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  • The governance structure that supports the Committee on Information Management in Business (CIMB) ensures consistent leadership and guidance on strategy development and supports greater collaboration across the GC IM Community.
  • Established in 2007, CIMB is the senior advisory committee to the CIO guiding the government's IM program and policy to address the needs of the business and programs in the Government of Canada.
  • Sub-committees are in place to provide specialized guidance on the four elements of the enterprise IM framework.

Graphic 3

Graphic 3: Horizontal governance structure for information management in the Government of Canada

Graphic 3: Display Text Version

Committee on Information Management in Business (CIMB)

The CIMB is the senior advisory committee to the CIO on the development and implementation of the Government of Canada's IM program and policy.

CIMB – Director General Coordinating Committee (DGC)

The DGC is the advisory body to the CIMB, providing support and advice on how to ensure that IM policy and the IM Program support the business priorities of the Government of Canada.

CIMB - Policy and Governance Sub-Committee (PGSC)

The PGSC provides strategic advice and recommendations to the CIMB–DGC, and leadership and support to the ongoing development and implementation of the Policy and Governance Action Plan, of the GC IM Strategy.

CIMB - People and Capacity Sub-Committee (PCSC)

The PCSC provides strategic advice and recommendations to the CIMB–DGC as well as leadership and support to the ongoing development of the People and Capacity Action Plan, of the GC IM Strategy.

CIMB - Enterprise Information Architecture Sub-Committee (EIASC)

The EIASC provides strategic advice and recommendations to the CIMB-DGC and leadership and support to the ongoing development of the EIA Action Plan, of the GC IM Strategy.

CIMB – DCE Advisory Panel Tools and Apps Sub-Committee

The DCE Advisory Panel provides strategic advice and recommendations to the CIMB–DGC and leadership and support to the ongoing development of IM Tools and Applications.

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