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Has the department incorporated environmental performance considerations in its procurement decision-making processes?
Yes |
Summary of initiatives to incorporate environmental performance considerations in procurement decision-making processes:
a. On-line training on Green Procurement by Public Works and Government Services Canada provided in classrooms.
b. Monitoring and reporting on green procurement performance using SAP MM Green Procurement Report.
c. Green Procurement Policy and CIDA's requirements presented and discussed with accommodations suppliers.
d. Green team to build employee awareness and engagement.
Results achieved
a. Training delivered to all the corporate procurement and planning officers from the business sectors.
b. MM Green Procurement Report in development and operational by 2010.
c. Incorporate a more comprehensive approach in accommodation plans and fit-up standards.
d. 20 percent of employees reached through Earth Day and Environment Week.
Contributions to facilitate government-wide implementation of green procurement.
Has the department established green procurement targets?
Yes |
Are these green procurement targets the same as those identified in your Sustainable Development Strategy (table 8)?
a. Most of them.
Summary of green procurement targets:
a. Fleet management to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
b. 25 percent of office furniture purchased will include environmental attributes.
c. Publication of a Green Meeting Protocol.
d. Increasing videoconference capacity between CIDA headquarters and foreign offices.
e. Reducing waste and supporting reuse and recycling.
f. Implement double-sided printing by default to reduce paper use.
Results achieved:
a. Vehicle fleet meets the policy requirements, reducing GHG emissions.
b. 90 percent of office furniture purchased through Public Works and Government Services Canada's Green Standing Offers. Exceeded the target of 25 percent.
c. Green Meeting Protocol has been published, reducing the negative environmental impact of meetings.
d. Videoconference is being used 50 hours per week, reducing the number of trips.
e. 80 percent of solid and hazardous waste recycled. Exceeded the target of 75 percent. In addition, a new program for recycling classified CD's and diskettes has been implemented.
f. 15 percent reduction of paper purchased since 2006.
All these achievements have a significant impact on CIDA's environmental footprint by reducing GHG emissions and waste and also energy and water consumption. They also contribute to raise employee's awareness and improve behaviour in environmental decisions making.