Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

ARCHIVED - Implementing the Project

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Supporting Tools and Techniques



Top of Page Act

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Top of Page Checklist

An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Part II Solutions: Putting the Principles to Work
Provides in Appendix I a questionnaire to assess the use of EMF related practices in government institutions.Also provides an overview on the original plan, intended audience, and relationships of the EMF.
Checklists, Guidelines and Project Management Plan Guide
Provides a set of checklists in the context of the Gol program and related to Architecture and Infrastructure, Communication, Information Policy and Management, Legal, Organizational Readiness, Service Quality and Project Management.
DM's Guide to Successful IT Projects
Provides a list of factors to evaluate a project from aSenior management perspective.
e-Government Capacity Check © Diagnostic Tool
Provides a list of questions to obtain information on the capability of a government institution in the areas of e-strategy, IM/IT infrastructure, risk and program management, organizational capabilities, value chain management and performance.
Enhanced Framework Questionnaire
Questionnaire to assist in the application of the EMF.
Guide to successful IT Projects - Parts I - II - III
Provides a list of factors influencing the success of a project and to be taken into consideration in the planning, implementation, and closure phases.
Project Approval Checklist
Provides a list of activities to be done during Project Approval phase.
Project Closeout Checklist
Provides a list of activities to be done during Project Initiation phase.
Project Execution Checklist
Provides a list of activities to be done during Project Execution phase.
Project Initiation Checklist
Provides a list of activities to be done during the Project Initiation phase.
Project Planning Checklist
Provides a list of activities to be done during Project Planning phase.

Top of Page Glossary

Capital Plan Glossary
Provides definitions for commonly used project management terms.
IEEE - Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (610.12-1990)
Provides definitions for commonly used software engineering terms.

Top of Page Guide

Audit and Review Guides
Provides a list of Audit and Review Guides related to Risk Management, Official Languages, Security and other GoC areas of activity.
COCOMO Suite - University of Southern California,
Provides a model to estimate the cost, effort, and schedule when planning a new software development activity.
Government On-line (GOL) Implementation Kit
Describes a set of tools and references for determining which programs currently being delivered through an organization are candidates for GOL exposure, and how to plan, justify, and launch the resulting project.
Guidelines for Shared Systems Business Cases
Describes guidelines when and how to prepare shared systems business cases.
Quality Services - Guides
Describes practices for quality service, including topics on client consultation, measuring client satisfaction, working with unions, establishing a supportive learning environment, recognition of individuals and teams, employee surveys, service standards, benchmarking, communications, effective complaint management, and implementing quality service.
Shared Systems Initiative - Cluster Groups
Describes the management of clusters and provides alist of endorsed and non-endorsed clusters.
Shared Systems Initiative - Domains
Describes the functional domains established across GoC.
Stretching The Tax Dollar - Make or Buy
Provides guidance to comparing the cost of in-house delivery with the cost of obtaining the service through a contract.
TB Submissions Guide
Describes general information to prepare submissions to the Treasury Board, instructions for most common types of submissions (including Expenditure Management Submissions for projects), and guidance related to the signing and processing of submissions.

Top of Page Lexicon

GOL Glossary
Provides an English/French lexicon of 3000+ entries about Government On-Line and its many components, including technology infrastructure, privacy and computer security, business processes, people issues, communications and information management.

Top of Page Link

Centre for Software Engineering -Ireland
Describes the activities of the Center to be a national focal point and support service for the software development community.
Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB) Committees
Provides information on CIOB Branch Committees
CIOB - Government On-Line: Serving Canadians Better
Provides an overview of guiding principles, list of funded projects, and publications of the GOL Program.
CIOB - Portfolio and Issues Management Directorate
Provides an overview of the objectives and roles of the Portfolio and Issues Management Directorate as the single window, with respect to information management and information technology into the Chief Information Officer Branch for government institutions.
CIOB - Shared Systems Initiative
Provides an overview of the objectives and role of the Shared Systems Division to promote a co-operative approach among government departments to the acquisition and maintenance of "best of breed" administrative systems.
CIOB - Strategic Infrastructure Initiative(SII)
Provides an overview of the objectives and roles of the SII as the interdepartmental program to design and deliver a common information technology and policy.
GOL Checklist of Legal Issues
Provides a list of legal references related to the GOL Program
IEEE - Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)
Provides definitions, topics and reference to articles and publications related to software engineering knowledge areas.
IEEE - Standards on Information Technology, Power and Energy, and Telecommunications industries
Prescribes software engineering and other information technology related standards.
Info Source - Depository Services Program
Describes information about the Government of Canada, its organization and information holdings.
Information Systems Laboratory - University of Texas - Message Index of Software Process Improvement
Describes actions and accomplishments of the Information Systems Laboratory in applying the CMM model.
Institute of Public Finance Limited
Describes the activities of the Institute to provide guidance on Asset management, Best Value, e-Government, Governance, and Procurement.
International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) -Function Point Counting Practices Manual
Provides a methodology for software sizing.
ISACA - Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)
Prescribes security and control practices that provides a reference framework in four domains Planning and Organization, Acquisition and Implementation, Delivery and Support, Monitoring) and as a key evaluation and analytical tool for IT performance audits.
ISO/IEC International Standard for Software Lifecycle Processes (ISO 12207)
Prescribes a framework for software life-cycle processes from concept through retirement. It prescribes primary processes for the acquisition, supply, development, operation and maintenance of software, and also, specifies corporate and organizational lifecycle processes.
IT Governance Portal
Describes the activities of the IT Governance Institute to develop and advance awareness of the link between IT and enterprise governance, and offers best practice guidance on the management of IT-related risks.
ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Prescribes processes for service support and service delivery, some of them also used in Project Management.
New South Wales Government's (NSW) Office of Information Technology
Provides access to NSW-OIT news, strategies and IM/IT policies, standards, and guidelines.
NewGrange Center for Project Management
Describes the activities of the Center to build a community of practice among project managers.
Office of Government Commerce (OCG) - UK
Provides access to OGC news, publications, services information and content on particular topics or initiatives of particular interest to members of the government IT and project management community.
Office of Government Commerce (OCG) - UK - PRINCETM methodology
Prescribes a project management method covering the organisation, management and control of projects.
Ontario Gov CIO
Describes the Government of Ontario Information and Information Technology Agenda, including aspects such as e-government, policies, standards, and guidelines, infrastructure services, procurement, and organization
Provides access to news, publications, services produced by project management experts and organizations worldwide.
PMI - Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
Prescribes generally accepted processes to manage projects through their life cycle.
PMI - Project Management Institute
Describes the products and services of the association to promote project management.
Practical Software and System Measurement Support Center
Describes the products and services of the Center to promote best practices used by measurement professionals within the software and system acquisition and engineering communities.
SEI - The Capability Maturity Model-Integrated SE/SW
Prescribes goals and practices for the development of systems and software grouped into project management, support, engineering and process improvement processes.
Software Exchange Service
Provides a focal point to promote the sharing of government-owned applications software, documentation, and related information among government institutions.
Software Exchange Service The Project Management Framework (PMF), version 2.0 - 827
Provides a brief overview of AAFC Project Management Framework - a web enabled toolkit with guidelines and templates to assist in the planning, execution and closure of IM/IT projects.
Software Program Managers Network
Offers free downloads through Integrated Computer Engineering (ICE) website of their Project Control Panel? and Risk Radar? software. Project Control Panel? provides for a visual representation of the state of health of a project and Risk Radar? provides standard MS Access database functions that allow entering, prioritizing, and reporting risks. Please refer to ICE disclaimer and copyright notice before downloading.
SPIN - Software Process Improvement Network
Lists regional groups called "SPINs" that meet and share their experiences initiating and sustaining software process improvement programs.
Standards Council of Canada
Describes the activities of the Council to coordinate organizations and individuals involved in standards development and provides search facilities to find standards and regulations.

Top of Page Policy

Capital Assets - TB Accounting Standard
Prescribes the requirements to ensure that all capital assets (purchased, constructed, developed or otherwise acquired) held by a department are properly valued and recorded.
Common Services Policy
Sets a strategic direction and provides authority to reform the role of common service organizations to create a more streamlined, efficient and responsive public service. Defines optional and mandatory common services, and establishes the need for managers of common services to ensure they have relevant, timely and reliable information about the performance of their programs.
Cost Recovery and Charging Policy
Prescribes the guiding principles for cost recovery and charging activities of departments and agencies. Establishes the need for participatory consultation between departments and agencies and their clients before introducing or amending user charges, and on a continuing basis thereafter.
Employment Equity Policy
Prescribes the requirements to provide quality services to all Canadians by establishing, within the federal Public Service, a workforce of qualified employees while ensuring that its obligations under the Employment Equity Act are met.
Evaluation Policy
Prescribes the requirements to have timely, strategically focussed, objective and evidence-based information on the performance of its policies, programs, and initiatives to produce better results for Canadians.
Federal Identity Program
Prescribes the requirements to use corporate identity standards - symbols, signatures, and titles - to identify federal institutions, programs, and services. The titles and abbreviations of government institutions subject to the Federal Identity Program (FIP) are described in
Long Term Capital Plan
Prescribes the requirements for planning the management and investment in capital assets over the longer term and with due consideration given to the life cycle management, and the use of the Long-term Capital Plan (LTCP) to assist in overall management of projects and supporting capital assets.
Management of Major Crown Projects Policy
Prescribes additional project management requirements for projects that are assessed as high risk and that are normally over $Cdn100M.
Policy on Language of Work in "Bilingual" Regions
Prescribes the requirements for government institutions to create conducive work environments in bilingual regions that will accommodate the effective use of both official languages.
Policy on Language of Work in "Unilingual" Regions
Prescribes the requirements for government institutions to fulfil their obligations with regard to the language-of-work rights of employees who work in Unilingual regions.
Project Approval Policy
Prescribes the requirements to obtain Treasury Board approval for projects where the total estimated cost of the project exceeds the level that the sponsoring minister can approve or when there has been a significant change to the baseline established in the initial Treasury Board approval of the project. The TB Departmental Approval Authorities prescribe the spending limitations of each Department.
Project Management Policy
Prescribes the requirements and responsibilities for the management of government-funded projects
Treasury Board Accounting Standard 1.1 Policies and Principles
Prescribes the requirements for government institutions to produce annually a full set of financial statements that can withstand the test of audit.

Top of Page Presentation

e-Government Capacity Check©
Provides an overview of the key elements of the key elemnts to assess organizational capabilities to deliver GOL Initiatives. KMPG, GOL Symposium , 2000
Enhancing Alignment of IM/IT with Business
Provides an overview of the opportunities for improving IM/IT investments and the role and plans of the EMF. Chief Information Officer Branch, Treasury Board Secretariat, EMF Symposium, 1999
Managing for Value and Getting Results
Provides an overview of what leading organizations do to manage IM/IT investments and a list of lessons learned. David L. Mc.Clure, U.S. General Accounting Office, EMF Symposium, 1999
Managing IM/IT for Results
Provides an overview of the track record of IM/IT investments and the need for Performance Management. Chief Information Officer Branch, Treasury Board Secretariat, EMF Symposium, 1999,

Top of Page Procedure

Business Continuity Plan Outline
Defines the approach, roles and responsibilities, and high-level outline of the Business Continuity Plan
Business Continuity Procedure
Describes the steps involved in minimizing the effect of the potential loss of equipment, facilities and data (including electronic files).
Change Management Plan Outline
Defines the approach, roles and responsibilities, and high-level outline of the Change Management Plan

Top of Page Process

An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Management Process
Describes the processes necessary to support IM/IT delivery commitments at the portfolio level, including organisation-wide processes at the portfolio level, and project-based processes at the project level.
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Planning Process
Describes the process to be followed by a project manager to plan a project.
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Tracking and Oversight Process
Describes the process to be followed by a project manager to track a project.

Top of Page Report

An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects (EMF)
Provides background information on the purpose, scope, and justification for the EMF.
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects Establishing the Baseline - Government-Wide Summary and Analysis of IT Project Practices
Provides the results from a series of workshops that examined the federal government's existing practices in managing and delivering IT projects.
E-Government: a strategic framework for public services in the Information Age
Describes a strategy for Information Age Government. Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, UK. 2000
Function Points Bibliography
Lists bibliographic references dealing with various aspects of function points
Information Technology Investment Management: A framework for assessing and improving Process Maturity
Describes a model to select/control/evaluate IT investments.
Management of Large Public IT Projects - Canada
Provides a synopsis of the EMF, a number of case studies, lessons learned and references to further material on the management of large public IT projects. (Country report submitted to OECD Expert Meeting).
Reports from the President of the Treasury Board
Provides a list of reports from the President of the Treasury Board related to Access to Information and Privacy, Crown Corporations, Employment Equity, Results-based Management, Accountability and Review, Official Languages , Public Accounts , Quality Services, and Other Government-wide Initiatives .
Results for Canadians: A Management Framework for the Government of Canada
Sts out a framework for management in the Government of Canada and an agenda for change in the way that departments and agencies manage and deliver their programs and services
Software Cost Estimation and Control
Describes the result of a study on software cost estimation methodologies.
Strategic Directions for IM/IT in Government Towards Citizen-Centred Service Delivery
Describes the drivers of government renewal and CIOB's approach to leadership and strategic response.
Strategic Directions for Information Management and Information Technology
Outlines a vision and a series of priorities that will lever government's significant IM/IT investments towards a more integrated, collaborative model of government.

Top of Page Standard

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Top of Page Template

An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Charter
Provides a template and instructions to develop an effective project charter for IM/IT projects.
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Plan Template
Provides a template and instructions to develop an effective project plan for IM/IT projects.
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects - Project Resources and Schedule Template
Provides a template to estimate the project size (software), effort, schedule and cost.
Project submission template - effective project approval
Provides a template and instructions to develop an effective project approval (EPA) for IM/IT and Major Crown Projects.
Note: To be assigned
Project submission template - preliminary project approval
Provides a template and instructions to develop a preliminary project approval (PPA) for IM/IT and Major Crown Projects.
Note: To be assigned
The Enhanced Management Framework for IM/IT Executive Dashboard
Provides a snapshot, for senior management, of the overall "health" of an IM/IT project.

Top of Page Terminology

Translation Bureau
Provides translation and linguistic services to the government institutions.