Directive on Classification Oversight

Describes the responsibilities of Heads of Human Resources for the oversight of classification, including Executive classification.
Date modified: 2020-04-01

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1. Effective date

  • 1.1This directive takes effect on April 1, 2020.
  • 1.2This directive replaces the following Treasury Board policy instrument:
    • Directive on Classification Oversight (July 1, 2015)

2. Authorities

  • 2.1This directive is issued pursuant to the same authorities indicated in section 2 of the Policy on People Management.

3. Objectives and expected results

  • 3.1The objectives of this directive are as follows:
    • 3.1.1Contribute to prudent management of the wage bill for the core public administration through effective oversight of the Classification Program; and
    • 3.1.2Provide assurance that classification relativity is maintained and that the integrity of the Classification Program is safeguarded.
  • 3.2The expected results of this directive are as follows:
    • 3.2.1Organizations across the core public administration perform sound and effective classification oversight; and
    • 3.2.2Classification decisions are made in accordance with relevant occupational group definitions and job evaluation standards.

4. Requirements

  • 4.1The head of human resources is responsible for the following:
    • 4.1.1Ensuring that an organizational classification oversight function is developed, implemented and maintained;
    • 4.1.2Identifying, assessing and prioritizing key organizational design and classification risks through oversight;
    • 4.1.3Informing the deputy head of potential risks and mitigation strategies in a timely fashion;
    • 4.1.4Providing the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer with the following information when requested to do so:
      • monitoring reports authorized by the deputy head;
      • information, such as departmental audit, performance evaluation and other similar reports related to the Classification Program; and
    • 4.1.5Developing and implementing corrective action plans that incorporate and respond to feedback and recommendations received from the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, organizational audits or performance evaluations.

5. Roles of other government organizations

  • 5.1Not applicable.

6. Application

  • 6.1This directive applies to the organizations listed in section 6 of the Policy on People Management and to positions in all occupational groups, including those in the Executive (EX) Group.
  • 6.2This directive does not apply to organizations whose deputy heads are solely responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance within their organizations as listed in subsection 6.5 of the Policy on People Management.

7. References

  • 7.1Legislation
    • Financial Administration Act
  • 7.2Related policy instruments
    • Policy on the Management of Executives
    • Directive on Executive (EX) Group Organization and Classification
    • Directive on Classification
    • Directive on Classification Grievances
    • Job Evaluation Standards
    • Occupational Group and Subgroup Definitions
  • 7.3Other
    • Organization and Classification Learning Curriculum

8. Enquiries

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2017,
ISBN: 978-0-660-09569-1

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