Standard on Geospatial Data

Supports stewardship and interoperability of information by ensuring that departments and agencies access, use and share geospatial data efficiently and effectively in order to support program and service delivery.
Date modified: 2024-09-10

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Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure CGDI (infrastructure canadienne de données géospatiales)
An infrastructure comprised of the developments of the federal, provincial, territorial and private sector partners who are creating the technology, standards, access systems and protocols necessary to harmonize all of Canada's geospatial databases, and make them available on the Internet. (Source: GeoConnections, Glossary & Acronyms.)
clearinghouse (centre d'échange)
A distributed network of geospatial data producers, managers, and users linked electronically. A clearinghouse incorporates the data discovery and distribution components of a spatial data infrastructure for a community of distributed data providers who publish collections of metadata that describe their map and data resources within their areas of responsibility, documenting data quality, characteristics, and accessibility. Each metadata collection, known as a clearinghouse node, is hosted by an organization to publicize the availability of data (Source: United States Federal Geographic Data Committee)
dataset (ensemble de données numériques)
an identifiable collection of data. (Source: ISO 19115:2003)
dataset series (série d'ensembles de données numériques)
a collection of datasets sharing the same product specification (Source: ISO 19115:2003)
essential record (document essentiel)
A record essential to continuing or re-establishing critical institutional functions.
functional specialist (spécialiste fonctionnel)
an employee who carries out roles and responsibilities that require function-specific knowledge, skills and attributes in a specific area. For the purposes of this standard, the functional specialists responsible implementing this standards are those who create or use geospatial data or who are responsible for systems that use geospatial data. They may include those working in scientific domains, real property, IM, IT, and others.
geographic information (information géographique)
information concerning phenomena implicitly or explicitly associated with a location relative to the Earth. (Source: ISO 19101)
information architecture (architecture d'information)
The structure of the information components of an enterprise, their interrelationships, and principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. Information architecture enables the sharing, reuse, horizontal aggregation, and analysis of information.
information management (gestion de l'information)
A discipline that directs and supports effective and efficient management of information in an organization, from planning and systems development to disposal or long-term preservation.
metadata (métadonnées)
structured data about data used to aid the identification, description, location or use of information resources. (Source: Government On-line Metadata Standard)
pictorial view (format image)
a portrayal of geographic information as a digital image file suitable for display on a computer screen (Source: ISO 19128:2005, definition of map, p. v)
publication (publication)
Any library matter that is made available in multiple copies or at multiple locations, whether without charge or otherwise, to the public generally or to qualifying members of the public by subscription or otherwise. Publications may be made available through any medium and may be in any form, including printed material, on-line items or recordings.
record (document)
For the purpose of this policy, records are information created, received, and maintained by an organization or person for business purposes, legal obligations, or both, regardless of medium or form.
recordkeeping (tenue des documents)
A framework of accountability and stewardship in which records are created, captured, and managed as a vital business asset and knowledge resource to support effective decision making and achieve results for Canadians.
Web Map Service WMS (service de cartographie Web)
an Internet-based service that allows clients to display maps and/or images with a geographic component and whose raw spatial data files reside on one or more remote WMS servers. The WMS conforms to the OpenGIS Web Map Server Interface specification (GeoConnections, Glossary & Acronyms)
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