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Incumbent Data Element Dictionary

Element Name First Official Language Code
Alias First Official Language (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 8-0
Definition A code which identifies the official language with which an employee feels a primary personal identification.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517-T, field 54
Values 1 = English;
2 = French
Remarks The known acronym is FOL. If M054 is not = blank and not = zero
  • Set FOL = M054
  • Set FOL = FOL on old Incumbent Master
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (254)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (324) INC. PROD.GK34101 (43)
Element Name First Official Language Code (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies the official language with which an employee feels a primary personal identification.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 512)
Values 1 = English;
2 = French
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '1' or '2' or '3' and FOL (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture First Official Language Code (FOL) from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (480)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Forces Pensionable Service Amount
Alias Previous Forces Pensionable Service (MST)
Forces Services (PRF)
PDED No. 62-3 (New)
Definition The amount of Armed Forces service for which an employee has made a valid election to count as pensionable service under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Contributor System.
Values YYMM
Remarks The Incumbent receives this information in "YYDDD.DD''format from the Contributor System and converts it to "YYMM'' format. The number of days (DDD.D) is divided by 30.5 and the result stored as months (MM). Includes annuity service credit under RCMPSA or CFSA.
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (413) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (57)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (361) INC.PROD.GKPRF (394)
Element Name Full-time Equivalent Ratio
Alias Full Time Equivalent (PRF)
Definition A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person-year charge against departmental budgets.
Data Source Calculated from the employee's Activity Status, Assigned Work Week and Normal Work Week Hours.
Values N/A 

The known acronym is FTE. Falls within the range zero to 1.00.

If Pay Activity Status not = 1 or Assigned Work Week (ASSWKWK) = zero or Reduction in Hours Worked (REDHRS) > ASSWKWK

  • set FTE = zero.
If Block Leave Indicator = 3 (employee on Pre-Retirement Transition Leave)
  • Set FTE = (ASSWKWK - REDHRS) / Normal Work Week Hours round to 2 decimals
  • Set FTE = ASSWKWK / Normal Work Week Hours round to 2 decimals 
If FTE > 1
  • Set FTE = 1
Structure 9v99 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (239)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (71)
Element Name General Labour & Trade Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-1 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the General Labor and Trades (GL) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Codes for BUD's 603 and 653.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM) Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (91)
Element Name General Services Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-2 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the General Service(GS) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 604 and 654.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (93)
Element Name Geographic Location Name
Alias Location Name (PRF)
PDED No. 170-1 (New)
Definition The name of the location associated with a Geographic Location Code.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values Most Geographic Location Names are official names passed by provincial or territorial legislation for municipalities. These names can only be changed through the provincial legislative process.
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Geographic Location Name. The name is 40 characters on the table but only the first 20 are move to the Incumbent master. Names are stored on the PWGSC Geographic Master File and Incumbent Master File in upper case with no accented characters.
Structure X(20)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (336) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (11)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (200)
Element Name Hospital Services Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-3 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Hospital Services(HS) occupational group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 606 and 656.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (95)
Element Name Imperative Staffing Indicator (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies that the language requirements of a bilingual position must be completely satisfied at the time of appointment or deployment and the reason for these requirements
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 443)
  • 1 = Special skills - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position involving specialized or expert language usage in all the linguistic skills required by the position in both official languages

  • 2 = Special relationship - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position which involves special relationships to a particular community or group, or having significant operational impact

  • 3 = Indispensable bilingual position - Imperative staffing action for an indispensable bilingual position

  • 4 = Specified period appointment or deployment - Imperative staffing action for a bilingual position requiring an appointment or a deployment for a PER specified period
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and IMP (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Imperative Staffing Indicator (IMP) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (467)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Initials
Alias Initials of Given Names (MST)
PDED No. 5-0
Definition The first letter of each name given to a person to identify this person in a somewhat precise way.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 15
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (30) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (30)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (45) INC.PROD.GK34101 (70)
Element Name Inmate Training Differential Code
Alias Inmate Training Differential Grid (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 102-0
Definition A code which identifies the rate of differential payable to qualified employees responsible for inmate training.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 29.
Values See the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for acceptable values.
Remarks Applies to Penitentiary Service employees only. The first character represents the degree of training responsibility; the second, a coded representation of number of inmates trained.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (263)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (143) INC.PROD.GK34101 (106)
Element Name Language Requirements of Position (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A code which identifies the official language or languages required to perform the duties of the position.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 442)
  • 1 = Bilingual
  • 2 = English Essential
  • 3 = French Essential
  • 4 = Either English or French essential
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)
  • If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LRP (PCIS) not = blank
    Capture Language Requirements of Position (LRP) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (466)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Last Update Date
Alias N/A 
PDED No. N/A  
Definition The last date that a portion of the acting segment of the AAMS file has been updated..
Data Source
(MER field)
Values N/A  
Remarks Set to the processing date when the During or Following portion of the acting segment has been modified.
Structure YYYYMM
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.AAMS (251) & (365)
Element Name Leave Without Pay Reason Code
Alias Reason for Leave Without Pay (MST)
Reason Leave Without Pay (PRF)
PDED No. 106-0
Definition A code which identifies the reason why an employee is on leave without pay (LWOP).
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 71
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 4-4-13 (PAC13) for the list of code values.
Remarks Only LWOP absences of 6 or more continuous compensation days are recorded in the PWGSC Pay System.
If M107 = T
  • set LWOP Reason Code = M109.
Employees on leave due to Leave with Income Averaging (LIA) or on Educational Leave are not identified on Pay in this field.

If there is an active pay action 15C/A306 (ie. Effective From Date is < or = the current month
  • set LWOP Reason Code = I
If Basic Pay Entitlement (M108) = 077
  • set LWOP Reason Code = B
Structure XX
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (214) Prior to March 2004 one digit in location 267
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (259) INC.PROD.GKPRF (317)
Element Name Leaving Public Service Reason Code
Alias Reason for Leaving DSS Pay System (MST)
Reason for Leaving - per 2517T (MOB)
PDED No. 139-0
Definition A code which identifies the reason an employee is leaving the Public Service or is transferring out of the Public Service Employee Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 48
Values Refer to the Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for a list of code values.
Remarks N/A  
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (268) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (66)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (260)INC.GKMOB22 (60)
Element Name Linguistic Profile of Position (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A compound code which identifies for a bilingual position, the required level of proficiency in reading, writing and oral interaction for each of the official languages used. The first three values refer to ENGLISH skills and the last three values refer to FRENCH skills
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 444)
Values - = Not required
a = Lowest level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
b = Second level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
c = Highest level in the Language Knowledge Examination or Second Language Evaluation
p = Specialized or expert language usage
r = Level A instrumental (only prior to October 15, 1984)
Remarks The code is composed of three characters for each skill in each official language: The 1st and 4th characters refer to the reading ability
The 2nd and 5th characters refer to the writing ability
The 3rd and 6th characters refer to oral interaction

The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LNGPRF (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Linguistic Profile of Position (LNGPRF) from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(6)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (468)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Linguistic Status of Incumbent - GEN (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition This element indicates the linguistic situation of incumbents of bilingual positions
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 560)
Values Refer to PCIS documentation
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '3' and LSI-G (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Linguistic Status of Incumbent - Generated (LSI-G) from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (481)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Marital Status Code
Alias Marital Status (MST/PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 6-0
Definition A code which identifies the marital status of a person.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 22
  • 1=Single
  • 2=Married
  • 3=Widow/er
  • 4=Separated
  • 5=Divorced
Remarks This field is unreliable on both the Pay MER and INC system. Its value is regularly blanked out on the MER.

If M022 is not = blank and not = zero
  • Set Marital Status = M022
  • Set Marital Status = Marital Status on old Incumbent Master
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (243) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (42)
File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (73) INC.PROD.GK34101 (88)
Element Name Metropolitan Area Code
 Note Removed starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias 1991 Metropolitan Area Code (PRF)
Definition A code used in the current StatCan Census to identify a very large urban area with a population of at least 100,000, together with adjacent urban and rural areas which are highly integrated economically and socially with that urban area.
Data Source StatCan Geography File through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
Values See StatCan Publication "Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations"
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the Metropolitan Area Code. Kelowna (915) and Sydney, N.S. (225) are not Census Metropolitan Areas but they are included because they have smaller components which are classed as "Census Agglomerations". This field has uncertain data hence is removed starting the February, 2005 Incumbent Master.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (370) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (61)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (245)
Element Name Metropolitan/Major Urban Area Code
 Note Removed starting with Incumbent Master File of February, 2005
Alias MA/MU Code (PRF)
PDED No. 35-0
Definition A code which identifies the metropolitan or major urban work area as defined by Statistics Canada, Census Division, for the previous Census.
Data Source StatCan Geography Tape File through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
  • 01 St. John's
  • 03 Halifax
  • 05 Saint John
  • 07 Chicoutimi - Jonquiere
  • 08 Quebec City
  • 09 Montreal
  • 11 Ottawa - Hull
  • 12 Toronto
  • 13 Hamilton
  • 14 Niagara - St. Catharines
  • 15 Kitchener - Waterloo
  • 16 London
  • 17 Windsor
  • 18 Sudbury
  • 19 Thunder Bay
  • 21 Winnipeg
  • 23 Regina
  • 24 Saskatoon
  • 26 Edmonton
  • 27 Calgary
  • 29 Vancouver
  • 30 Victoria
Remarks The Incumbent table, Geographic Master File, associates the Geographic Location Code with the M/M Urban Area Code. Major Metropolitan/Major Urban Area Code is the last 2 characters of the 1971 Census Area Code (code values 001-030). These data are inaccurate, hence the field was removed starting February, 2005.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (365) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (74)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (238)
Element Name Mobility Code
Alias Turnover Code (MOB)
Start Turnover Code (AAMS)
Close Turnover Code (AAMS)
Definition A code which identifies the movements of an employee into, within or out of the Public Service.
Data Source Derived from Pay Action Code and changes to the Employee Classification Code.
  • 1100 Hiring of employee (not term/casual reappointment
  • 1200 Reappointment of term/casual within 7 days of SOS
  • 1250 Reappointment of term/casual with service break greater than 7 days
  • 3100 Separation of active employee
  • 3150 Separation of employee on LWOP
  • 5100 Interdepartment Transfer with no classification change
  • 5200 Interdepartment Transfer with promotion
  • 5300 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion), no salary change
  • 5302 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion), salary decrease
  • 5305 Interdepartment Transfer with class. change (not a promotion) and salary Increase
  • 5511 Government restructuring within PSSRA 1-1 (from May 2004)
  • 5512 Government restructuring within PSSRA 1-2 (from May 2004)
  • 5513  Government restructuring from PSSRA 1-2 to PSSRA 1-1 (from May 2004)
  • 5514 Government restructuring from PSSRA 1-1 to PSSRA 1-2 (from May 2004)
  • 5515 Department codes changes not from an Order in Council ( May 2004)
  • 6200 Internal Promotion
  • 7200 Internal Demotion
  • 8100 Conversion with no salary change
  • 8102 Conversion with salary decrease
  • 8105 Conversion with salary increase
  • 8200 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee in same group but lower level
  • 8300 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee in same group but higher level
  • 8400 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, no salary change
  • 8402 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, salary decrease
  • 8405 Miscellaneous Staffing within Dep't: Employee group change, salary increase
  • 9999 Correction of missing classification data
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MOBILITY (82) INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (9) & (21)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMOB (72)
Element Name National Occupation Classification Code
Alias N/A
Definition A code created by the department to identify the occupation assigned to a position.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 536)
Values N/A
Remarks The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, Employee Class (EMPCLS) and Department (DEPT)

If NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = '2' or '3' and NOC Code (NOC) not = blank
  • Capture NOC from table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (191)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name National Occupation Classification Code Indicator
Alias N/A
Definition A code indicating how the National Occupation Code (NOC) has been assigned
Data Source Generated as per remarks
Values 0,1,2,3,4
Remarks If the NOC Code (NOC) is not blank and the Employee Classification (EMPCLS) = old EMPCLS
  • set NOC Code Indicator (NOCID) = 4
The Incumbent table, National Occupation Classification (NOC) Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, EMPCLS and Department (DEPT).

The following codes are generated (and subsequently moved into NOCID) :

0 = no match
1 = match on PRI only
2 = match on PRI and EMPCLS
3 = match on PRI, EMPCLS and DEPT
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (195)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Next Statutory Increment Date
Alias N/A
PDED No. 2-13
Definition The date an employee will be paid his/her next statutory increment.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 50
Remarks If M050 not = blank and not = zero
  • Set Next Statutory Increment Date = M050
  • Set Next Statutory Increment Date = Next Statutory Increment Date on old Incumbent Master
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (175)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (262) INC.PROD.GK34101 (139)
Element Name Non Elective Pensionable Service Amount
Alias Previous Non-Elective Pensionable Service (MST)
Non-Elective Service (PRF)
PDED No. 62-2 (New)
Definition The amount of non-elective service an employee has to his/her credit as pensionable service under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Contributor System
Values YYMM
Remarks The Incumbent System receives this information in "YYDDD.D'' format from the Contributor System and converts it into "YYMM'' format. The number of days (DDD.D) is divided by 30.5 to yield number of months (MM). This includes service transferred under Reciprocal Transfer agreements, and service with Crown Corporations prior to their being covered by the PSSA.
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (409) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (51)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (357) INC.PROD.GKPRF (390)
Element Name Non Standard Work Week Indicator
Alias Non-Standard Work Week (MST)
PDED No. 91-0
Definition An indicator which identifies whether an employee works a non-standard work week. A standard work week is a five day week, Monday to Friday.
Data Source
(MER field)
The Pay System imposes these code values from the Employee Type Code.

1= Yes, works non-standard week
2= No, works standard week

Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for specifications.

Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (238)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (109) INC.PROD.GK34101 (118)
Element Name Normal Work Week Hours
Alias Scheduled Work Hours (MST)
Scheduled Hours Work (PRF)
PDED No. 8-1
Definition The normal hours of work per week as defined in collective agreements for pertinent groups or sub-groups.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 32
Values N/A 
Remarks If M032 is not = zero and not = blank
  • Set Normal Work Week Hours = M032
  • Set Normal Work Week Hours = 3750
Structure 99v99 (v = implied decimal)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (230)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (103) INC.PROD.GK34101 (110)

Date modified: