Guideline on searching encrypted e-mails in response to information requests

Date modified: 2019-08-20

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information life cycle (cycle de vie de l'information)
The life cycle of information management encompasses the following: planning; the collection, creation, receipt, and capture of information; its organization, use and dissemination; its maintenance, protection and preservation; its disposition; and evaluation.
information management functional specialist (spécialiste fonctionnel en gestion de l'information)

is an employee who carries out roles and responsibilities that require function-specific knowledge, skills and attributes related to managing information such as those found in records and document management, library services, archiving, data management, content management, business intelligence and decision support, information access, information protection and information privacy.

The roles and responsibilities of information management functional specialists support departmental objectives and programs with planning, tools or services which provide accurate, reliable, current, and complete information to the appropriate people, in the appropriate format, at the appropriate time.

senior executive (cadre supérieur)
is an executive level resource designated by the deputy head of the institution to provide a department-wide focus on the management of information.
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