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Incumbent Data Element Dictionary



The Incumbent Data Element Dictionary was originally prepared by the Treasury Board Secretariat and then turned over to Public Works and Government Services for updating and maintenance. It's purpose is to identify and define all the data elements in the Incumbent System and identify the source of the information stored in each data element and/or the rules by which the information is generated. Where the values of a specific data element are numerous a reference is made to other documents rather than repeating the information here. As an aid to analysts and programmers reference is also made to the location of the data element on the redesigned Incumbent Master and also on other files.


Bargaining Unit Designator Code
Entitlement/Deduction Code
Financial Administration Act
Pay Master Employee Record File
Personnel Applications Centre (PWGSC)
Position and Classification Information System
Personnel Data Element Dictionary
Public Service Employment Act
Public Service Staff Relations Act
The Department of Public Works and Government Services
Re-taken on strength
Struck off strength
Treasury Board Secretariat
Taken on strength
Temporarily struck off strength

File Names

New Incumbent Master File April 1996
New Incumbent Mobility File April 1996
New Incumbent Acting Assignment Master File April 1999
New Incumbent Geographic Master File
Contributor System Extract
Previous Incumbent Master File
Previous Population Reporting File
Previous Incumbent Mobility File
Previous reformatted Pay Transaction File

Element Name

Acting Pay Code

Alias Pay Rate Type Indicator (MST/PRF)
Definition A code which identifies whether an employee is being paid acting pay or basic pay.
Data Source
(MER field)
Derived from the Entitlement/Deduction Pay Codes on Pay Input Form.
(M108, right most character)
Values 1=Basic Pay 2=Acting Pay/Acting Appointment
Remarks If M108 =002 set Acting Pay Code to 2 else set to 1.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (302) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (184) and (285)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (136) & (250) & (364)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (81) INC.PROD.GKPRF (264)

Element Name

Acting Start Date

Alias N/A
Definition The date an acting segment starts on the Acting Assignment Management System (AAMS).
Data Source
(MER field)
Effective From Date of an start acting 18C002 on the Suspense file.
Values N/A
Remarks N/A
Structure YYYYMMDD
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (1)

Element Name

Acting Close Date

Alias N/A
Definition The date an acting segment ends on the Acting Assignment Management System (AAMS).
Data Source Effective From Date of any of a number of transactions on the Suspense file that could stop an acting. Revert to basic pay (18C001). A new start acting (18C002). A Struck Off Strength (02). A Transfer Out (03). A Promotion (06). Or by a Miscellaneous Staffing Action (05).
(MER field) N/A 
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure YYYYMMDD
1996 File Name &Starting Position INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (25)

Element Name

Age Years

Alias Years of Age (MOB/PRF)
PDED No. 18-0
Definition The number of full years elapsed since the year a person was born.
Data Source Derived from the Birth Date and Processing Date
Values YY
Remarks Subtract Birth Date (year) from Processing Date (year) giving Age years. If Birth Date (month) is greater then Processing Date (month) subtract one from Age years. If the calculation results in a negative or Birth Date is zeros, set Age Years to zero.
Structure 9(2)
1996 File Name & INC.PROD.MAST (252) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (59)
Starting Position N/A  
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (243) INC.PROD.GKMOB (53)

Element Name

Appointment Effective Date

PDED No. 2-32
Alias Position Appointed Effective Date (MST)
Effective Date Position Change (PRF)
Date Appointed to Position (MOB)
Definition The date on which a particular appointment of an employee is effective.
Data Source 2517T, field 63
Remarks If M052 = Position Number
  • Set Appointment Effective Date (DTAPPEFF) = old DTAPPEFF
  • If Acting Pay Code = 1 and old Acting Pay Code = 2 and
    M052 = Substantive Position Number
    Set DTAPPEFF= old Substantive DTAPPEFF
  • Use the Effective From Date on the Suspense Record (Pay Transaction) with the earliest Effective From Date that contains the new Position Number and if the Reason For Change (found only on a Position Number change - 12AF52) is not "R" (reorganization) or "G"(generated by another system).
If no Suspense Record found
  • If Acting Pay Code =1 and old Acting Pay Code =2
    Set DTAPPEFF = old Substantive DTAPPEFF
In cases of acting assignment, INC stores the acting appointment effective date in the Appointment Effective Date field, and the substantive appointment effective date, in the Substantive Appointment Effective Date field.
Structure X(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (90) INC.PROD.MOBILITY ( 138) & (239)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (85) & (199) & (313)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (208) INC.PROD.GKMOB (125) & (221)

Element Name

Appointment Effective Date (PCIS)

Alias N/A
Definition The date on which a particular appointment of an employee is effective.
Data Source PCIS Master
(Col. 504)
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) andDepartment (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and DTAPP (PCIS) not = blank
    Capture Appointment Effective Date (DTAPP) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (458)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A

Element Name

Appointment Language Status Code

Alias Appointment Status (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 200-0
Definition A code which identifies the language status of an employee's appointment under the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations.
Data Source (MER field) 2517-T, field 55
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for a list of code values.
Remarks If M055 not = to blank and not = zero
  • set Appointment Language Status = M055
  • set Appointment Language Status = Appointment Language Status on old master
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (255)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (330)
INC.PROD.GK34101 (44)

Element Name

Assigned Work Week Hours

Alias Assigned Work Week (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 8-2
Definition The hours per week an employee is assigned to work if less than a normal work week.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 33
Values N/A
Remarks N/A 
Structure 99v99 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (234)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (106) INC.PROD.GK34101 (114)

Element Name

Association/Union Code

Alias Association Code (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 54-0
Definition A code which identifies the union or association to which an employee pays membership dues.
Data Source
(MER field)
The Association Code is derived from the BUD Code.
Values N/A
Remarks Incumbent BUD/Association Table associates the Bargaining Unit Code with Association/Union Codes. It is present for all PSSRA 1-1 employees. In most cases, the Association Code is the last 2 characters of the regular Deduction Code for union deductions.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (297) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (182) & (283)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (129) & (243) & (357)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (155) INC.PROD.GKPRF (178)
INC.PROD.GKMOB (167) & (263)

Element Name

Bargaining Unit Designator Code

Alias Bargaining Unit Designator (PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 29-0
Definition Identifies collective bargaining units by category, group and sub-group and supervisors of the same group that have formed a separate bargaining unit. Also used to identify occupations not subject to collective bargaining.
Data Source (MER field) 2517T, field 25
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-3 for the list of codes.
Remarks The known acronym is BUD. For PSSRA 1-1 BUD's, the first character identifies occupational category, the second two, the group and the last two, the sub-group.
Structure X(5)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (183) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (99) & (200)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (51 & 160 & (274)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (126) INC.PROD.GK34101 (90)

Element Name

Bilingualism Bonus Code

Alias Bilingual Bonus (MST)
Bilingual Allowance Code (PRF)
PDED No. 202-0
Definition A code which identifies the bilingualism bonus an employee is being paid.
Data Source
(MER field)
Generated from field 62 on 2517T. (Based on entitlement portion of MER file.
  • 1= Bilingual Bonus (7%)
  • 2= Bilingual Bonus ($800.00 per yr)

Blank = No Bilingual Bonus

Remarks If the employee has a pay action 18C/A007
  • Set Bilingualism Bonus = 1
  • If the employee has a pay action 18C/A141
    Set Bilingualism Bonus = 2
  • Set Bilingualism Bonus = blank
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (257)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (161) INC.PROD.GKPRF (192)

Element Name

Bindery Pay Zone Code

Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-9 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Bindery (PRBIN) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 60901 and 65901
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9.4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (107)

Element Name

Birth Date

Alias Date of Birth (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 2-1
Definition The date a person was born.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 16 or from Contributor System Extract (M016)
Remarks Set from M016 and reset from Contributor System
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (244) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (33)
CONT.PROD.SG2401 (29)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (68) INC.PROD.GKPRF (186)

Element Name

Block Leave Indicator

Alias N/A
Definition Indicates whether the employee is or was on Leave With Income Averaging (LIA) or Pre-retirement Transition Leave (PRL).
Data Source (MER field) 2517T, field 70
  1. currently on LIA and contributes to Superannuation (Sup) and Death Benefit (DB) based on full salary rate.
  2. currently on LIA and contributes to Sup and DB based on reduced salary.
  3. currently on PRL and contributes to Sup and DB based on full salary rate.
  4. previously on LIA contributed to Sup and DB based on full salary rate.
  5. previously on LIA contributed to Sup and DB based on reduced salary.
  6. previously on PRL contributed to Sup and DB based on full salary rate.
Remarks Values 1-3 are input by departments; 4-6 are generated by the Regional Pay System when LIA/PRL entitlements are stopped. Data Element added April 1996.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (418)

Element Name

Census Agglomeration Code

 Note Removed starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias Current Census Agglom. & Prim CA (PRF)
Definition A code used in the latest StatCan Census to identify an urban area with a population of between 10,000 and 100,000, together with adjacent urban and rural areas which are highly integrated economically and socially with that urban area.
Data Source Stat Can GeoRef 1996 Census through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values See StatCan Publication "Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations"
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File associates the Geographic Location Code with the Census Agglomeration Code. That data in this field may be inaccurate.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (373) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (64)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (251)

Element Name

Census Agglomeration/Census Metropolitan Area (CA/CMA)

Note Valid Starting with the Incumbent Master File of February 2005
Alias N/A

Census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and census agglomerations (CAs) are assigned three-digit codes that uniquely identify each metropolitan area in Canada. The first digit is the same as the second digit of the province code in which the CMA or CA is located. If a CMA or CA spans a provincial boundary, then the province code assigned represents the province with the greater proportion of urban core population. Codes for CMAs or CAs in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories begin with the "9", the same digit as those located in British Columbia.

Census Agglomeration (CA)
A census agglomeration (CA) is a large urban area (known as the urban core) together with adjacent urban and rural areas (known as urban and rural fringes) that have a high degree of social and economic integration with the urban core. A CA has an urban core population of at least 10,000, based on the previous census. However, if the population of the urban core of a CA declines below 10,000, the CA is retired. Once a CA attains an urban core population of at least 100,000, based on the previous census, it is eligible to become a CMA. CAs that have urban cores of at least 50,000, based on the previous census, are subdivided into census tracts. Census tracts are maintained for CAs even if the population of the urban cores subsequently fall below 50,000. A CA may be consolidated with adjacent CAs if they are socially and economically integrated. This new grouping is called a consolidated CA and the component CAs are called primary census agglomerations (PCAs).
The CMAtype field identifies whether the CA is consolidated or regular.
Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
A census metropolitan area (CMA) is a very large urban area (known as the urban core) together with adjacent urban and rural areas (known as urban and rural fringes) that have a high degree of social and economic integration with the urban core. A CMA has an urban core population of at least 100,000, based on the previous census. Once an area becomes a CMA, it is retained as a CMA even if the population of its urban core declines below 100,000. All CMAs are subdivided into census tracts. A CMA may be consolidated with adjacent census agglomerations (CAs) if they are socially and economically integrated. This new grouping is known as a consolidated CMA and the component CMA and CA(s) are known as the primary census metropolitan area (PCMA) and primary census agglomeration(s) [PCA(s)]. A CMA may not be consolidated with another CMA.
The CMAtype field identifies whether the CMA is consolidated or regular.
Data Source Stat Can GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values See StatCan Publication "Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations"
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File associates the Geographic Location Code with the CA/CMA Code.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (373) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (64)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (251)

Element Name

Census Area Code

Note  Remove starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias Census Agglomeration Code (PRF)
PDED No. 126-0
Definition A code which identifies the previous census agglomeration area as defined by Statistics Canada, Census Division.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values This is the previous version of the StatCan Census Agglomeration Code. Values between 001-030 denote Metropolitan areas; values greater than 030, other than urban areas. Metropolitan Area is the last two characters of Census Area Code.
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Census Area Code. This data field is inaccurate, hence was removed in February, 2005.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (358)   INC.PROD.GEOLOC  (76)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (222)
Element Name

CMA Type

Note Valid starting with the Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias N/A
Definition The CMAtype field identifies whether the Geographic unit is a CMA (Census Metropolitan Area) or a CA (Census Agglomeration).
Data Source Stat Can GeoRef 1996 CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File..
  • CMA Type A - Location Type Consolidated CMA
  • CMA Type B - Location Type CMA
  • CMA Type C - Location Type Consolidated CA
  • CMA Type D - Location Type CA
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File associates the Geographic Location Code with the CMAType Code.
Structure X(1)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (370) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (64)
Old File Name &Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (251)
Element Name

Communication Requirements Code of the Position (PCIS)

Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies certain functions of the position and the official language or languages required to carry out these functions.
Data Source (PCIS field) PCIS Master
(Col. 450)
  • 0 = Not required
  • 1 = Both English and French
  • 2 = English only
  • 3 = French only
  • 4 = Either French or English
Remarks The 1st character refers to service to the public
The 2nd character refers to the provision of personal services to federal employees
The 3rd character refers to the provision of central services to federal employees
The 4th character refers to supervisory functions
The 5th character refers to a formal level in the grievance process
The 6th character refers to other functions
The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and COMREQ (PCIS) not = blank
    Capture Communication Requirements Code of the Position (COMREQ) from
    the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(6)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (474)
Old File Name &Starting Position N/A
Element Name

Cold Type Composition Pay Zone Code

Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-6 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Cold Type Composition (PRCTC) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Codes for BUD's 60902 and 65902
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (99)
Element Name

Composition Pay Zone Code

Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-5 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Composition (PRCOM) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Codes for BUD's 60903 and 65903
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (101)
Element Name

Continuous Employment Start Date

Alias Continuous Service Start Date (MST)
Date Start Continuous Service (PRF)
Date Started Continuous Service (MOB)
PDED No. 2-53
Definition The start date of an employee's continuous employment in the Public Service as defined in the Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 45
Remarks If M045 not = blank and not = zero.
  • Set Continuous Employment Start Date = M045
  • Set Continuous Employment Start Date = Continuous Employment Start Date on old master
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (165) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (43)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (266) INC.PROD.GK34101 (128)
Element Name

Continuous Employment Years

Alias Years of Continuous Service (PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 24-0
Definition The number of years of continuous employment in the Public Service as defined in the Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations.
Data Source Calculated from the Continuous Employment Start Date and Processing Date
Values YY
Remarks Subtract Continuous Employment Start Date (years) from the Processing Date (years) giving Continuous Employment Years. If Continuous Employment Start Date (months) is greater than Processing Date (months) subtract one from Continuous Employment Years. If the calculation results in a negative or Continuous Employment Start Date is zero, set Continuous Employment Years to zero.
Structure 9(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (173) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (61)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (198) INC.PROD.GKMOB (55)
Element Name

Death Benefit Eligibility Indicator

Alias Death Benefit Eligibility (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 11-0
Definition Identifies whether an employee is eligible to contribute to the Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) Plan.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 37
Values 1 = Eligible to contribute to SDB
2 = Not eligible to contribute to SDB
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (266
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (158) INC.PROD.GK34101 (123)
Element Name

Department/Agency Code

Alias Department /Agency (MST), Department or Agency Code (PRF)
Department/Agency Code (MOB) & Department (MOB)
PDED No. 1-0
Definition A system processing code which identifies a federal organization structured to carry out programs or activities specified by Parliament.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 10
Values The list of valid Department Codes is maintained on Incumbent Department/Agency Table. TBS supplies new Department Codes via the Population Affiliation System.

Ignore MER records with Dept Code = CAE, CCA, CPC, DNT, DPW, DSS, EIC,
If Dept. Code = AGR & Paylist = 0319 set Dept. Code = CDC
If Dept. Code = AGR & Paylist = 0325 set Dept. Code = FPN
If Dept. Code = PCO & Paylist = 0005 set Dept. Code = OPM
If Dept. Code = DOE & Paylist = 0001 set Dept. Code = EAA
If Dept. Code = IAN & Paylist = 0402 or 0403 or 0116, or 0104, set Dept. Code = IRA

If Dept. Code = EXT &

  • First 5 char. Of Position Number = 'PASS ' set Dept. Code = PPT

If Dept. Code = SOL &

  • First 5 char. Of Position Number = 'SGERC' set Dept. Code = REC

If Dept. Code = SOL &

  • First 5 char. Of Position Number = 'SGPCC' set Dept. Code = RPP

If Dept. Code = SOL &

  • First 5 char. Of Position Number = 'SGOCI' set Dept. Code = OCI
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (36) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (86) & (187)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (33) & (147) & (261)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (14) INC.PROD.GK34101 (23)
Element Name

Department/Agency Employment Start Date

Alias Date Incumbent Started at Ministry (MST)
Date Started in Department (PRF)
PDED No. 2-34
Definition The date employee starts employment with a department or agency, or the effective date of a movement to a new department or agency due to a restructure
Data Source 2517T, field 63, or Bulk Change Table
Remarks If bulk change to department code
  • Set Dep't /Agency Employment Start Date (DTDEPT) = Effective Date of Department Bulk Change
If M010 = Dep't
  • Set DTDEPT = old DTDEPT
  • Use the Effective From Date on the Suspense Record (Pay Transaction) with a Pay Action Code '01' or '04 and with the earliest Effective From Date that contains the new Department/Agency code.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (39)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (10) INC.PROD.GKPRF (258)
Element Name

Department Start Date Prior to Restructure

Alias N/A 
PDED No. N/A (field created in may 2004)
Definition The date employee starts employment with a department or agency prior to being moved to a new department as part of government restructure.
Data Source Previous Incumbent Master
Remarks If bulk change to department code and the Bulk Change argument Effective Date >
Dep't/Agency Employment Start Date (DTDEPT)
  • Set Department Start Date Prior to Restructure (DTPRDEPT) = DTDEPT
If M010 = Dep't
  • Set to blank
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (50)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A

Element Name Disability Insurance Eligibility Code
Alias Disability Insurance Eligibility (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 13-0
Definition A code which identifies the eligibility of an employee to contribute to the Disability Insurance Plan (DI) Plan or the Long Term Disability Insurance (LTD) Plan of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or to neither.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 47
  • 1= DI Plan Contributor
  • 2= LTD Plan Contributorbr
  • 3= Non-Participantbr
  • 4= LTD Premium Holiday
  • 5= DI Premium Holiday
  • 6= LTD Executive
  • 7= LTD Executive Holiday
Remarks Reference: Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (265)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (157) INC.PROD.GK34101 (136)
Element Name Dual Remuneration Code
Alias Dual Remuneration Indicator (MST)
PDED No. 15-0
Definition Identifies whether the employee is receiving or ceases to receive dual remuneration on two pay lists within a department or from another department within the PWGSC Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 19
Values Blank=Employee does not receive dual remuneration
1=Employee receives dual remuneration
2=Employee ceases receiving dual remuneration
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (417)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (283) INC.PROD.GK34101 (79)
Element Name Economic Region Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 127-0
Definition A code which identifies the economic region selected for employment studies.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values  N/A
Remarks An economic region (ER) is a grouping of complete census divisions (with one exception in Ontario). Economic regions are used to analyse regional economic activity.

Each economic region (ER) is assigned a two-digit code that is not unique between provinces. In order to uniquely identify each ER in Canada, the code must be preceded by the two-digit province code. This concatenated code (PR + ER) is called the Economic Region Unique ID.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (356)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (220) GEOGMAST (71)
Element Name Effective Date of Change
Alias N/A
Definition The effective date of a mobility change.
Data Source Field 63 on the Suspense transaction.
Remarks The significance of the date is related to the type of Mobility event (record). For example: the Effective Date of Change of a separation event (Mobility Code values 3100 or 3150) is the employee's Struck Off Strength (SOS) Date.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MOBILITY (74)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMOB (66)
Element Name Elective Pensionable Service Amount
Alias Previous Elective Pensionable Service (MST)
Previous Elective Service (PRF)
PDED No. 62-1 (New)
Definition The amount of service, for which an employee has made a valid election to count as pensionable service under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Contributor System.
Values YYMM
Remarks The Incumbent System receives this information in "YYDDD.D'' format from the Contributor System and converts it into "YYMM'' format. The days (DDD.D) of service are divided by 30.5 and the result stored as months (MM).
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (405) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (45)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (173) INC.PROD.GKPRF (298)
Element Name Employee Classification Code
Alias Abbrev Classification Title (MST)
Incumbent Classification Code (PRF)
Employee Class Sub-Group & Level (MOB)
PDED No. 94-1
Definition A code which identifies an employee's occupational group, sub-group and level.
(MER field) 2517T, field 27
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-3 for the list of the codes.
Remarks The first two characters identify the occupational group; the next three, the sub-group; and the last two characters, the level. In cases of acting assignment, INC stores the acting employee classification in the Employee Classification Code field, and the substantive employee classification, in the Substantive Employee Classification Code field.
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (196) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (106) & (207)
INC.PROD.GK34101 (97) INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (53) & (167) & (281)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (115) INC.GKMOB22 (95) & (191)
Element Name Employee Classification Code Effective Date
Alias Effective Date Emp. Class Chg (PRF)
Employee Classification Effective Date (MST)
Employee Class. Effective Date (MOB)
PDED No. 2-114 (New)
Definition The effective date an employee Classification code is changed.
Data Source 2517T, field 63
Remarks If M027 = Employee Classification
  • Set Employee Classification Effective Date (DTEMPCLS) = old DTEMPCLS
  • If Acting Pay Code = 1 and old Acting Pay Code = 2 and M027 = Substantive Employee Classification
  • Set DTEMPCLS = old Substantive DTEMPCLS
  • Use the Effective From Date on the Suspense Record (Pay Transaction) with the earliest Effective From Date that contains the new Employee Classification.
  • If no Suspense Record found
  • If Acting Pay Code =1 and old Acting Pay Code =2
    Set DTEMPCLS = old Substantive DTEMPCLS
In cases of acting assignment, INC stores the acting employee classification effective date in the Employee Classification Effective Date field, and the substantive employee classification effective date, in the Substantive Employee Classification Effective Date field.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (203) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (113) & (214)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (60) & (174) & (288)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (127) INC.PROD.GKMST (122)
INC.PROD.GKMOB22 (102) & (198)
Element Name Employee Collective Bargaining Status Code
Alias Exclusion Status (MST/MOB)
Bargaining Unit Modifier (PRF)
PDED No. 30-0
Definition A code which identifies the collective bargaining status of an employee, as defined by the Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA).
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 26
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-2 for the list of codes.
Remarks Employees who are not excluded from collective bargaining have a Bargaining Status Code which starts with "1" or "3".
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (221) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (104) & (205)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (51) & (165) & ( 279)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (149) INC.PROD.GK34101 (95)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (143) INC.PROD.GKMOB (93) & (189)
Element Name Employee Family Name
Alias Family Name (MST)
Surname (PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 4-1
Definition The family name of an employee.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 14
Values N/A 
Remarks The first four characters are commonly referred to as the employee's "Name Tag".
Structure X(20)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (10) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (10)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (25) INC.PROD.GKMOB (10)
Element Name Employee Geographic Location Code
Alias Geographic Location Code (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 10-3
Definition A code which identifies the geographic location of an employee's place of work.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 20

This code identifies each Geographic Location inside Canada and are assigned by Statistics Canada. The Geographic Location Code is composed of three components:

Component Example for Ottawa, Ontario
Province Code (first two digits) 35
Census Division (second two digits) 06
Census Sub-Division (last three digits) 014
The Geographic Location Code for Ottawa is therefore 3506014.

Locations outside Canada are assigned by PWGSC. The leftmost two digits of these outside-Canada GEOLOC codes usually indicate the continent, as:


Digits - Location

  • 91 - Europe
  • 93 - Africa
  • 95 - Asia, Middle East, India, Pakistan
  • 96 - Australia, New Zealand some of the south Pacific
  • 97 - South America
  • 98 - Central America, Mexico Caribbean
  • 99 - United States, Greenland, Bermuda, St. Pierre & Miquelon

A list of these codes can be obtained from PAC.

Remarks Beginning in March 2004 the Employee Geographic Location Code (GEOLOC) will contain the 7 character Geographic Location from Statistics Canada Code

If M020 = spaces or zeros
  • Set GEOLOC = GEOLOC on old Incumbent Master
  • Set GEOLOC = M020
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (69) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (92) & (193)
INC.PROD.GEOLOC (2) INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (39) & (153) & (267)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (216) INC.PROD.GKPRF (115)
INC.PROD.GK34101 (80) INC.PROD.GKMOB (82) & (178) GEOGMAST (2)
Element Name Employee Type Code
Alias Employee Type (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 44-0
Definition A code which identifies the employment status of an employee.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 31
Values See Pay Input Manual, PPIM Section 3-5-3 for codes.
Remarks This code indicates whether an employee is employed on a full-time/part-time; indeterminate, term (under/over 3 mos.), casual, or seasonal basis. The INC System ignores casual (type `M') and employees TOS for retroactive payments (type `X').
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (211) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (91) & (192)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (38) & (152) & (266)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (110) INC.PROD.GK34101 (109)
Element Name End Date of Salary Reduction
Alias End of Block Leave
PDED No. New
Definition This element will identify the last day of the period of salary reduction due to Leave With Income Averaging (LIA) or Pre-retirement Transition Leave.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 64
Remarks If Block Leave Indicator is 1, 2 or 3
  • Set End Date of Salary Reduction = M116
Data element added April 1996.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (432)
Element Name Entitlement Effective Start Date
Alias Start Date of Pay Rate Amount (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 2-18
Definition The effective date an entitlement starts.
Data Source 2517T, field 63
Remarks If M101 not = old Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount
and M101 not = Reduced Salary Amount
  • Set Entitlement Effective Start Date (DTSTTAMT) = M110
If M110 not = old DTSTTAMT
and Pay Activity Code = 1
and Employee Type Code > D
  • Set DTSTTAMT = the Effective Date (if non zero) from the last Suspense Record (Pay Transaction) with a Pay Action Code of 01C001(if one exists)
Note: The creation of Reduced Salary Amount must be done first.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (123)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (95) INC.PROD.GK34101 (36)
Element Name Entitlement Effective Stop Date
Alias Final Date Of Pay Rate Amount (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 2-19
Definition The effective date an entitlement stops. On the SOS file this field contains the date the employee was struck off strength. On the master file this field contains the start date of LWOP if the employee is on leave with out pay or the end date of the term of employment if the person is a term employee.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 63
Remarks If Pay Activity Status Code is not = 1
  • Set Entitlement Effective Stop Date (DTSTPAMT) = M103

(Employees on leave due to Leave With Income Averaging (LIA) or Educational Leave with Allowance are not identified by the Pay Activity Status Code in the Pay System.) -

If there is an active LIA, pay action 15C/A306, attached to the MER (i.e. Effective From Date is < or = the current month)

  • Reset DTSTPAMT = Effective From Date of the 15C/A306

If there is an Education Leave with Allowance

  • (i.e. Basic Pay Entitlement (M108) = 077)
  • Reset DTSTPAMT = Entitlement Effective Start Date from Pay (M110)

If Pay Activity Status Code = 1

  • and Employee Type Code = E, F, G, or H
  • If Employee Type Code = old Employee Type Code
  • Set DTSTPAMT = the Effective To Date on the Suspense Record (Pay Transaction) with the earliest Effective From Date that contains the new Employee Type Code
If Pay Activity Status Code = 1
and Employee
Type Code = E,F,G or H
  • Set DTSTPAMT = the Effective To Date (if non zero) on the last Suspense
    Record (Pay Transaction) with a Pay Action Code of 01C001(if one exists)
    which has an Employee Type Code = MER Employee Type Code and an
    Effective Date >= Effective Date on the transaction selected in the previous paragraph

If Pay Activity Status Code = 1 and Employee Type Code > D

Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (157)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (99) INC.PROD.GKPRF (275)INC.PROD.GK34101 (168)
Element Name Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate/Amount
Alias Pay Rate Amount (MST)
Payrate Amount (PRF)
PDED No. 36-0
Definition The pay rate or amount of an entitlement or deduction expressed in dollars, cents or a percentage, to three decimal points.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 66
Values N/A 
Remarks The only entitlement amounts copied to the system are Basic Pay (E/D Code 001) or Acting Pay (E/D Code 002). Employees on Educational Leave with Allowance are not identified by the Pay Activity Status in the Pay System. Instead they are considered to be on "Basic Pay" and the amount is replaced with the Educational Allowance (E/D code 077).ThereforeIf M101 not = old Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount (PYRTAMT) 
and M101 not = Reduced Salary Amount
  • Set PYRTAMT = M101
Note: The creation of Reduced Salary Amount must be done first.
Structure 9(6)v999 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (114)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (90) INC.PROD.GK34101 (176)
Element Name Equivalent Annual Salary Amount
Alias Equivalent Annual Salary (Estimated ) (MST)
Equivalent Annual Salary (PRF)
Annual Salary (MOB)
PDED No. 56-2
Definition The conversion of hourly, weekly, monthly rated salary to an annual salary.
Data Source Generated from Pay Rate Base Code, Salary Amount, & Normal Work Week Hours (for hourly rates).
Values N/A
  1. If Pay Rate Base (PYRTBASE) = 1
    Equivalent Annual Salary (EQUANSAL) = Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount (PYRTAMT) x Normal Work Week Hours(NORWKWK) x 52.176.
  2. If PYRTBASE = 2
    EQUANSAL = PYRTAMT x 260.880.
  3. If PYRTBASE = 3
    EQUANSAL = PYRTAMT x 52.176.
  4. If PYRTBASE = 6
    EQUANSAL = (PYRTAMT + 0.02) x 12.000.
  5. If PYRTBASE = 7
    EQUANSAL = PYRTAMT x 26.088.
  6. If PYRTBASE = 9
  7. Else set EQUANSAL = PYRTAMT.

NOTE: Round EQUANSAL to nearest dollar value, cents to zero.)

Note: The creation of Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount must be done first

Structure 9(6)v999 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (131) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (146) & (247)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (93) & (207) & (321)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (76) INC.PROD.GKPRF (229)
INC.PROD.GKMOB (131)&(227)
Element Name Estimated Annual Salary Amount
Alias Estimated Annual Salary (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 56-4 (New)
Definition The amount of salary an employee is estimated to earn during the year.
Data Source Calculated from Equivalent Annual Salary Amount, Normal Work Week Hours and Assigned Work Week Hours.
Values Part-time employees salaries, Estimated Annual and Equivalent Annual are different.
  1. aIf Pay Activity Status Code is 2 or 3
    or if PYRTBASE is not 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 or if Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount (PYRTAMT) is less than $2.000
    Set Estimated Annual Salary (ESTANSAL) = zero.
  2. Use a temporary field FTERATIO rounded to 7 decimals in the following calculation.
  3. If Block Leave Indicator = 3 (employee on Pre-Retirement Leave)
    If Assigned Work Week (ASSWKWK) < Reduction in Hours Worked
    Set FTERATIO = zero
    Set FTERATIO = (ASSWKWK - REDHRS) / Normal Work Week Hours
  4. If FTERATIO > 1
    Set FTERATIO = 1.
  5. If PYRTBASE = 1
    Set ESTANSAL = PYRTAMT x ASSWKWK x 52.176.
  6. If PYRTBASE = 2
    Set ESTANSAL = PYRTAMT x FTERATIO x 260.880.
  7. If PYRTBASE = 3
  8. If PYRTBASE = 6
  9. If PYRTBASE = 7
  10. If PYRTBASE = 9

(NOTE: Round ESTANSAL to nearest dollar value, cents to zero.)

Note: The creation of Entitlement/Deduction Pay Rate Amount must be done first.

Structure 9(6)v999(v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (140)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (325) INC.PROD.GKPRF (343)
Element Name Federal Electoral District Code
Alias Federal Electoral District (PRF)
PDED No. 166-0
Definition A code that identifies the specific areas designated by Parliament as Federal Electoral Districts.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values N/A

A federal electoral district (FED) refers to any place or territorial area entitled to elect a representative member to serve in the House of Commons (source: Canada Elections Act, 1990).

Each FED is assigned a three-digit code that is not unique between provinces. In order to uniquely identify each FED in Canada, the code must be preceded by the two-digit province code. This concatenated code (PR + FED) is called the FED Unique ID.

Federal Electoral Districts do not cleanly map into Geographic Locations. For the 1996 data, the first FED found was assigned to a Geographic Location.

For the 2001 data a FED will be assigned to a Geographic Location based on population. The FED with the largest population in a Geographic Location will be assigned to that Geographic Location.

There is no guarantee that one way is more accurate than another.

The reasoning is as follows: An urban Geographic Location may have several FED's in it. If we assign the FED with the largest population to that GEOLOC, the situation could be inaccurate. The government buildings might be downtown (in a different riding, with lower population) than the residences, yet the FED with the largest population (with the majority of residences) was assigned to the GEOLOC.

Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (362) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (85)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (226)
Element Name File Date
Alias Date of File Year/Month
Definition The processing year and month that a file is created. It resides on every record in the file and is the same date for every record.
Data Source Generated from the processing date
Remarks N/A 
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (495) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (68)
Element Name Financial Administration Act Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 58-0
Definition A code which identifies the legal status of a department or agency under the Financial Administration Act (FAA).
Data Source TBS Population Affiliation System. Derived from Dep't code.

Following are the conversion rules for FAA values from numeric to the alpha codes used in Department/Agency table:

  • F= 0 - the organization is not subject to the FAA.
  • A= 1 - the org. is subject to the FAA and is listed in Schedule 1.
  • B = 2 - the org. is subject to the FAA and is listed in Schedule 2.
  • C = 3 - the org. is subject to the FAA and is listed in Schedule 3, Part 1.
  • D= 4 - the org. is subject to the FAA and is listed in Schedule 3, Part 2.
  • E= 5 - the org. is subject to the FAA as a 'Branch Designated as Department' but is not listed in a Schedule.
  • N or X= 6 - the org. is subject to the FAA but is not listed in a Schedule.
  • "X" = Not under any of the FAA Schedules (PDED) but "N" is used in table 110
  • No analogue- Crown Corporation = 7 - the organization is exempt from Part X of the FAA.

Two other values may appear in the Department/Agency table, as follows:

  • G Under the FAA, by virtue of Section 7 (9) = no analogue in new FAA
  • H Under the FAA, by virtue of Section 2 (c) = no analogue in new FAA
Remarks Incumbent Department/Agency table associates Dep't/Agency code with the FAA code.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (296) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (89) & (190)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (36) & (150) & (264)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (17) INC.PROD.GKPRF (177)
INC.PROD.GKMOB (79) & (175)
Element Name Financial Code
Alias Financial Coding (MST)
Accounts Coding (MOB)
PDED No. 59-0
Definition A code of varying length and structure (unique to department or agency) which identifies items of expenditure.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 71
Values N/A 
Remarks The structure of this code varies from Department to Department.
Structure X(25)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (270) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (157) & (258)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (104) & (218) & (332)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (230) INC.PROD.GK34101 (201)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (151) INC.PROD.GKMOB (142) & (238)
Element Name Financial Program Activity Code
Alias Central Accounts Program/Activity code (PRF)
Definition The code used in the TBS Financial Management Chart of Accounts to denote the programs and activities of the Government of Canada for a fiscal year.
Data Source No longer available. Was originally obtained from the Central Accounting System output file CA920 (for Auditor General).
Values See TBS Financial Management Manual.
Remarks N/A 
Structure N/A 
1996 File Name & Starting Position Was removed from INC.PROD.MAST (64)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (6)

Element Name First Official Language Code
Alias First Official Language (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 8-0
Definition A code which identifies the official language with which an employee feels a primary personal identification.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517-T, field 54
Values 1 = English;
2 = French
Remarks The known acronym is FOL. If M054 is not = blank and not = zero
  • Set FOL = M054
  • Set FOL = FOL on old Incumbent Master
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (254)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (324) INC. PROD.GK34101 (43)
Element Name First Official Language Code (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies the official language with which an employee feels a primary personal identification.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 512)
Values 1 = English;
2 = French
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '1' or '2' or '3' and FOL (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture First Official Language Code (FOL) from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (480)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Forces Pensionable Service Amount
Alias Previous Forces Pensionable Service (MST)
Forces Services (PRF)
PDED No. 62-3 (New)
Definition The amount of Armed Forces service for which an employee has made a valid election to count as pensionable service under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Contributor System.
Values YYMM
Remarks The Incumbent receives this information in "YYDDD.DD''format from the Contributor System and converts it to "YYMM'' format. The number of days (DDD.D) is divided by 30.5 and the result stored as months (MM). Includes annuity service credit under RCMPSA or CFSA.
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (413) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (57)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (361) INC.PROD.GKPRF (394)
Element Name Full-time Equivalent Ratio
Alias Full Time Equivalent (PRF)
Definition A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person-year charge against departmental budgets.
Data Source Calculated from the employee's Activity Status, Assigned Work Week and Normal Work Week Hours.
Values N/A 

The known acronym is FTE. Falls within the range zero to 1.00.

If Pay Activity Status not = 1 or Assigned Work Week (ASSWKWK) = zero or Reduction in Hours Worked (REDHRS) > ASSWKWK

  • set FTE = zero.
If Block Leave Indicator = 3 (employee on Pre-Retirement Transition Leave)
  • Set FTE = (ASSWKWK - REDHRS) / Normal Work Week Hours round to 2 decimals
  • Set FTE = ASSWKWK / Normal Work Week Hours round to 2 decimals 
If FTE > 1
  • Set FTE = 1
Structure 9v99 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (239)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (71)
Element Name General Labour & Trade Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-1 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the General Labor and Trades (GL) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Codes for BUD's 603 and 653.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM) Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (91)
Element Name General Services Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-2 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the General Service(GS) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 604 and 654.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (93)
Element Name Geographic Location Name
Alias Location Name (PRF)
PDED No. 170-1 (New)
Definition The name of the location associated with a Geographic Location Code.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values Most Geographic Location Names are official names passed by provincial or territorial legislation for municipalities. These names can only be changed through the provincial legislative process.
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Geographic Location Name. The name is 40 characters on the table but only the first 20 are move to the Incumbent master. Names are stored on the PWGSC Geographic Master File and Incumbent Master File in upper case with no accented characters.
Structure X(20)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (336) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (11)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (200)
Element Name Hospital Services Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-3 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Hospital Services(HS) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 606 and 656.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (95)
Element Name Imperative Staffing Indicator (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies that the language requirements of a bilingual position must be completely satisfied at the time of appointment or deployment and the reason for these requirements
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 443)
  • 1 = Special skills - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position involving specialized or expert language usage in all the linguistic skills required by the position in both official languages

  • 2 = Special relationship - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position which involves special relationships to a particular community or group, or having significant operational impact

  • 3 = Indispensable bilingual position - Imperative staffing action for an indispensable bilingual position

  • 4 = Specified period appointment or deployment - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position requiring an appointment or a deployment for a PER specified period
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and IMP (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Imperative Staffing Indicator (IMP) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (467)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Initials
Alias Initials of Given Names (MST)
PDED No. 5-0
Definition The first letter of each name given to a person to identify this person in a somewhat precise way.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 15
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (30) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (30)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (45) INC.PROD.GK34101 (70)
Element Name Inmate Training Differential Code
Alias Inmate Training Differential Grid (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 102-0
Definition A code which identifies the rate of differential payable to qualified employees responsible for inmate training.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 29.
Values See the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for acceptable values.
Remarks Applies to Penitentiary Service employees only. The first character represents the degree of training responsibility; the second, a coded representation of number of inmates trained.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (263)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (143) INC.PROD.GK34101 (106)
Element Name Language Requirements of Position (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies the official language or languages required to perform the duties of the position.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 442)
  • 1 = Bilingual
  • 2 = English Essential
  • 3 = French Essential
  • 4 = Either English or French essential
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LRP (PCIS) not = blank
    Capture Language Requirements of Position (LRP) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (466)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Last Update Date
Alias N/A 
PDED No. N/A  
Definition The last date that a portion of the acting segment of the AAMS file has been updated..
Data Source
(MER field)
Values N/A  
Remarks Set to the processing date when the During or Following portion of the acting segment has been modified.
Structure YYYYMM
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.AAMS (251) & (365)
Element Name Leave Without Pay Reason Code
Alias Reason for Leave Without Pay (MST)
Reason Leave Without Pay (PRF)
PDED No. 106-0
Definition A code which identifies the reason why an employee is on leave without pay (LWOP).
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 71
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 4-4-13 (PAC13) for the list of code values.
Remarks Only LWOP absences of 6 or more continuous compensation days are recorded in the PWGSC Pay System.
If M107 = T
  • set LWOP Reason Code = M109.
Employees on leave due to Leave with Income Averaging (LIA) or on Educational Leave are not identified on Pay in this field.

If there is an active pay action 15C/A306 (ie. Effective From Date is < or = the current month
  • set LWOP Reason Code = I
If Basic Pay Entitlement (M108) = 077
  • set LWOP Reason Code = B
Structure XX
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (214) Prior to March 2004 one digit in location 267
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (259) INC.PROD.GKPRF (317)
Element Name Leaving Public Service Reason Code
Alias Reason for Leaving DSS Pay System (MST)
Reason for Leaving - per 2517T (MOB)
PDED No. 139-0
Definition A code which identifies the reason an employee is leaving the Public Service or is transferring out of the Public Service Employee Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 48
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for a list of code values.
Remarks N/A  
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (268) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (66)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (260)INC.GKMOB22 (60)
Element Name Linguistic Profile of Position (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A compound code which identifies for a bilingual position, the required level of proficiency in reading, writing and oral interaction for each of the official languages used. The first three values refer to ENGLISH skills and the last three values refer to FRENCH skills
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 444)
Values - = Not required
a = Lowest level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
b = Second level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
c = Highest level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
p = Specialized or expert language usage
r = Level A instrumental (only prior to October 15, 1984)
Remarks The code is composed of three characters for each skill in each official language: The 1st and 4th characters refer to the reading ability
The 2nd and 5th characters refer to the writing ability
The 3rd and 6th characters refer to oral interaction

The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LNGPRF (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Linguistic Profile of Position (LNGPRF) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(6)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (468)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Linguistic Status of Incumbent - GEN (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition This element indicates the linguistic situation of incumbents of bilingual positions
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 560)
Values Refer to PCIS documentation
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LSI-G (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Linguistic Status of Incumbent - Generated (LSI-G) from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (481)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Marital Status Code
Alias Marital Status (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 6-0
Definition A code which identifies the marital status of a person.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 22
  • 1=Single
  • 2=Married
  • 3=Widow/er
  • 4=Separated
  • 5=Divorced
Remarks This field is unreliable on both the Pay MER and INC system. Its value is regularly blanked out on the MER.

If M022 is not = blank and not = zero
  • Set Marital Status = M022
  • Set Marital Status = Marital Status on old Incumbent Master
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (243) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (42)
File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (73) INC.PROD.GK34101 (88)
Element Name Metropolitan Area Code
 Note Removed starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias 1991 Metropolitan Area Code (PRF)
Definition A code used in the current StatCan Census to identify a very large urban area with a population of at least 100,000, together with adjacent urban and rural areas which are highly integrated economically and socially with that urban area.
Data Source StatCan Geography File through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values See StatCan Publication "Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations"
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Metropolitan Area Code. Kelowna (915) and Sydney, N.S. (225) are not Census Metropolitan Areas but they are included because they have smaller components which are classed as "Census Agglomerations". This field has uncertain data hence is removed starting the February, 2005 Incumbent Master.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (370) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (61)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (245)
Element Name Metropolitan/Major Urban Area Code
 Note Removed starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias MA/MU Code (PRF)
PDED No. 35-0
Definition A code which identifies the metropolitan or major urban work area as defined by Statistics Canada, Census Division, for the previous Census.
Data Source StatCan Geography Tape File through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
  • 01 St. John's
  • 03 Halifax
  • 05 Saint John
  • 07 Chicoutimi - Jonquiere
  • 08 Quebec City
  • 09 Montreal
  • 11 Ottawa - Hull
  • 12 Toronto
  • 13 Hamilton
  • 14 Niagara - St. Catharines
  • 15 Kitchener - Waterloo
  • 16 London
  • 17 Windsor
  • 18 Sudbury
  • 19 Thunder Bay
  • 21 Winnipeg
  • 23 Regina
  • 24 Saskatoon
  • 26 Edmonton
  • 27 Calgary
  • 29 Vancouver
  • 30 Victoria
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the M/M Urban Area Code. Major Metropolitan/Major Urban Area Code is the last 2 characters of the 1971 Census Area Code (code values 001-030). These data are inaccurate, hence the field was removed starting February, 2005.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (365) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (74)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (238)
Element Name Mobility Code
Alias Turnover Code (MOB)
Start Turnover Code (AAMS)
Close Turnover Code (AAMS)
Definition A code which identifies the movements of an employee into, within or out of the Public Service.
Data Source Derived from Pay Action Code and changes to the Employee Classification Code.
  • 1100 Hiring of employee (not term/casual reappointment
  • 1200 Reappointment of term/casual within 7 days of SOS
  • 1250 Reappointment of term/casual with service break greater than 7 days
  • 3100 Separation of active employee
  • 3150 Separation of employee on LWOP
  • 5100 Interdepartment Transfer with no classification change
  • 5200 Interdepartment Transfer with promotion
  • 5300 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion), no salary change
  • 5302 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion), salary decrease
  • 5305 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion) and salary Increase
  • 5511 Government restructuring within PSSRA 1-1 (from May 2004)
  • 5512 Government restructuring within PSSRA 1-2 (from May 2004)
  • 5513  Government restructuring from PSSRA 1-2 to PSSRA 1-1 (from May 2004)
  • 5514 Government restructuring from PSSRA 1-1 to PSSRA 1-2 (from May 2004)
  • 5515 Department codes changes not from an Order in Council ( May 2004)
  • 6200 Internal Promotion
  • 7200 Internal Demotion
  • 8100 Conversion with no salary change
  • 8102 Conversion with salary decrease
  • 8105 Conversion with salary increase
  • 8200 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee in same group but lower level
  • 8300 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee in same group but higher level
  • 8400 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, no salary change
  • 8402 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, salary decrease
  • 8405 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, salary increase
  • 9999 Correction of missing classification data
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MOBILITY (82) INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (9) & (21)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMOB (72)
Element Name National Occupation Classification Code
Alias N/A
Definition A code created by the department to identify the occupation assigned to a position.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 536)
Values N/A
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '2' or '3' and NOC Code (NOC) not = blank
  • Capture NOC from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (191)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name National Occupation Classification Code Indicator
Alias N/A
Definition A code indicating how the National Occupation Code (NOC) has been assigned
Data Source Generated as per remarks
Values 0,1,2,3,4
Remarks If the NOC Code (NOC) is not blank and the Employee Classification (EMPCLS) = old EMPCLS
  • set NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = 4
The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, EMPCLS and Department (DEPT).

The following codes are generated (and subsequently moved into NOCID) :

0 = no match
1 = match on PRI only
2 = match on PRI and EMPCLS
3 = match on PRI, EMPCLS and DEPT
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (195)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Next Statutory Increment Date
Alias N/A
PDED No. 2-13
Definition The date an employee will be paid his/her next statutory increment.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 50
Remarks If M050 not = blank and not = zero
  • Set Next Statutory Increment Date = M050
  • Set Next Statutory Increment Date = Next Statutory Increment Date on old Incumbent Master
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (175)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (262) INC.PROD.GK34101 (139)
Element Name Non Elective Pensionable Service Amount
Alias Previous Non-Elective Pensionable Service (MST)
Non-Elective Service (PRF)
PDED No. 62-2 (New)
Definition The amount of non-elective service an employee has to his/her credit as pensionable service under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Contributor System
Values YYMM
Remarks The Incumbent System receives this information in "YYDDD.D'' format from the Contributor System and converts it into "YYMM'' format. The number of days (DDD.D) is divided by 30.5 to yield number of months (MM). This includes service transferred under Reciprocal Transfer agreements, and service with Crown Corporations prior to their being covered by the PSSA.
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (409) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (51)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (357) INC.PROD.GKPRF (390)
Element Name Non Standard Work Week Indicator
Alias Non-Standard Work Week (MST)
PDED No. 91-0
Definition An indicator which identifies whether an employee works a non-standard work week. A standard work week is a five day week, Monday to Friday.
Data Source
(MER field)
The Pay System imposes these code values from the Employee Type Code.

1= Yes, works non-standard week
2= No, works standard week

Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for specifications.

Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (238)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (109) INC.PROD.GK34101 (118)
Element Name Normal Work Week Hours
Alias Scheduled Work Hours (MST)
Scheduled Hours Work (PRF)
PDED No. 8-1
Definition The normal hours of work per week as defined in collective agreements for pertinent groups or sub-groups.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 32
Values N/A 
Remarks If M032 is not = zero and not = blank
  • Set Normal Work Week Hours = M032
  • Set Normal Work Week Hours = 3750
Structure 99v99 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (230)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (103) INC.PROD.GK34101 (110)

Element Name Nursing Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-10 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Community Health Nursing and Hospital Nursing (NO) occupational group and sub-group derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD`s 21901 and 21902.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 21901 and 21902.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (109)
Element Name Offset Preparation Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-7 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zone for the Offset Preparation (PROFE) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 60905 and 65905.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (103)
Element Name Offset Production Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-8 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zone for the Offset Production (PROFO) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 60906 and 65906.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (105)
Element Name Owner Department/Agency Code
Alias Ministry (Owner-Dept/Ministerial Affiliation) (MST)
Owner Department (PRF)
PDED No. 1-2
Definition A code which identifies the ministry through which a department or agency reports to Parliament.
Data Source Derived from the Department/Agency Code.
Values N/A 
Remarks Incumbent Department/Agency Table associates the Dep't/Agency Code with the Owner Department Code.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (33)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (3) INC.PROD.GKPRF (3)
Element Name Pay Activity Status Code
Alias Activity Status (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 48-0
Definition A code which identifies the employee's Pay Activity Status.
Data Source
(MER field)
Generated from the Pay Action Code on PAC01 (TOS), 02 (SOS), 13 (TSOS) and 14 (RETOS) Pay transactions. (M107)
Values 1=Active
2=Temporarily Struck-Off-Strength
3=Struck-Off Strength
Remarks If M107 = X and LWOP Reason Code not = B and not = I
  • set Pay Activity Status Code to 1
If M107 = X and LWOP Reason Code = B or I
  • set Pay Activity Status Code to 2
If M107 = T set Pay Activity Status Code to 2

If M107 = S set Pay Activity Status Code to 3

Note: The generation of LWOP Reason Code must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (258)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (282) INC.PROD.GKPRF (58)
Element Name Pay Office Code
Alias Pay Office (PRF)
PDED No. 117-0
Definition A code which identifies pay offices and other service offices within the Public Service Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 09
Values Refer to Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for list of codes.
Remarks The Incumbent does not use records from Pay Offices 22, 23, 31, 90 and 93.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (58)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (1) INC.PROD.GK34101 (21)
Element Name Pay Rate Base Code
Alias Pay Rate Base (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 25-0
Definition A code which identifies the rate base used to calculate an employee`s pay, to recover an overpayment or the frequency with which a deduction is made.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 65
Values Refer to Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-5 for list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (107)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (89) INC.PROD.GK34101 (175)
Element Name Pay Rate Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 23-0
Definition A code which identifies the basis upon which the pay rate of an employee has been established on appointment and subsequent to appointment, when applicable.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 21
Values Refer to Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name &
Starting Position
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (82) INC.PROD.GK34101 (87)
Element Name Pay Rate Code Effective Date
Alias N/A
PDED No. 2-4
Definition The date a Pay Rate Code is effective.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 63
Remarks If M021 = old Pay Rate Code
  • Set Pay Rate Code Effective Date (DTPYRATE) = old DTPYRATE
  • Set DTPYRATE = M110
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (99)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (83)
Element Name Pay Zone Code
Alias Pay Zone (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 9-0
Definition A code which identifies the geographical zone where rates of pay are established for employees in certain occupational groups and sub-groups according to specific collective agreements.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 36
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks The first character represents the Pay Zone System particular to an occupational group; the last two, the geographic zone.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (108)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (223) INC.PROD.GK34101 (120)
Element Name Paylist Number
Alias Pay List Number (PRF)
PDED No. 17-0
Definition A unique number assigned by the employing department or agency to identify the paylist to which an employee has been designated.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 11
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (60)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (6) INC.PROD.GK34101 (26)
Element Name Payment Cycle Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 85-0
Definition A code which identifies the frequency of issuance of a pay or pension cheque.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 35
  • 3= Weekly
  • 6= Monthly
  • 7= Bi-weekly
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (111)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (87) INC.PROD.GK34101 (119)
Element Name Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date
Alias Pension Contribution Start Date (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 2-5
Definition The date an employee starts contributions to a pension or insurance plan.
Data Source Contributor System. INC receives the start date of the most recent (current) period of pensionable service from the Contributor System.
Remarks N/A
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (397) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (37)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (177)INC.GKPRF (302)
Element Name Pension Plan Code
Alias Pension Type (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 14-0
Definition A code which identifies the pension plan to which an employee must contribute and the employee's contributory status under the plan or the reason an employee is a non- contributor.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 39
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for the list of code values.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (376)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (162) INC.PROD.GK34101 (125)
Element Name Pensionable Service Base Date
Alias Base Date of Pensionable Service (MST)
Base Date Pensionable Service (PRF)
Date Started Pensionable Service (MOB)
PDED No. 2-31
Definition The base date used to determine the amount of pensionable service an employee has accrued under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Generated from the Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date (current service); Elective, Forces and Non Elective Pensionable Service.
Remarks The years and months of Elective, Forces and Non-Elective Pensionable Service are subtracted from the Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (387) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (51)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (181) INC.PROD.GKPRF (77)
Element Name Pensionable Service Years
Alias Years of Pensionable Service (PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 62-0
Definition The numbers of years and days of pensionable service an employee has accrued under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Generated from the Pensionable Service Base Date and Processing Date.
Values YY
Remarks The Pensionable Service Base Date (YYMM) is subtracted from the Processing Date giving Pensionable Service Years. If Pensionable Service Base Date (month) is greater than Processing Date (month) subtract one from Pensionable Service Years. If the calculation results in a negative or Pensionable Service Base Date is zeros, set Pensionable Service Years to zero. Only the resultant "years'' are written to the Incumbent system.If the number of years are greater than 35 then 35 is stored in this element.
Structure 99
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (395) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (63)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (196) INC.PROD.GKMOB (57)
Element Name Personal Record Identifier
Alias PRI (PRF)
PDED No. 333-0
Definition A number assigned to uniquely associate a person with their personal records in the federal Public Service.
Data Source
(MER field)
Central Index
Values N/A 
Remarks The acronym is PRI. The last digit is a modulus-11 check digit. The PRI is 8 digits long, but is stored in the field previously occupied by the (9 digit) Social Insurance Number. The first digit in the stored PRI in the INC System is always a zero.
Structure X(9)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (1) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (1)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (19) INC.PROD.GK34101 (12)
Element Name Population Density Code
Alias Size of Locality Code (PRF)
PDED No. 125-0
Definition A code which identifies the population density of municipalities according to the most recently published census data.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
  • 9 = no population provided*
  • 8 = 0 to 999
  • 7 = 1,000 to 2,499
  • 6 = 2,500 to 4,999
  • 5 = 5,000 to 9,999
  • 4 =10,000 to 29,999
  • 3 = 30,000 to 99,999
  • 2 = 100,000 to 499,999
  • 1 = 500,000 and over

    * added with the Incumbent Master File of February 2005.
Remarks Populations of Geographic Locations are provided by StatCan; the populations are broken into ranges, (see above) which appear on the Geographic Master File and the Incumbent Master File.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (361) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (83)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (225)
Element Name Position Classification Code
Alias Position Class Title (MST/PRF)
Position Class (MOB)
PDED No. 94-5
Definition A code which identifies the occupational group, sub-group and level for a position.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 53
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-3 for the list of codes.
Remarks The first two characters identify the occupational group; the next three, the sub-group; and the last two, the level.
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (223) INC.PROD. MOBILITY (131) & (232)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (78) & (192) & (306)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (201) INC.PROD.GK34101 (155)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (310) INC.GKMOB (118) & (214)
Element Name Position Number
Alias Position Number Hiring (MOB)
PDED No. 12-0
Definition A unique number assigned to each organizational position in a department or agency.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 52
  1. The position number will be assigned and controlled by departments or agencies.

  2. Positions 1-5 (inclusive) represent the Branch portion of the position number. This portion may be alpha/numeric and be left justified. If any leading zeroes are used, it is important to type them in.

  3. Positions 6-10 (inclusive) represent the number portion of the position number. The validation for these characters is as follows:
    1. Characters in positions 6-9 inclusive must be numeric and must be preceded by leading zeroes.
    2. Characters in position 10 may be alpha/numeric but cannot be blank.
    3. The number must be right justified.
  4. Position numbers must be unique within departments or agencies.

  5. When a printout of the position number is printed for central agencies, its department or agency code is also listed.

  6. Dashes will not be accepted in either segment.

  7. Spaces will not be accepted between characters within a segment.

  8. The first three (3) characters of the first segment must not match the three (3) alpha characters representing the department or agency code.
Remarks In cases of acting assignment, INC stores the acting position identifier in the Position Number field, and the substantive position identifier, in the Substantive Position Number field.
Structure X10)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (80) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (121) & (222)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (68) & (182) & (296)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (191) INC.PROD.GK34101 (145)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (88) INC.GKMOB (108) & (204)
Element Name Position Number (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A unique number assigned to each organizational position in a department or agency.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 4)
  1. The position number will be assigned and controlled by departments or agencies.

  2. Positions 1-5 (inclusive) represent the Branch portion of the position number. This portion may be alpha/numeric and be left justified. If any leading zeroes are used, it is important to type them in.

  3. Positions 6-10 (inclusive) represent the number portion of the position number. The validation for these characters is as follows:
    1. Characters in positions 6-9 inclusive must be numeric and must be preceded by leading zeroes.
    2. Characters in position 10 may be alpha/numeric but cannot be blank.
    3. The number must be right justified.
  4. Position numbers must be unique within departments or agencies.

  5. When a printout of the position number is printed for central agencies, its department or agency code is also listed.

  6. Dashes will not be accepted in either segment.

  7. Spaces will not be accepted between characters within a segment.

  8. The first three (3) characters of the first segment must not match the three (3) alpha characters representing the department or agency code.
Remarks The Incumbent table, NOC Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, EMPCLS and DEPT

If NOCID = '3' and Position Number (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Position Number from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(10)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (448)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Positive Reporting Indicator
Alias Time Summary Indicator (MST/PRF)
Definition A indicator which identifies whether an employee is paid under the positive reporting whereby pay cheques are issued in arrears and based on actual hours worked.
Data Source
(MER field)
  • C = Current reporting
  • A = Arrears based on actual hours working
  • B = Arrears
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (112)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (313) INC.PROD.GKPRF (358)
Element Name Previous Department / Agency Code
Alias Previous Ministry (Owner-Dept) (MST)
PDED No. 1-1
Definition A code which identifies the previous department or agency where a person was employed.
Data Source Generated from Department/Agency Code on INC Master when it changes.
Values Incumbent Department/Agency Table contains valid Department Codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (47)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (287)
Element Name Public Service Employment Code
Alias Public Service Population Flag (PRF)
Definition A code which identifies the status of an employee under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). It also indicates whether the employee is employed as a "casual''.
Data Source Generated from the PSEA Code of the employing department and the Employee Type Code.
  • 1= Subject to PSEA, not casual employee
  • 2= Subject to PSEA, casual employee
  • 3= Not subject to PSEA
Remarks If Pay Activity Status Code (ACTVSTAT) is 2 or 3
  • Public Service Employment Code (PSC-CD) = 3

else (i.e. ACTVSTAT = 1)

  • if BUD > 10000 and < 70000
  • or BUD > 80000 but not = 99807, 99808, 99809, 99810
    • if the PSEA code = 1 (on the DEPT table for this employee's DEPT)
      • if Employee Type Code = K, L, P, R
        • PSC-CD = 2
      • else PSC-CD = 1


  • PSC-CD = 3


  • PSP-CD = 3
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (299)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (353)

Element Public Service Staff Relations Act Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 80-0
Definition A code which identifies the status of department or agency under the Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA).
Data Source TBS Population Affiliation System.
  • 1= Under PSSRA Schedule I, Part I
  • 2= Under PSSRA Schedule I, Part II
  • 3= Not under PSSRA
Remarks The Incumbent department/Agency table, associates the Department/Agency Code with the PSSRA code. TB represents the Employer for departments under PSSRA I-I. Organizations listed in PSSRA I-II are called "separate employers" and bargain for themselves.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (295) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (90) & (191)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (37) & (151) & (265)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (18) INC.PROD.GKPRF (176)
INC.PROD.GKMOB (80) & (176)
Element Name Reduced Salary Amount
Alias N/A
PDED No. New
Definition This element is used to calculate the salary to be paid an employee who is on Leave With Income Averaging (LIA) (i.e. when Block Leave Indicator is 1 or 2), on Pre-retirement Transition Leave (PRL) (i.e. when Block Leave Indicator is 3) or on Educational Leave with Allowance.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 69
Values N/A 
Remarks The Reduced Salary Amount has the same Pay Rate Base associated with it as the employee's basic pay rate. Data Element added April 1996.

If Basic Pay Entitlement (M108) = 077 (Educational Allowance)
  • Set Reduced Salary Amount = Pay Rate Amount (M101)
  • Set Reduced Salary Amount = M114
Structure 9(6)v999(v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (419)
Element Name Reduction in Hours Worked (PRL)
Alias PRL Hours
PDED No. New
Definition This element will contain the number of fewer hours worked per week. (i.e. if the employee normally works 37.5/week and now works 22.5/week this element contains 15).
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 68
Values N/A 
Remarks Data Element added April 1996
Structure 99v99(v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (428)
Element Name Residence Province / Region Code
Alias Province of Residence (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 230-1
Definition A code which identifies the province or region where a person's residence is located.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 46
Values See Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for a list of code values in Pay. 10=NFLD 11=PEI 12=NS 13=NB 24=QUE 35=ONT 46=MAN 47=SASK 48=ALTA 59=BC 60=YT 61=NWT 62=Nunavut 91=Europe 93=Africa 95=Asia 96=Oceania & Antarctica 97=South America 98=North America (Central America & Antilles) 99= North America (Northern Sub-Groups incl. USA)
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (78)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (74) INC.PROD.GK34101
Element Name Second Language Evaluation Results ENGLISH (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition The results of SLE ENGLISH tests
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 572)
Values N/A 
Remarks The field consists of 3 one character designations of the employee's latest (1st occurrence) English second language test results (Level achieved) in Reading, Writing and Oral Interaction respectively

The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '1' or '2' or '3' and
    • SLEENG (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Second Language Evaluation Results ENGLISH (SLEENG) from the table

Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first

Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (483)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Second Language Evaluation Results FRENCH (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition The results of SLE FRENCH tests
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 575)
Values N/A 
Remarks The field consists of 3 one character designations of the employee's latest (1st occurrence) French second language test results (Level achieved) in Reading, Writing and Oral Interaction respectively

The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '1' or '2' or '3' and SLEFR (PCIS) not = blank
    Capture Second Language Evaluation Results FRENCH (SLEFR) from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (486)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Sex Code
Alias Sex (MOB)
PDED No. 3-0
Definition A code which identifies the sex of a person.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 24 or the Contributor System Extract if data is missing in Pay or different than Pay.
Values 1=Male 2=Female
Remarks If M024 not = space and not = zero
  • Set Sex Code = M024
  • Set Sex Code = Sex Code on old Incumbent Master
Change Contributor Sex Code 'M' to '1' and 'F' to '2'

If Contributor Sex Code = '1' or '2' and not = Sex Code (as set above)
  • Set Sex Code = Contributor Sex Code
  • Leave Sex Code as set by M024 or old Incumbent Master
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (242) INC.PROD.MOBILTIY (41)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (72) INC.PROD.GKMOB (39)
Element Name Ships Crews Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-11 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Ships Crew (SC) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 612 and 662.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC(117)
Element Name Statistics Canada Reporting Indicator
Alias Stat Can Population Flag (PRF)
Definition A code which identifies whether an employee is to be reported in the Federal Government Employment Statistics published by Statistics Canada.
Data Source Generated
Values 1 = YES 3 = NO
Remarks If Pay Activity Status Code (ACTVSTAT) is 2
  • Statistics Canada Reporting Indicator (STC-IND) = 3
else (i.e. ACTVSTAT = 1 or 3)
  • If (BUD is 997 and PSSRA = 1)
  • or (BUD is 99806 and DEPT = IDA)
  • STC-IND = 3
  • STC-IND = 1
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (301)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (355)
Element Name Statistics Canada Geographic Code
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies geographic locations assigned by Statistics Canada.
Data Source StatCan Standard Geographic Manual
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (54)
Element Name Substantive Appointment Effective Date
Alias Substantive Appointment Effective Date to Position (MST)
Sub. App. Eff. Date to Pos (PRF)
PDED No. 2-112 (New)
Definition The effective date an employee is appointed to his/her substantive position.
Data Source Copied from Appointment Effective Date on INC Master.
Remarks If Acting Pay Code = 2
  • Substantive Appointment Effective Date = the old Substantive Appointment Effective Date.

If the Acting Pay Code = 2 and the old Acting Pay Code = 1

  • Substantive Appointment Effective Date = the old Appointment Effective Date.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (313)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (342) INC.PROD.GKPRF (371)
Element Name Substantive Employee Classification Code
Alias Substantive Employee Classification (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 94-8 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the employee classification in the substantive appointment.
Data Source Copied from Employee Classification Code on INC Master.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-3 for the list of codes.
Remarks The first two characters identify the occupational group; the next three, the sub-group; and the last two, the level.

If the Acting Pay Code =2
  • Substantive Employee Classification Code = the old Substantive Employee Classification Code.

If the Acting Pay Code = 2 and the old Acting Pay Code = 1

  • Substantive Employee Classification Code = the old Employee Classification Code.
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (321)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (346) INC.PROD.GKPRF (377)
Element Name Substantive Employee Classification Code Effective Date
Alias Substantive Employee Classification Effective Date (MST)
Sub. Emp. Class Eff Date (PRF)
PDED No. 2-113 (New)
Definition The date an employee's Classification Code in the substantive position is effective.
Data Source Copied from Employee Classification Code Effective Date on INC Master.
Remarks If Acting Pay Code = 2
  • Substantive Employee Classification Code Effective Date = the old Substantive Employee Classification Code Effective Date.
If the Acting Pay Code = 2 and the old Acting Pay Code = 1
  • Substantive Employee Classification Code Effective Date = the old Employee Classification Code Effective Date
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (328)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (353) INC.PROD.GKPRF (384)
Element Name Substantive National Occupation Classification Code
Alias N/A
Definition A code created by the department to identify the occupation assigned to the substantive position to which an employee is appointed.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 536)
Values N/A
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Substantive Employee Class(SEMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If Substantive NOC Code Indicator (SNOCID) = '2' or '3' and Substantive NOC Code (SNOC) not = blank
  • Capture SNOC code from table
Note: The creation of SNOCID must be done first
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (216)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Substantive National Occupation Classification Code Indicator
Alias N/A
Definition Acode indicating how the Substantive National Occupation Code (SNOC) has been assigned
Data Source Generated as per remarks
Values 0,1,2,3,4
Remarks If the Substantive NOC Code (SNOC) is not blank and the Substantive Employee Classification (SEMPCLS) = old SEMPCLS
  • set SNOC Code Indicator (SNOCID) = 4
The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, SEMPCLS and Department (DEPT).

The following codes are generated (and subsequently moved into SNOCID) :

0 = no match
1 = match on PRI only
2 = match on PRI and SEMPCLS
3 = match on PRI, SEMPCLS and DEPT
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (220)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Substantive Position Number
Alias N/A
PDED No. 12-5 (New)
Definition The position number of the substantive position to which an employee is appointed.
Data Source Copied from Position Number on INC Master.
Values Refer to Position Number for description of structure.
Remarks If the Acting Pay Code = 2
  • Substantive Position Number = the old Substantive Position Number.
If the Acting Pay Code = 2 and the old Acting Pay Code = 1
  • Substantive Position Number = the old Position Number.
Structure X(10)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (303)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (332) INC.PROD.GKPRF (361)
Element Name Superannuation Number
Alias N/A
PDED No. 144-0
Definition A number which uniquely identifies an employee's Superannuation account.
Data Source Contributor System
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(9)
1996 File Name & INC.PROD.MAST (378) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (63)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (168) INC.PROD.GKPRF (289)
Element Name Supervisory Factor Coordinates Code
Alias Supervisory Grid (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 140-0
Definition A code which identifies the evaluation coordinates in a point rating plan for the supervisory classification factors in either a collective agreement or classification rating document.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 28
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for the inter-element relationship with the BUD Group.
Remarks The first character represents the degree of supervisory responsibility; the second, a coded representation of the number of employees supervised.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (261)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (135) INC.PROD.GK34101 (104)
Element Name Supervisory Level Code
Alias Supervisory Level (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 82-0
Definition A code which identifies the classification level of supervisory duties being performed by an employee.
Data Source Derived from Supervisory Factor Coordinates Code.
  • 01= Grid coordinate A1 for General Labour & Trades, General Services, Hospital Services, Operations (supervisory) and Royal Canadian Mint; grid coordinate S1 for printing

  • 02= Grid coordinate B2 for General Labour & Trades, General Services, Hospital Services, Operations (supervisory) and Royal Canadian Mint; Grid coordinate S2 for printing

  • 03= Grid coordinates B3, C2 for General Labour & Trades, General Services, Hospital Services, Operations (supervisory) and Royal Canadian Mint

  • 04= Grid coordinates B4, C3, D2 for General Labour & Trades, General Services and Hospital Services; grid coordinates B4, C3 for Operations (supervisory) and Royal Canadian Mint

  • 05= Grid coordinates B5, C4, D3, E2 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinates B5, C4, D3 for General Services, Hospital Services and Operations (supervisory); grid coordinate C4 for Royal Canadian Mint

  • 06= Grid coordinate B6, C5, D4, E3 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinates B6, C5, D4 for General Services, Hospital Services and Operations (supervisory)

  • 07= Grid coordinates B7, C6, D5, E4 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinates C6, D5 for General Services and Operations (supervisory); grid coordinates B7, C6, D5 for Hospital Services

  • 08= Grid coordinates C7, D6, E5 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinate D6 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinate D6 for General Services and Operations (supervisory); grid coordinates C7, D6 for Hospital Services

  • 09= Grid coordinates D7, E6 for General Labour & Trades; grid coordinate C7 for Hospital Services

  • 10= Grid coordinate E7 for General Labour & Trades

  • BLANK= Not applicable
Remarks The Incumbent Supervisory Grid Table associates the BUD and Supervisory Factor Coordinates Code with the Supervisory Level Code.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (259) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (155) & (256)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (102) & (216) & (330)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (137) INC.PROD.GKPRF 140)
INC.GKMOB (140) & (236)
Element Name Taken on Strength Date
Alias N/A
PDED No. 2-40
Definition The date an employee is rendered active on the Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 63
Remarks N/A 
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (149)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (270) INC.PROD.GKPRF (324)
Element Name Teachers Aide Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-12 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Teachers' Aide (EUTEA) occupational group and sub-group. Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 41401 and 41421.
Data Source Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (119)
Element Name Teaching Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-4 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Elementary and Secondary Teaching (EDEST) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 20902 and 20922.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (97)
Element Name Therapy Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-13 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zone for the Occupational and Physical Therapy (OP) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD 220.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (115)
Element Name Treasury Board Population Indicator
Alias TBS Population Flag (PRF)
Population Identifier (MOB)
Definition Indicates whether Treasury Board represents the Employer for an employee on PWGSC Pay System.
Data Source Generated from Activity Status Code (active), BUD (in range 101-699), and PSSRA Code (PSSRA 1-1).
  • 1=TB is Employer
  • 3= TB is not Employer

If Activity Status Code(ACTVSTAT) = 2 or 3
Treasury Board Population Indicator(TBS-IND) = 3

else (ie. ACTVSTAT = 1)

  • if BUD > 10099 and < 70000
    • And PSSRA = 1
  • TBS-IND = 1
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (300)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (354) INC.GKMOB22 (169)&(265)
Element Name Urban Employment Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 124-0
Definition A code that identifies urban work areas selected for employment studies by Statistics Canada.
Data Source Direct from StatCan through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values N/A 
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Urban Employment Code.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (367) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (79)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (240)
Element Name Withered Date
Alias N/A
Definition The processing year and month when a record (PRI, Dept. Pay Office) appears on the previous months Incumbent Master but is not on the current months MER file.
Data Source Generated from the processing date
Remarks This date indicates that there is a discrepancy with the MER and if there is more than a 100 in the month the Incumbent Application Manager is notified. The records are checked for a pattern that would indicate a bulk change being processed by Pay and not by Incumbent or vice versa. If a record that was withered last month does not appear in the current month MER it is dropped from the Incumbent.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (489)
Element Name
Bargaining Unit Designator Code Effective Date
Element Name
Employee Type Code Effective Date
Element Name
Occupational Category Code
Element Name
Pay Change Reason Code
Element Name
Previous Department / Agency Start Date
Element Name
Select Area Code
Element Name
Work Province / Region Code

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