings and interactions with the OSTP project manager and individual board members. Additional information is available from the website:
9As a Schedule II (Financial Administration Act) departmental corporation, NRC is not subject to the 1995 amendments to the Auditor General Act requiring the preparation of a Sustainable Development Strategy. However, NRC has an Environmental Management Policy to ensure that its operations contribute to sustainable development. NRC fosters the integration of sustainable development strategies and practices across Canada and in the innovation processes of Canadian SMEs.
Strategy: Support Canadian industry and research community through codes, standards and investments in R&D infrastructures |
Harmonize international measurement standards – NRC-INMS is Canada's national metrology institute (NMI), determining physical standards and methods of measurement that impact directly on the ability of Canadian firms to trade internationally by reducing non-tariff trade barriers. NRC-INMS's work helps assure global market access to Canadian industry. NRC-INMS has now completed the implementation of a quality management system (QMS) for all its calibration and measurement services, meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, the international quality standard for calibration and testing laboratories. A QMS is a mandatory requirement for full participation in the activities related to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) facilitated by the Comité international des poids et mesures (CIPM).
An ongoing challenge for NRC-INMS has been addressing measurement barriers to innovation arising from rapidly developing technologies such as nanotechnology and biotechnology, while maintaining essential calibration and measurement capability in more traditional areas. NRC-INMS has significantly expanded its response to the need for measurement standards for nanotechnology, a priority established in its Strategic Plan 2002-2007. NRC-INMS is playing a leadership role at the national and international level in activities promoting the harmonized development of regulatory and measurement standards that will underpin nanotechnology innovation. The Institute's new measurement and calibration capabilities will support nanoscience activities in other NRC institutes, as well as commercialization opportunities resulting from this work. In biotechnology, NRC-INMS collaborated with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to produce a set of reference materials (RMs) for genetically modified (GM) canola that will be used to verify the accuracy of chemical analyses used to determine GM content. These RMs, the first of their kind world-wide, have attracted attention from other NMIs and, more importantly, from the major ag-biotech companies which will be able to use these reference materials to address marketing and labelling issues.
Objective-based model construction codes - clarity, flexibility and uniformity – NRC-IRC's new objective based codes, launched in 2005, facilitate the evaluation of alternative products and design solutions, making the Canadian construction codes more accommodating to innovation, renovations to existing buildings and international trade. To inform code users of the most significant of these changes in the 2005 Codes, NRC-IRC in coordination with the provinces and territories, delivered approximately 40 seminars over fiscal years 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 reaching 6,200 participants. A further 1000 stakeholders were engaged by additional presentations covering specific codes-related topics. In August 2006 the codes were made available on CD-ROM.
Leverage "Big Science" partnerships – TRIUMF (Tri-University Meson Facility) is one of the country's key investments in major science infrastructure. It provides world-class facilities for research in sub-atomic physics, nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, life sciences and condensed matter physics and encourages the transfer of technology developed at the laboratory to the marketplace. NRC provides funding for the facility on behalf of the Government of Canada via a contribution agreement and oversees the federal investment. TRIUMF has completed the second year of its 2005-2010 Plan, with five-year funding totalling $222 million. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funding was obtained by the Canadian university community for the ATLAS Data Hub, which will be located at TRIUMF. CFI funding was also obtained by the Canadian university community for the TRIUMF M20 beamline.
Strategy: Continue to implement Canada's Long Range Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
The NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA) plays a unique role in the implementation of Canada's Long Range Plan for Astronomy (LRP), a national strategy for astronomy research – Astronomy has evolved from a predominantly national enterprise into an international activity with regional or limited partnerships.
The top-priority LRP project, ALMA, is now well into facility construction and considerable effort has been focused on defining the Canadian role in the operational phase, which is scheduled to begin ramping up in fiscal year 2008 – 2009. NRC-HIA delivered on its commitment to produce receiver cartridges as part of the Canadian contribution to the project. Following rigorous acceptance testing, the first two Band 3 receiver cartridges were delivered by NRC-HIA to the ALMA integration centre in Virginia in 2006-2007. As a result of NRC's work, a contract has been awarded for the production of further cartridges to NanowaveTechnologies Inc. of Ontario.
The TMT project is in the design development phase. NRC-HIA makes an in-kind contribution based on the scientific and engineering expertise resident at the Institute. NRC‑HIA staff continued to hold key roles in the TMT project effort, including leading instrumentation development activities and defining the high-level requirements for construction. The TMT Structure Manager continues to work with Dynamic Structures Ltd., the industrial partner on the project.
NRC-HIA's SKA work has shifted with the release of the SKA reference design. The European Union has designated the SKA as a global project of interest to Europe, opening the door to non-European participation in the FP7 funding program. NRC-HIA is currently participating in a funding application endorsed by 27 international organizations.
In 2006-2007, NRC signed an agreement with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia to seek funds to become a partner in the Mileura International Radio Array (MIRA), a demonstration project linked to the SKA. MIRA is a science-capable pathfinder telescope to be built in Western Australia over the next decade. NRC‑HIA is working with CSIRO's Australia Telescope National Facility on specifications, implementation and respective roles in the project.
The LRP also recognized the importance of computational resources and access to vast amounts of data. The NRC-HIA Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) allows researchers access to the data collected by telescopes. In 2006-2007, improvements resulted in raw Gemini datasets being made available to users within 15 minutes of acquisition. In 2006, more than 106 external refereed publications acknowledged use of the CADC, an indication that the use of archive data is becoming an integral part of astronomical research, both through the augmentation of original observations and through novel data-mining applications that are entirely dependent on the availability of such records. NRC-HIA is widely recognized for expertise in this domain.
Digital expertise at NRC-HIA is currently being used to build a $20 million supercomputer that will be the heart of the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico. When complete in 2010, this will be the largest correlator in the world. The backbone components of the system are several large circuit boards which have challenged state-of-the-art printed-circuit board design and fabrication methods. The boards were designed and produced at NRC‑HIA.
Implementation of Phase II of the LRP
An evaluation of NRC-HIA's contributions to the LRP has been released. The evaluation, which involved over 50 interviews with peers and stakeholders in Canada and internationally, confirmed the relevance of NRC-HIA's contribution to the implementation of the LRP to university and industrial stakeholders and underlined the lack of duplication between NRC and university efforts. The Institute continues to focus its attention on all elements of the Long Range Plan (LRP) for Canadian Astronomy. LRP Phase I funding was received for the period 2002-2003 to 2006-2007, Phase II planning is currently under development. |
Performance Indicators (as identified in the 2006-2007 RPP) |
In support of the Government of Canada's commercialization priority, the NRC Technology and Industry Support portfolio (TIS) works closely with the NRC Research and Development portfolio to increase the commercialization of research through: technology licensing; provision of pre-commercialization assistance, mentoring and business intelligence to Canadian firms; access to vital national and international networks; knowledge dissemination and expertise; and helping companies create new products and/or new technologies. In addition, it collaborates with key partners to develop strategic initiatives to accelerate the successful competitiveness/commercialization of new technologies. TIS also helps to fuel the growth and innovative capacity of SMEs, and continues to streamline its approach to intellectual property management and the transfer of technology.
Strategy: Increase the innovation capacity of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Growing SMEs to medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) |
Program Spotlights - Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP: Grow SMEs through innovation capacity support and expertise)
Description: NRC-IRAP is the agency's innovation and technology assistance program in support of Canadian SMEs. Since its inception close to 60 years ago, the program has broadened its strategic purpose from a limited focus on technology transfer to its current strategic objective of increasing the innovative capabilities of Canadian SMEs. Today NRC-IRAP provides comprehensive innovation assistance to technology-based SMEs in almost every industrial sector of importance to Canada's current and future economic development. Plans: SMEs engaging in high-risk, technologically sophisticated R&D face increasingly complex challenges. NRC-IRAP will support these technology-based SMEs in growing and becoming more competitive by focusing on: increasing the rate of growth of SMEs; expanding the number of SMEs that successfully commercialize their products, services and processes; assisting with potential international collaborations on technology development projects; and providing international opportunities to clients looking to gain knowledge to advance their R&D projects. Build on the success of the Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI) pilot program: NRC-IRAP and NRC-CISTI will continue to develop CTI services in order to provide best-in-class strategic advice to Atlantic cluster participants and optimize NRC investments. For example, NRC-IRAP and NRC-CISTI will be adding a Technical Business Analyst presence in St. John's, NL and are integrating CTI advice into NRC-IRAP's portfolio of services to Atlantic and Nunavut firms. NRC-CISTI and NRC-IRAP are also working together to provide CTI to SMEs in other parts of Canada. NRC-IRAP has developed an in-house capability to capture CTI, and as a next step, will integrate this information into the strategic planning and business strategies of client firms. |
2006-2007 Financial Resources |
Planned |
Total Authorities |
Actual |
$143.3 million |
$172.2 million |
$157.6 million |
Planned Results (from 2006-2007 RPP):
2006-2007 Performance:
Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI):
Participating NRC Research Institutes: NRC-IRAP partners with all NRC institutes to support technology projects that meet SME needs and are aligned with the technology focus of NRC institutes. Website: |
Strategy: Contribute to Canada's commercialization priority by strengthening industry ability to generate and apply new ideas and foster commercial applications of S&T |
NRC is exploring how to complement and build upon its internationally recognized industrial support and R&D programs to contribute to the overall strengthening of Canada's commercialization efforts – NRC nurtures technology cluster growth across the nation and is doing so with commercialization as a guiding light. In carrying out this strategy, NRC builds on the strengths of both the public and private sectors – nationally, regionally and at the community level. Recognizing that support to technology clusters was a growing part of NRC-IRAP's business, the NRC-IRAP senior management team adopted a strategy in August 2006, which serves as a guide to participation in NRC, as well as other technology clusters in Canada. NRC-IRAP managers will monitor the support provided by the Program over the next several years to determine the most appropriate degree of Program involvement in supporting cluster-associated SMEs versus others.
Program Spotlights - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI): Exploiting information for innovation
Description: The Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI) is Canada's national science library, and the largest comprehensive source of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information in North America. Through its publishing arm, NRC Research Press, NRC-CISTI is also Canada's foremost scientific publisher. Responding to demands from clusters and NRC institute commercialization initiatives for intelligence and information services, in 2001 NRC-CISTI leveraged its competencies in global S&T information by establishing an Information Services directorate. Today, NRC Information Centres serve private and public sector researchers associated with NRC institutes and clusters across Canada. Plans: NRC-CISTI's Strategic Plan 2005-2010 sets out its vision: to be a leader in driving the exploitation of scientific information to create value for Canadians. Its mission is to advance research and innovation through high-value information and publishing services in science, technology and medicine. NRC-CISTI will create value for Canadians by improving the flow of scientific information in four ways:
2006-2007 Financial Resources |
Planned |
Total Authorities |
Actual |
$47.8 million |
$57.4 million |
$52.6 million |
Planned Results (from 2006-2007 RPP):
2006-2007 Performance: Canada's Collection of STM Information – A world-class resource, NRC-CISTI has a large collection of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information. In 2006-2007 it maintained its print collection at levels similar to those of the previous year with 49,121 scientific journal titles, of which 9,073 were active subscriptions. The collection also includes 757,500 monograph titles and a large collection of technical reports. Conference proceedings are a specialty, with 205,400 titles. NRC researchers have access to 6,123 licensed electronic journals, a 20% increase from 2005-2006, and access to 20,335 other web-based resources, a 14% increase. NRC-CISTI's e-repository collection grew to 6.2 million full text STM articles from 3,600 journals. Collection acquisitions and e-licences are responding to emerging NRC needs for multi-disciplinary and sector STM and business information, to align with the priorities outlined in the NRC Strategy launched in 2006-2007. For example, NRC-CISTI successfully negotiated a licence to a valuable e-resource called Business Insights that is available to NRC researchers through the NRC Virtual Library. Document Access and Delivery – Supplying Canadians with the world's STM research publications. In line with the transition from print to digital content, NRC-CISTI is continuously enhancing its digital infrastructure and document delivery systems. Among other service improvements, in March 2007 NRC-CISTI launched a pay-per-article service which provides immediate on-line access to locally-loaded digital content in NRC-CISTI's e-repository-almost 1 million articles and growing. NRC-CISTI continues to expand the content access and delivery services it offers Canadians and its international clients though partnerships with leaders in the international information services industry. In August 2006, NRC-CISTI entered into a new alliance with FIZ Autodoc, a German document delivery broker that partners with renowned national and international scientific libraries, aggregators and publishers. This alliance allows NRC-CISTI to improve worldwide access to its collection, and allows FIZ Autodoc to add many new journal titles to its service. Information on NRC-CISTI's service standards can be found in Table 3-7B. In its June 2006 Product Satisfaction Scorecard, Outsell Inc. reported that NRC-CISTI tops the list of five information providers, scoring highest in three of five categories: Overall Satisfaction, Would Recommend, and Fair Pricing. In 2007, NRC-CISTI launched the NRC Publications Archive (NPArC) pilot project which will allow the NRC to better promote its research activities, measure its performance and make its publications openly accessible to the scientific community. Building Canada's scientific infostructure (Csi) – Enabling access to digital STM information. Competitive Technical Intelligence and Information Services – Growing to meet demand. In response to the emphasis on R&D commercialization support outlined in the new NRC Strategy, in 2006-2007 NRC-CISTI expanded its competitive technical intelligence (CTI) services to researchers, institute business development officers, and NRC senior management, as well as to Canadian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through NRC-IRAP. Decision-makers value CTI services that assess the commercial potential of new technologies, validate market demand, identify competitors and potential partners, propose product adjustments and recommend product price. The information gives their organizations a competitive advantage in the international marketplace and supports successful applications for R&D capital investments that will generate substantial economic benefits for Canada. NRC-CISTI delivered 250 CTI reports to clients in 2006-2007, compared to 75 in 2004-2005. NRC Research Press – Making Canadian research available to Canadians and around the world. The NRC Research Press has implemented a new policy on providing free or "open" access to selected articles and journals. All users have free access to selected "newsmaker" articles. As well, the author, funding agency or other sponsor now has the option of paying a fee to cover the costs of peer-review and publication, thus ensuring that access to that particular article in a journal will be free. Participating NRC Research Institutes: NRC-CISTI partners with the outreach activities of all NRC institutes to promote and deliver an integrated package of scientific, technical and medical information services to support Canadian firms. |
Strategy: Facilitate the integration of intellectual property management strategies in Institute plans |
Improve NRC's Intellectual Property Management – NRC's Business Review project, completed in 2006-2007, highlighted the need for integration of best intellectual property (IP) management practices across the organization. To address this challenge, the technology and industry support portfolio (TIS) is piloting a new group, starting May 2007, mandated with providing business support to institutes and programs to enable the best possible decision-making related to IP management. Some of the key areas of initial focus include invention disclosure review whereby institutes receive support from NRC patent agents regarding patentability and marketability assessment for new technologies before deciding to proceed with further investment in protection and/or licensing. TIS is also working with institutes to facilitate the integration of IP management strategies in institute business plans to ensure this important function remains a key part of the institutes contributing towards the NRC Strategy.
Performance Indicators (as identified in the 2006-2007 RPP) |
NRC is committed to fostering the growth of community-based technology clusters across Canada. NRC's technology cluster strategy builds on existing local strengths by: implementing R&D programs that support local industry needs; providing state-of-the-art facilities, trained personnel, business incubation opportunities and other specialized services (NRC-IRAP, NRC-CISTI); and supporting the alignment of key stakeholders around community strengths. NRC received new funding ($110 million over the next five years) to further implement its national Technology Cluster Strategy in Atlantic Canada and has begun the process for renewing the funding for its Round II Clusters in Eastern, Central and Western Canada. The ultimate benefit for Canadians will be the emergence of globally competitive technology clusters leading to higher productivity, new jobs and expanded trade.
Strategy: Focus on cluster growth through targeted R&D programs and partnerships with other S&T organizations |
Build on successes from NRC's Atlantic Initiatives, Phase I – NRC continued to nurture the growth of its Atlantic cluster initiatives by maintaining leading-edge research capabilities (infrastructure and human capital), developing research collaborations with cluster firms, fostering increased networking and knowledge-sharing and supporting the involvement of firms and other partners in the cluster.
Encourage more involvement / commitment of cluster partners – In 2006-2007, NRC followed up on lessons learned from the evaluation of its Atlantic Canada cluster initiatives and built upon existing successes, such as:
From emerging to developing – Moving cluster initiatives forward – The majority of NRC's recently-launched cluster activities are still in the very early stages of development, focused on establishing facilities, attracting skilled human resources, and developing networks of public and private sector partners and R&D support. In 2006-2007, NRC continued to foster their growth by developing a solid base of networks/partners, strengthened infrastructure, highly-qualified researchers and strategic R&D support. NRC also continued its involvement in mature clusters such as the plant biotechnology (Saskatoon) and biopharmaceuticals (Montreal) clusters. The following are examples of early-stage cluster initiatives that NRC continued to move forward in 2006-2007:
Expand network of Industrial Partnership Facilities (IPFs) – In support of its cluster development activities, NRC continued to develop, build and operate Industry Partnership Facilities across Canada. These unique facilities are workplaces for collaborative research and the incubation of new firms and NRC new ventues. They also serve as community resources for access to mentoring, innovation financing and competitive technical intelligence for new enterprises. In 2006-2007, NRC had 15 IPF locations across the country with a complement of 122 incubating firms and 9 graduated tenants over the year. In 2006-2007, two new facilities opened, bringing the total space available to industry in IPFs to just under 30,000 square metres. Below is an overview of current and planned IPFs.
Table 2-2: NRC's Industry Partnership Facilities – Current and Planned
Location |
Total Area (m2) |
Status |
Completion Date |
% occupied |
1 |
Institute for Ocean Technology (St John's, Newfoundland) |
4411 |
in operation |
2003-2004 |
88% |
2 |
Institute for Marine Biosciences (Halifax, Nova Scotia) |
1,0362 |
in operation |
2004-2005 |
22% |
3 |
Institute for Information Technology (Fredericton, New Brunswick) |
6273 |
in operation |
2002-2003 |
87.5% |
4 |
Biotechnology Research Institute (Montreal, Quebec) |
9,800 |
in operation |
1997-1998 |
95% |
5 |
Industrial Materials Institute (Boucherville, Quebec) |
2,180 |
in operation |
2003-2004 |
52% |
6 |
NRC Industry Partnership Facility, M-50 (Ottawa, Ontario), (shared facility with several Institutes) |
1,604 |
in operation |
1998-1999 |
82% |
7 |
NRC Industry Partnership Facility, M-23A (Ottawa, Ontario), (shared facility with several Institutes) |
297 |
in operation |
2004-2005 |
14% |
8 |
100 Sussex Industry Partnership Facility (Ottawa, Ontario), (shared facility with several Institutes) |
509 |
in operation |
2003-2004 |
90% |
9 |
Institute for Biodiagnostics (Winnipeg, Manitoba) |
1,194 |
in operation |
2005-20064 |
59% |
10 |
Plant Biotechnology Institute (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) |
7,314 |
in operation |
2002-2003 |
99% |
11 |
Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (Vancouver, British Columbia) |
1,209 |
in operation |
1999-2000 |
85% |
12 |
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (Penticton, British Columbia)5 |
1416 |
in operation |
2001-2002 |
73% |
13 |
Institute for Nutrisciences and Health (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island) |
477 |
in operation |
2006-2007 |
54% |
14 |
Institute for Aerospace Research (Montreal, Quebec) |
929 |
in operation |
2006-2007 |
0%7 |
15 |
NINT Innovation Centre (Edmonton, Alberta) |
2,700 |
construction |
2007-2008 |
- |
Total |
30,448 |
1 total area reduced by 60 m2 when temporary offices were removed (NRC-IOT).
2 number was incorrectly reported as 691 m2 in 2005-2006 (NRC-IMB).
3 area incorrectly reported in 2005-2006 as 1000 m2 (NRC-IIT).
4 477 m2 of this space has been operational since 1995-1996 (NRC-IBD).
5 space previously designated as IPF space in Victoria has been allocated to LRP work (NRC-HIA).
6 additional space allocated to the Okanagan Research and Innovation Centre (ORIC) (NRC-HIA).
7 no occupancy is due to facility opening in February 2007.
Engage and link community groups through horizontal support (NRC-IRAP and NRC-CISTI) – A priority for NRC-IRAP over the past several years has been to engage and link regional groups as part of developing the technical, financial and business networks vital to cluster development. In 2006-2007, NRC-IRAP continued its leadership role in collaborating and developing partnerships between regional players in order to strengthen the regional innovation infrastructure required to foster cluster development. In various clusters, NRC-CISTI has established NRC Information Centres (NIC), co-located at NRC institutes. NICs offer scientific, technical, medical and business-related information and analysis services to NRC researchers, companies located onsite and external clients in the region. In 2006-2007, NRC-CISTI partnered with institute outreach activities to promote and deliver an integrated package of services to regional clientele.
Strategy: Pursue long-term investment and management strategy centered on sustained effort and patient investment |
Enhance collaborative partnerships – The full development of NRC cluster initiatives is expected to be a long-term commitment, with a cluster taking at least 15 to 20 years to reach full maturation. NRC increased its efforts to develop collaborations and partnerships with industry and engage stakeholders to contribute to the development of clusters across Canada. Table 2-3 provides a list of the cluster initiatives and financial resources involved.
Table 2-3: Allocation of Resources for NRC Technology Cluster Development
Location |
Focus |
Resources |
2005-2006 to 2009-2010 |
Halifax, NS |
Life sciences (NRC-IMB and NRC-IBD) |
$19.5 million |
Fredericton, Moncton and |
Information technology |
$48.0 million |
St. John's, NL |
Ocean technology |
$16.0 million |
Atlantic Canada |
Coordination, administration, special studies, innovation assistance, S&T knowledge,/ information dissemination |
$26.5 million |
2002-2003 to 2006-2007 |
Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, QC |
Aluminium technologies |
Ottawa, ON |
Photonics |
$30.0 million |
Winnipeg, MB |
Medical device technologies |
$10.0 million |
Saskatoon, SK |
Plant nutraceuticals |
$10.0 million |
Edmonton, AB |
Nanotechnology |
$60.0 million3 |
Vancouver, BC |
Fuel cells |
$20.0 million |
2003-2004 to 2007-2008 |
Charlottetown, PE |
Nutrisciences and health |
$ 20.0 million |
Regina, SK |
Sustainable urban infrastructure |
$ 10.0 million |
1 An additional $5.0 million was received in 2001-2002.
2 CED contributed an equal amount.
3 The Province of Alberta also contributed $60.0 million.
Strategy: Sustain continuous improvement through unique and innovative performance measurement strategies |
NRC has developed a cluster measurement approach that builds on the research of Innovation Systems Research Network (ISRN). Tailored to NRC, this approach incorporates a model of cluster development that reflects NRC's role and contribution as well as those of other key stakeholders (firms, governments, customers and competitors). Key components include a framework that lays out an overarching set of indicators of cluster development, and a series of tools to determine where each cluster is situated in terms of development. These include a comprehensive survey of cluster firms, interviews with firms and key stakeholders and social network analysis. In 2006-2007, NRC completed key projects to develop baseline measures that track the progress of cluster development in Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Vancouver, the Saguenay and Ottawa. These activities provided information to support efforts to renew cluster initiatives funding.
NRC is continuing its commitment to assess the progress of its cluster initiatives to ensure they are on track to meet objectives. During 2006-2007, NRC evaluated the cluster initiatives that received funding for the period between 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 (Round II Clusters). NRC gathered data from multiple lines of evidence, including reviews of performance data, documentation and literature, interviews with stakeholders and NRC representatives and situation analysis drawn from the baselines. The evaluations examine the relevance of the initiatives, their success to date, their effectiveness and opportunities for improvement. Reports can be found at:
Performance Indicators (as identified in the 2006-2007 RPP) |
In 2006-2007, NRC identified the broad program areas in which it will focus its resources:
Based on consultation with stakeholders, NRC believes that concentrating its efforts and resources in these areas will yield maximum impact and value for Canada.
Also in 2006-2007, NRC's Senior Executive Committee gave approval for a corporate-wide project (scheduled to start in 2007-2008) to assess the level of reinvestment that is required to sustain the organization's major capital and physical infrastructure. This includes facilities, equipment and information technology (hardware and software). The project teams will report to SEC on recommended investment priorities and the total amount of funding required over the next three-to-five years.
Strategy: NRC Renewal - Reposition for the Future and Address Management Accountability Framework Commitments |
Key projects supporting the NRC Renewal Initiative include:
New corporate strategic direction – As discussed in Section I – Agency Overview, four strategy implementation projects were initiated in 2006-2007 to help deliver on the strategy: Research Programs; Business Review; Planning, Performance & Resource Management (PPRM); and Sustainable Organization. Key recommendations from these projects were summarized in a draft version of the NRC Business Plan: 2007-2008-2009-2010. The business plan is expected to be finalized early in 2007-2008 and will serve as a guiding document for all institutes/branches/programs in the implementation of NRC's strategy.
Strategies for sustainable resources – Faced with ongoing resource pressures, NRC will need to make more strategic choices regarding the use of future resources. This will involve:
Figure 2-5: NRC Training Programs (2002-2007)
Source: NRC Performance Information Database, 2006
1 Salaried employees, as of 31 March 2007.
Turnover - Turnover has been relatively consistent for the past three years, with turnover of continuing staff being considerably lower than that of our contingent workforce.
2006-2007 |
2005-2006 |
2004-2005 |
(percentage) |
Total Turnover |
11.39 |
10.75 |
11.08 |
Total Continuing Turnover |
3.36 |
3.16 |
3.2 |
Employment Equity - At the corporate level, the representation of visible minorities surpassed availability, whereas the representation of women, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities was somewhat lower than anticipated. Based on these findings NRC has adjusted its corporate and Institute/Program/Branch level employment equity goals to address all remaining areas of under-representation and will adjust its supportive measures where required to attain these goals.
Designated Group |
Representation |
Availability* |
Difference |
number |
percentage |
number |
percentage |
number |
Women |
1,531 |
35.3 |
1,567 |
36.2 |
-36 |
Aboriginal peoples |
41 |
0.9 |
57 |
1.3 |
-16 |
Persons with disabilities |
171 |
3.9 |
175 |
4.0 |
-4 |
Visible minorities |
676 |
15.6 |
625 |
14.4 |
+51 |
Total workforce |
4,334 |
Learning - Through internal and external training, conferences and learning opportunities, NRC invests in the development of its workforce. In 2006-2007, $5.1 million was invested in learning, representing 1.7% of salary expenditures (consistent with the investment for 2004-2005 and 2005-2006).
Collective Agreements – NRC's Labour Relations (LR) Group is mandated to negotiate and administer collective agreements on behalf of NRC and to foster the development and maintenance of effective and productive consultations with both Bargaining Agents representing the majority of NRC employees: the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and the Research Council Employees' Association (RCEA). Ten collective agreements are administered by the LR group, seven of which were negotiated during the 2006-2007 period with three having gone before Arbitration Boards for eventual final determination in April of 2007.
Official Languages (OL) – NRC continues to be committed to its Official Languages Program objectives. There was a slight decrease in the number of NRC executives who meet the linguistic requirements of their positions (from 84% in 2006 to 77% in 2007). This decrease is due to a marked increase in the number of executives hired into bilingual non-imperative positions. All new hires meet with the OL Advisor to establish a language training plan and to secure their commitment to meet OL Program goals. Eighty-nine percent of employees meet the linguistic requirements of their positions (of the 11% that do not meet, virtually all are currently in a language training program or have established a training plan). NRC's Maintenance of Second Language Skills Campaign continues to generate a great deal of interest from members of other federal organizations. For example, in 2006-2007, NRC received unsolicited requests to present on its best practices to, amongst others: Heritage Canada, the Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister Library and Archives, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
In addition, throughout the year NRC participated on both the Treasury Board Secretariat-led Capital Asset Review and Barriers to Science and Technology integration exercises.
Strategy: Continue to address recommendations of Auditor General of Canada |
Implement Action Plan on recommendations of the Auditor General of Canada – The Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) conducted an audit of NRC in 2003-2004 to assess NRC's systems and practices for setting strategic directions for its research activities, to determine whether NRC managed activities to maximize results, and to assess whether NRC measured and appropriately reported the results and impacts of its efforts. In 2006-2007, the OAG examined progress made by NRC in addressing recommendations from the OAG's 2004 audit of NRC Management of Leading-Edge Research. The OAG noted that NRC has made satisfactory progress overall since 2004 in responding to the previous OAG recommendations. More details can be found in Table 3-11.