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To administer tax, benefits, and related programs and ensure compliance on behalf of governments across Canada, thereby contributing to the ongoing economic and social well-being of Canadians
The Canada Revenue Agency will be the preferred provider to deliver tax, benefits and related programs for governments across Canada
The 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities comes at a time when Canada’s economy is strong and its economic forecast should remain attractive for the foreseeable future. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has been at the forefront of many recent government changes aimed at lessening the tax burden and increasing benefits for Canadians. The Government’s long-term economic plan, Advantage Canada, continues the emphasis on tax reduction, which will help Canada gain a global competitive advantage.
Over the coming years, the CRA will need to focus on those qualities which have distinguished it since becoming an agency: being responsible in its spending, efficient in its operations, effective in its results, and accountable to taxpayers. For this reason—in addition to its essential contribution to administering tax and benefit programs for Canadians—the CRA is investing in new partnerships with other government organizations to increase efficiencies in administration and continue to reduce the overall cost of tax administration in Canada. For example, by 2009-2010, the Agency will have fully harmonized the administration of Ontario’s corporate taxes with the CRA’s national system, a move that will significantly reduce the administrative tax burden for about 40% of Canadian corporations.
Maintaining the confidence of Canadians in the fairness and integrity of our system of tax administration will always be essential to the success of the CRA in managing changes to tax and benefit programs for Parliament and the Agency’s many clients. We earn Canadians’ trust through our emphasis on excellence in service, protection of information, clarity in the way we account for our performance, and impartiality in our dealings with taxpayers and benefit recipients.
The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C.,
Minister of National Revenue
This Report on Plans and Priorities guides the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) over the next three years as it invests in, works toward, delivers, and reports on the strategic outcomes identified in its mandate. These are: that taxpayers meet their obligations, that Canada’s revenue base is protected, and that eligible families and individuals receive timely and correct benefit payments.
The successful realization of these outcomes will rely, in part, on the fundamental role played by the CRA Board of Management as it advises on these high-level strategic outcomes, while at the same time overseeing the administration of the CRA, including the stewardship of financial and other resources. The five-year review by Parliament has confirmed that the Agency’s mandate and governance structure are successful and financial accountabilities are robust.
The “Agency Governance and the Board of Management” chapter of this report marks the first time that the CRA’s Report on Plans and Priorities has included a section focused on the Board. This chapter provides a vehicle to publicly discuss what we are doing as a Board and it reflects the Board’s increasingly important role as the Agency takes full advantage of its legislated authorities and flexibilities.
While its main focus is on the administration of the CRA, the Board constantly examines its own role and operations, adopting and adapting recognized best practices in governance to ensure that the Board functions in an effective manner that successfully supports the CRA’s strategic objectives and program operations.
The CRA is pursuing a corporate vision to become the preferred provider to deliver tax, benefits, and related programs for governments across Canada, and it is my privilege to be part of the dedicated group of people committed to that goal.
Connie I. Roveto, ICD.D
Chair, Board of Management
We submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2007-2008 Estimates: Report on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Michel Dorais, ICD.D
Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer
Canada Revenue Agency
William V. Baker
Deputy Commissioner and Chief Operating Officer
Canada Revenue Agency
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has established a reputation for achieving solid results. The 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities outlines the strategies to build on these results, while continuing to direct the CRA along the path set out for it by Parliament in the Canada Revenue Agency Act.
Pursuant to its mandate, the CRA is governed by two strategic outcomes:
Continuing with the implementation of our Agency 2010 vision which was set out in last year’s Report on Plans and Priorities, we recognize that the success of the Agency depends on our ability to sustain and enhance the effectiveness of our core business and to pursue new business.
The Government of Canada signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Government of Ontario, under which the CRA will administer Ontario’s corporate taxes in 2009. We established a CRA governance structure to oversee the project implementation and guide the negotiations of the various agreements required between the CRA and Ontario.
It is our view that, if we make it easier for taxpayers to deal with the CRA, taxpayers are more likely to comply with Canada’s tax laws.
Our tax strategic outcome will be achieved by:
Our benefits strategic outcome will be achieved by:
Excellence in corporate services is necessary in order for us to achieve the expected results. In support of our two strategic outcomes, we will focus on the following areas:
Canadians have the right to expect a high degree of integrity in the administration of government tax policies and benefit programs. They want a system that is fair and responsive to their needs; a system that encourages all taxpayers to respect their obligations and that ensures benefit recipients obtain their entitlements in a timely and accurate manner. The report set out by the Canada Revenue Agency moves forward to achieve these goals. We are investing in our infrastructure to further enhance our efficiency and reduce government cost for Canadians; we are modernizing our service delivery to take advantage of emerging technology; we are actively identifying compliance risks and implementing strategies to address these risks, and we are continuing to develop a knowledgeable, professional and value-driven workforce.
The Canada Revenue Agency is also strengthening its performance measures and service standards to improve accountability. We are confident that the CRA will continue to meet its challenges, delivering concrete results for Canadians with professionalism, integrity, respect and cooperation.