ARCHIVED - RPP 2007-2008
Status of Women Canada
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Section III – Supplementary Information
Organizational Information
The mandate of SWC is to coordinate policy with respect to the status of women and to administer related programs. As planned in its previous Report on Plans and Priorities, SWC had reviewed its internal governance structure in September 2006 to enhance the internal cohesiveness in pursuing key policy
areas and specific operational priorities. The Government then announced $5 million in efficiency savings. Hence, building on its governance results, SWC streamlined significantly administrative operations by downsizing both costs and resources and by reviewing its plans and deliverables accordingly.

Through the amalgamation of the previous Policy, Gender-Based Analysis and Research Directorates, the new Policy Directorate will offer core policy advice by providing evidence-based policy advice and working in partnership with selected departments and central agencies to implement gender-based analysis and to monitor progress, and by carrying out gender-based analysis
trends and gaps analysis and by benchmarking against global best practices.
The Women’s Program Directorate provides efficient delivery of grants and contributions with enhanced direct impact on women while supporting Government priorities. Its key activities encompass program development, decentralized delivery and administration, and performance measurement and reporting. SWC regional points of service have also been streamlined as
- Edmonton (serves Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and Yukon)
- Ottawa (serves the province of Ontario, plus national organizations)
- Montréal (serves Quebec and Nunavut)
- Moncton (serves Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick).
Reporting to the Deputy Co-ordinator are Access to Information, Strategic Planning, Reporting, Evaluation and Audit services; the Communications branch provides the usual communications services, correspondence, Parliamentary relations, and Ministerial liaison; and Corporate Services handles corporate finance, human resources, information technology and management,
and web services.
The table that follows outlines SWC’s organizational structure down to the program activity level, indicates the number of full-time equivalent resources that support each activity, and identifies the directorate(s) accountable.

Links to Government of Canada Outcome Areas (Financial Table)
Resources by program activity, 2007–2008 ($19.9 million)
The table that follows provides resource information for the 2007–2008 Main Estimates year by program activity.

Both program activities contribute to two of the Government of Canada’s outcome areas: an estimated 30% of resources would be spent toward Income security and employment for Canadians, and 70% toward a Diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion.
Planned Spending
The financial tables that follow are presented in accordance with SWC’s program activity architecture; they display information at the program activity level, excluding Internal Services. Costs related to the latter activity are distributed among the program activities as indicated.
The resources are estimates that may overlap with more than one program activity and may be subject to realignment as part of the 2008–2009 Annual Reference Level Update process.
Table 1: Planned spending and full-time equivalents ($19.9 million)
This table summarizes the financial spending plan of the agency to March 31, 2010. Spending trends, as they relate to plans and priorities over the three-year planning period, are consistent with SWC’s strategic outcome. The resources are in line with SWC’s program activity
architecture, which may be subject to realignment as part of the 2008–2009 Annual Reference Level Update process.

a Reflects the best forecast of total net planned spending to the end of the fiscal year.
b The net decrease of $4.7 million in the Main Estimates for 2007–2008 in comparison with 2006–2007 is mainly attributable to a decrease of $5.0 million resulting from efficiency savings (including the related reduction to the Employees Benefit Plan), an increase of $0.2 million related to grant funding from Canadian Heritage for the
interdepartmental partnership with official languages communities, and an increase of $0.1 million for collective agreements.
Table 2: Voted and Statutory Items ($19.9 million)
This table provides resource information for the 2007–2008 Main Estimates year by program activity ($ millions).

Table 3: Services received without charge, 2007–2008 ($1.4 million)
This table provides a list of services received without charge for the 2007–2008 Main Estimates year by program activity.

Table 4: Details on transfer payment programs for SWC ($12.0 million)
This table summarizes SWC’s transfer payment programs at the program activity level.

a These figures include, in 2006–2007, $0.1 million related to a Memorandum of Understanding between Canadian Heritage and SWC regarding the implementation of the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Languages Communities (this represents a decrease of $0.1 million from the amount noted in the 2006–2007
RPP). In 2007–2008
only, it includes $0.2 million attributable to the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Languages Communities.

Table 5: Internal audits and evaluations
According to its revised roles and responsibilities, and informed by observations from a travel and hospitality horizontal audit performed on small and medium-size organizations by the Office of the Comptroller General in December 2006, SWC must first review the risk-based schedule for audits and evaluations, and then plan
to implement it starting in 2007–2008. Any internal audit other than the one listed below would be conducted by the Office of the Comptroller General as per new internal audit policy and related services for small and medium-size organizations.