Centre for Software Engineering -Ireland |
Describes the activities of the Center to be a national focal point and support service for the software development community. |
http://www.cse.dcu.ie/ |
Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB) Committees |
Provides information on CIOB Branch Committees |
http://publiservice.cio-dpi.gc.ca/cioscripts/committees/meetings/meet_e.asp?who=/ |
CIOB - Government On-Line: Serving Canadians Better |
Provides an overview of guiding principles, list of funded projects, and publications of the GOL Program. |
http://www.gol-ged.gc.ca/index_e.asp |
CIOB - Portfolio and Issues Management Directorate |
Provides an overview of the objectives and roles of the Portfolio and Issues Management Directorate as the single window, with respect to information management and information technology into the Chief Information Officer Branch for government institutions. |
http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pm-gp/index_e.asp |
CIOB - Shared Systems Initiative |
Provides an overview of the objectives and role of the Shared Systems Division to promote a co-operative approach among government departments to the acquisition and maintenance of "best of breed" administrative systems. |
http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/ssi-isp/index_e.asp |
CIOB - Strategic Infrastructure Initiative(SII) |
Provides an overview of the objectives and roles of the SII as the interdepartmental program to design and deliver a common information technology and policy. |
http://publiservice.cio-dpi.gc.ca/sii-iis/initiative/initiative_e.asp |
GOL Checklist of Legal Issues |
Provides a list of legal references related to the GOL Program |
http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/ec/gol.html |
IEEE - Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) |
Provides definitions, topics and reference to articles and publications related to software engineering knowledge areas. |
http://www.swebok.org |
IEEE - Standards on Information Technology, Power and Energy, and Telecommunications industries |
Prescribes software engineering and other information technology related standards. |
http://www.ieee.org/ |
Info Source - Depository Services Program |
Describes information about the Government of Canada, its organization and information holdings. |
http://infosource.gc.ca/index-e.html |
Information Systems Laboratory - University of Texas - Message Index of Software Process Improvement |
Describes actions and accomplishments of the Information Systems Laboratory in applying the CMM model. |
http://www.arlut.utexas.edu/~qubes/SEPG/ |
Institute of Public Finance Limited |
Describes the activities of the Institute to provide guidance on Asset management, Best Value, e-Government, Governance, and Procurement. |
http://www.ipf.co.uk/ |
International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) -Function Point Counting Practices Manual |
Provides a methodology for software sizing. |
http://www.ifpug.org/ |
ISACA - Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) |
Prescribes security and control practices that provides a reference framework in four domains Planning and Organization, Acquisition and Implementation, Delivery and Support, Monitoring) and as a key evaluation and analytical tool for IT performance audits. |
http://www.isaca.org/cobit.htm |
ISO/IEC International Standard for Software Lifecycle Processes (ISO 12207) |
Prescribes a framework for software life-cycle processes from concept through retirement. It prescribes primary processes for the acquisition, supply, development, operation and maintenance of software, and also, specifies corporate and organizational lifecycle processes. |
http://www.iso.ch/ |
IT Governance Portal |
Describes the activities of the IT Governance Institute to develop and advance awareness of the link between IT and enterprise governance, and offers best practice guidance on the management of IT-related risks. |
http://www.itgovernance.org/index2.htm |
ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library |
Prescribes processes for service support and service delivery, some of them also used in Project Management. |
http://www.itil.co.uk/ |
New South Wales Government's (NSW) Office of Information Technology |
Provides access to NSW-OIT news, strategies and IM/IT policies, standards, and guidelines. |
http://www.oit.nsw.gov.au/ |
NewGrange Center for Project Management |
Describes the activities of the Center to build a community of practice among project managers. |
http://www.newgrange.org/ |
Office of Government Commerce (OCG) - UK |
Provides access to OGC news, publications, services information and content on particular topics or initiatives of particular interest to members of the government IT and project management community. |
http://www.ogc.gov.uk |
Office of Government Commerce (OCG) - UK - PRINCETM methodology |
Prescribes a project management method covering the organisation, management and control of projects. |
http://www.ogc.gov.uk/ogc/ogchelp.nsf/pages/redirect.html |
Ontario Gov CIO |
Describes the Government of Ontario Information and Information Technology Agenda, including aspects such as e-government, policies, standards, and guidelines, infrastructure services, procurement, and organization |
http://www.cio.gov.on.ca/scripts/index_.asp?action=31&P_ID=1&N_ID=1&U_ID=0 |
PMForum |
Provides access to news, publications, services produced by project management experts and organizations worldwide. |
http://www.pmforum.org/ |
PMI - Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) |
Prescribes generally accepted processes to manage projects through their life cycle. |
http://www.pmi.org/ |
PMI - Project Management Institute |
Describes the products and services of the association to promote project management. |
http://www.pmi.org/ |
Practical Software and System Measurement Support Center |
Describes the products and services of the Center to promote best practices used by measurement professionals within the software and system acquisition and engineering communities. |
http://www.psmsc.com/ |
SEI - The Capability Maturity Model-Integrated SE/SW |
Prescribes goals and practices for the development of systems and software grouped into project management, support, engineering and process improvement processes. |
http://www.sei.cmu.edu/ |
Software Exchange Service |
Provides a focal point to promote the sharing of government-owned applications software, documentation, and related information among government institutions. |
http://publiservice.gc.ca/softwareexchange/index-e.html |
Software Exchange Service The Project Management Framework (PMF), version 2.0 - 827 |
Provides a brief overview of AAFC Project Management Framework - a web enabled toolkit with guidelines and templates to assist in the planning, execution and closure of IM/IT projects. |
http://publiservice.gc.ca/softwareexchange/827-e.html |
Software Program Managers Network |
Offers free downloads through Integrated Computer Engineering (ICE) website of their Project Control Panel? and Risk Radar? software. Project Control Panel? provides for a visual representation of the state of health of a project and Risk Radar? provides standard MS Access database functions that allow entering, prioritizing, and reporting risks. Please refer to ICE disclaimer and copyright notice before downloading. |
http://www.spmn.com/ |
SPIN - Software Process Improvement Network |
Lists regional groups called "SPINs" that meet and share their experiences initiating and sustaining software process improvement programs. |
http://www.sei.cmu.edu/collaborating/spins/spins.html |
Standards Council of Canada |
Describes the activities of the Council to coordinate organizations and individuals involved in standards development and provides search facilities to find standards and regulations. |
http://www.scc.ca/ |