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Build the will and capacity for change—lead the initiative and manage the change.
WhatWhat your department or agency has already done or needs to do: |
HowThere are a variety of ways to do it. Try these proven techniques. |
The executive team discusses organizational readiness, roles, and approaches to get the commitment to lead and manage the necessary change. Managers need to believe in the value of integrated risk management. |
The deputy head assigns a risk champion, with appropriate resources, who leads the development and implementation of an integrated risk management framework and policy or guidance. The risk champion role reflects the need for central co-ordination and advice. |
The deputy head establishes and chairs a forum for risk management to build the will and capacity for implementation, to manage the change, and for ongoing consideration of risk issues, implementation approaches, capacity, and performance. |
Assess organizational readiness and roles to prepare for this major change initiative that will require an investment of time and resources over the longer term. |
Develop and communicate an action plan for implementing integrated risk management, based on the assessment of readiness and roles. |
Ongoing: Consult and communicate, communicate, communicate with all employees, stakeholders, and clients. |
The corporate risk profile is a snapshot of the organization's operating environment and its capacity to deal with key high-level risks linked to the achievement of corporate objectives and results.
WhatWhat your department or agency has already done or needs to do: |
HowThere are a variety of ways to do it. Try these proven techniques. |
Plan and PrepareEngage senior management in corporate risk profile development, including the development of a process model. |
Use the guiding departmental forum or committee. |
Communicate the approved approach and progress. |
Gather data for key elements of the profile |
Conduct an environmental scan. |
Internal Scan
External Scan
Consider the following to collect the required information:
Understand risk tolerance. |
Consider the following:
Assess current risk management capacity. |
Develop the risk response. |
Portray the corporate risk profile. |
Set up an organizational infrastructure—the why, what, who, and how—to position risk management as integral to organizational strategy and operations. Use the corporate risk profile to shape risk management objectives and strategies that align with the organization's objectives. Build in risk management so that it becomes part of day-to-day efforts to achieve objectives and is not seen as an additional requirement.
WhatWhat your department or agency has already done or needs to do: |
HowThere are a variety of ways to do it. Try these proven techniques. |
Establish a corporate focus for risk management, using existing structures or building new ones. |
Communicate corporate direction on risk management throughout all levels of the organization to create a risk-smart corporate culture. |
Integrate risk management into existing decision-making structures in a seamless fashion. |
Build organizational capacity: dentify risk management skills, processes, and practices that need to be developed and strengthened, by building on existing capacity, tailoring it as needed. |
Implement flexible, dynamic approaches and processes to embed risk management in policies, plans, operations, and day-to-day Decision-making. Practise risk management up, down, and across the organization so the corporate view informs and is informed by local practices.
WhatWhat your department or agency has already done or needs to do: |
HowThere are a variety of ways to do it. Try these proven techniques. |
Engage the whole organization by aligning integrated risk management fully with objectives in all policies, plans, and operations and integrating results of risk management into practices at all levels. |
Guided by the corporate risk profile and the direction provided in establishing the integrated risk management function:
Enable people with processes, tools, and techniques, making available effective and proven resources and tools. |
Sustain a supportive culture and build processes that develop participation, trust, and swift action on issues. |
Consult and communicate with internal and external stakeholders throughout the process. |
Leverage and build on existing knowledge and capacity to achieve the desired cultural shift to a risk-smart workforce and operating environment.
WhatWhat your department or agency has already done or needs to do: |
HowThere are a variety of ways to do it. Try these proven techniques. |
Create a supportive work environment. |
Build capacity. |
Learn from experience. |