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The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women
Section II – Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome
Section III – Supplementary Information
Section IV – Other Items of Interest
Canadian women have been key to the building and strengthening of our country. Their ability to participate and achieve the full benefit of living in a free, democratic, and vital country must be ensured. Equality of
opportunity to fully enjoy the possibilities of achieving their goals and realizing their contribution to Canadian society will enhance the future of Canada for generations.
As a member of the Canadian Heritage Portfolio, Status of Women Canada (SWC) plays an important role in our society. In 2007–2008, SWC will continue to support and create opportunities for the full participation of the women of Canada in all aspects of Canada’s economic, social, and cultural life. It will target its efforts to have a direct impact on women, particularly Aboriginal, senior, visible minority, and immigrant women. The priority will be on improving the economic security of women and eliminating violence against women.
Over the past year, SWC’s operations have been streamlined to ensure that its activities deliver more concrete results for women in their communities. In 2007–2008, to reflect these changes, SWC will make the necessary adjustments to its planning and reporting tools, including its Program Activity Architecture. The Report on Plans and Priorities for 2007–2008 thus incorporates elements from both SWC’s existing Program Activity Architecture and the renewed terms and conditions of the Women’s Program.
SWC, in cooperation with the central agencies and other federal departments and levels of government, will continue to foster an environment that considers the impact of policies and programs on women and men. SWC’s vision and objectives for the year 2007–2008 are set out in this Report on Plans and Priorities. They demonstrate the vital role that SWC plays in providing direct support to Canadian women.
Beverley J. Oda
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2007–2008 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports.
Florence Ievers, Co-ordinator
To achieve concrete results regarding the full participation of women in the economic, social and cultural life of Canada, work is still needed across the federal government and with other levels of government, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations.
As a result of an efficiency review completed by SWC, $5 million in administrative savings will be generated as of April 1, 2007. These savings will have been achieved by streamlining and consolidating operations to enhance SWC’s policies, processes and practices for funding programs and by streamlining the core work of SWC’s policy advice role so as to achieve greater accountability and effectiveness. As a result of the efficiency review, SWC will be able to focus on initiatives in line with government priorities that directly affect women and to simultaneously ensure the integrity and coherence of the organization’s core functions and activities. Hence, the main challenges and risks to SWC in 2007–2008 are likely to be identified as implementation of the revised organizational structure and of the new (internal and external) processes proceeds.
SWC will pursue two priorities over the coming years.
First, the organization will support the strengthening of accountability in the federal government. SWC will develop policy advice and tools that will achieve results, including enabling departments to effectively integrate gender-based analysis into public policies and programs and assisting central agencies to monitor and report on government-wide progress in promoting the full participation of women.
Second, SWC plans to better integrate policy and planning by developing partnerships and by investing in projects that have a direct impact on women, in keeping with government priorities. In doing so, SWC will focus on funding projects designed to enhance the full participation of women in Canadian society. (For details, visit
The delivery of the renewed Women’s Program has been streamlined to manage more efficiently the same annual grants and contributions budget of $10.8 million. As in the case of the organization’s policy advice role, SWC’s Women’s Program funding will be used to support strategic priorities such as the situation of Aboriginal women and the economic security of particular groups of women. This support will be in addition to the remaining three years of the annual $1 million contribution to the Sisters-In-Spirit initiative.
Two operational priorities were also identified following the assessment of the Management Accountability Framework at SWC in 2006:
The following tables reflect SWC’s total financial and human resources (full time equivalents—FTEs) in accordance with the Main Estimates:
Under the revised criteria for its funding program (see Section II, Activity 2), SWC expects that a wider range of organizations will be interested in applying to its grants and contributions program, thus potentially leading to partnerships involving governmental and other organizations on projects that address the needs of women—in particular, women who face barriers to their participation in Canadian society.
SWC’s funding program applications are now available online, which should improve accessibility to users. The variety of organizations applying for funding may also increase as a result of the recently modified criteria.
The Women’s Program will also improve its accountability by implementing the SWC Management Response to the evaluation of the Women’s Program and to the 2006 Integrated Results-based Management Framework and Risk-based Audit Framework. This process will involve the implementation of a diverse and comprehensive strategy to monitor and document outcomes, ensuring that projects achieve more concrete results, provide value for money and demonstrate clear accountability.
Through the amalgamation of the previous Policy, Gender-Based Analysis and Research directorates, SWC’s core work of policy advice will now consist in supporting departments and central agencies to apply gender-based analysis when designing and implementing departmental policies and programs. While discontinuing the Policy Research Fund, SWC will still undertake internal research activities to support its policy work by generating evidence-based knowledge and by identifying international and domestic best practices on gender issues and on innovative approaches to integrating gender-based analysis into public policy formulation.
The rationalization of SWC’s core functions will permit the Government to be better positioned to work toward identifying and addressing existing barriers, preventing new ones from being established, and promoting the full participation of women in the economic, social and cultural life of the country.
In 2007–2008, SWC will also pursue the implementation of the two operational priorities adopted following the 2006 Management Accountability Framework assessment:
In fulfilling its mandate, SWC is committed to contributing to the vitality of official language minority communities, assisting in their development and fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. In 2007–2008, SWC will continue to work in partnership with key partners, including Canadian Heritage, voluntary organizations and other stakeholders to carry out its legislative obligations under the Official Languages Act. SWC will also provide support for projects that help to facilitate the full participation of official language minority women in the economic, social and cultural life of Canadian society.
The main challenges and risks to SWC in 2007–2008 are likely to be identified during implementation of the revised organizational structure and of the new (internal and external) processes. For example, responding to a wide variety of accountability requirements will necessitate adjustments. As a learning organization, SWC intends to follow such developments and come up with solutions and adjustments where necessary. For example, plans and deliverables will be reviewed according to the focus on direct participation of women, the streamlined SWC structure and processes, and the criteria of the renewed funding program.
The program activity architecture, on which public and financial reporting are based, will also be revised to reflect the activities undertaken, and the results sought, by SWC.
The objective of assisting women in becoming full economic partners in Canadian society forms part of the foundation of SWC’s mandate and informs and supports Government priorities. The objective to attain a societal context in which women are treated as full economic partners contextualizes SWC’s working environment and simultaneously supports the Government priorities.
Through much of the twentieth century, the movement to obtain official recognition of the importance of women’s participation in Canadian society was primarily a struggle for basic human rights. There is no doubt that progress in the nature of women’s involvement and participation levels has been enormous since such recognition was granted. For example:
The table that follows presents the program priorities selected for the next three years by SWC to work towards its strategic outcome and the resources that will be associated with each of them:
One way in which SWC will support the strengthening of accountability in the federal government is by providing policy advice and capacity-building in gender-based analysis to federal departments. Although all policies and programs can benefit from the application of gender-based analysis, the technique is particularly important when looking at specific population groups of women who face barriers—for example, Aboriginal women and women living in poverty.
The application of gender-based analysis as a systematic approach allows departments to develop, implement and assess their initiatives based on sound evidence regarding the gender and diversity elements of the Canadian population. Such an approach enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and programs because they are then grounded in evidence and are thus more likely to lead to concrete, positive results for all Canadians.
More specifically, within the context of a three-year strategic plan, SWC will be undertaking the following actions to ensure accountability and sustainability of commitments to the full participation of women in the Canadian society:
With the same annual budget for the renewed Women’s Program ($10.8 million), SWC will focus the delivery of its grants and contributions to support projects that have a direct impact on women, in keeping with government priorities. Also to improve women’s participation, SWC will provide financial assistance to organizations addressing significant participation barriers faced by women and developing partnerships with the public, not-for-profit and private sectors.
In the same vein, the $5 million contribution to the Sisters-In-Spirit initiative will also continue for its remaining three years at $1 million annually. Undertaken with the Native Women's Association of Canada, this initiative is expected to make a strong contribution to federal efforts in going beyond the focus on family violence to address racialized and sexualized violence against Aboriginal women, determining its root causes and informing policy direction and development.
This strategic outcome flows from SWC’s mandate and is strengthened by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canada’s adherence to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
In its support role for the Government of Canada’s efforts to address existing barriers faced by Canadian women, SWC will contribute to the Government’s priorities.
The 2007–2008 program year signals the start of a revised operations framework for both the funding program and SWC’s internal functions, which will influence the nature of its activities and hence lead to a slightly different reporting format for its program activity architecture. However, according to the guidelines, the information that follows remains structured according to the current program activity architecture:
The tables that follow provide more details on how the 2007–2008 program priorities for SWC will be linked to each program activity and sub-activity.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
This program activity focuses on horizontal work by SWC across the federal government, providing policy advice that will enable departments and agencies in applying gender-based analysis when designing and implementing departmental policies and programs.
Expected result: The government develops and implements federal initiatives that narrow inequalities between women and men and expand opportunities for women.
Performance indicator: The number of federal initiatives that significantly advance gender equality.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
This subactivity involves influencing the development of public policy in federal policy areas by investing in gender-based analysis capacity-building in, and providing policy advice on gender issues to, other departments and agencies.
In 2007–2008, SWC will provide support to selected departments on targeted and proposed government priorities, thus assisting departments in meeting the specific needs of women domestically. Particular emphasis will be placed on the situation of Aboriginal women and the economic security of particular groups of women who are at risk of not fulfilling their socio-economic potential.
With respect to Aboriginal women, SWC will continue to work with other federal government departments on evidenced-based and culturally relevant policies and programs that address Aboriginal women’s human rights, their socio-economic and legal status such as matrimonial real property and unstated and unrecognized paternity.
SWC will also continue to support the Sisters-In-Spirit initiative by moving into a coordinating role with federal partners on specific projects dealing with public education and awareness, and with public policy in target areas identified and agreed upon in collaboration with the Native Women’s Association of Canada to address the underlying causes of racialized, sexualized violence against Aboriginal women.
Women are a vital economic and social force in Canadian society, experiencing some remarkable changes and significant constants over the past three decades in such areas as higher education and employment. However, changing patterns in immigration and demographics have accentuated disparities among women. In 2007–2008, SWC will continue to advance the federal government’s ongoing efforts to combat trafficking in persons, most of them women and children, by identifying key initiatives with other federal government departments that will directly assist these women and have an impact on their lives.
Expected result: Federal government policies and programs that advance gender equality.
Performance indicator: Percentage of policy recommendations made by SWC that are accepted by federal departments, and the number of effective partnerships that improve outcomes for women.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
SWC will take on more of a supporting role with the central agencies, assisting them in their mandated responsibilities to increase accountability for the use of gender-based analysis in policy development throughout the government.
In 2007–2008, SWC will be providing central agencies with advice on integrating gender-based analysis within their current accountability frameworks and mechanisms. The organization will also be supporting those agencies in monitoring and reporting on progress being made by key departments concerning the full participation of women, focusing on key priority areas relevant to Aboriginal women and women’s economic security.
SWC will also continue to participate in some international activities to support Canada as a leader in the world and to share knowledge that advances the full participation of women—for example, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Expected result: Federal departments are engaged in a cohesive, consistent approach to developing and implementing government policies to advance gender equality.
Performance indicator: The number of departments engaged in implementing a new approach to achieving gender equality or creating new partnerships in society to produce improved outcomes for women.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
This program activity focuses on developing the knowledge and capacity of a number of stakeholders so that they are better prepared to address gender-based issues of significance to Canadian society in a coordinated manner.
Through its policy research activities, SWC will generate evidence-based knowledge. To that end, it will use trends and gap analysis on gender issues and gender-based analysis, and benchmarking against global best practices. It will also provide advice on gender issues that could have an impact upon the definition of governmental policy and program priorities. Federal/provincial–territorial and international activities will be refocused to inform the policy advice function by identifying international and domestic trends and best practices, and by providing support on targeted events for the Minister and SWC.
This knowledge base will support the Minister’s role in providing guidance on complex policy and programming issues affecting women in Canada. SWC will continue to share its gender expertise with other federal departments and other stakeholders, and will also link these partners to gender policy research experts in Canada.
This program activity also includes the provision of financial assistance to Canadian organizations so that they can carry out projects that facilitate the achievement of SWC’s strategic outcome, support Government priorities and give Canadians value for money. Through this aspect of its second program activity, SWC seeks to advance the full participation of women by increasing knowledge and organizational capacity and by ensuring that women are the direct beneficiaries of project outcomes.
Expected result: Knowledge and gender equality capacity gaps are addressed by federal departments, nongovernmental organizations and others.
Performance indicators: The number of groups taking action on gaps and achieving their stated results.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
This sub-activity focuses on assisting federal departments and agencies in setting up processes and structures in capacity-building and in creating tools to integrate gender-based analysis into their policy and program development activities.
SWC will be generating gender-based knowledge and identifying international and domestic best practices on gender-based analysis in support of the execution of its mandate. In addition to making custom-made gender-based analysis training and tools available, SWC will continue to identify innovative approaches that departments and agencies can use to integrate gender-based analysis into their public policy formulation. Using a phased approach, SWC will continue to work with selected departments and agencies on the creation of sustainable frameworks and accountability mechanisms.
Eventually, all federal policies and programs will reflect gender considerations before decision-making is finalized, which will ensure the removal of existing barriers faced by women.
To maximize its effectiveness in this role, SWC resources are being aligned in 2007–2008 on government policy initiatives focusing on Aboriginal women’s situation and women’s economic security.
Expected result: Integration of gender-based analysis into government initiatives.
Performance indicator: Selected federal departments possess an increased capacity to conduct gender-based analysis.
a The resources presented are in line with SWC’s program activity architecture, realigned at the 2007–2008 Annual Reference Level Update process. Internal Services resources are allocated proportionately within each program activity.
In 2006, the Terms and Conditions of the Women’s Program were renewed in compliance with the Policy on Transfer Payments. The renewal of the Women’s Program has resulted in changes to the program framework, including the mandate, objective, outcomes and funding recipients. The Terms and Conditions will serve as guidelines for funding projects that have a direct impact on women in their communities.
In line with the SWC priorities, the Women’s Program will continue to work closely with Aboriginal women’s and other organizations on issues such as violence, economic security and self-governance. In addition, contribution funding will continue to the Sisters-In-Spirit initiative to address sexualized, racialized violence against Aboriginal women.
With the posting of the application form on the Internet (, access to program funding will improve across the country.
The short-term and intermediate outcomes of the Women’s Program will be achieved by funding projects that will have the greatest impact on increasing opportunities for women in their communities in key areas such as women’s economic status and violence against women and girls.
Expected result: Knowledge and engagement toward gender equality are enhanced.
Performance indicator: The number of organizations that have achieved their stated funding objectives.
Through the amalgamation of the previous Policy, Gender-Based Analysis and Research Directorates, the new Policy Directorate will offer core policy advice by providing evidence-based policy advice and working in partnership with selected departments and central agencies to implement gender-based analysis and to monitor progress, and by carrying out gender-based analysis trends and gaps analysis and by benchmarking against global best practices.
The Women’s Program Directorate provides efficient delivery of grants and contributions with enhanced direct impact on women while supporting Government priorities. Its key activities encompass program development, decentralized delivery and administration, and performance measurement and reporting. SWC regional points of service have also been streamlined as follows:
The table that follows outlines SWC’s organizational structure down to the program activity level, indicates the number of full-time equivalent resources that support each activity, and identifies the directorate(s) accountable.
Both program activities contribute to two of the Government of Canada’s outcome areas: an estimated 30% of resources would be spent toward Income security and employment for Canadians, and 70% toward a Diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion.
The resources are estimates that may overlap with more than one program activity and may be subject to realignment as part of the 2008–2009 Annual Reference Level Update process.
a Reflects the best forecast of total net planned spending to the end of the fiscal year.
b The net decrease of $4.7 million in the Main Estimates for 2007–2008 in comparison with 2006–2007 is mainly attributable to a decrease of $5.0 million resulting from efficiency savings (including the related reduction to the Employees Benefit Plan), an increase of $0.2 million related to grant funding from Canadian Heritage for the
interdepartmental partnership with official languages communities, and an increase of $0.1 million for collective agreements.
a These figures include, in 2006–2007, $0.1 million related to a Memorandum of Understanding between Canadian Heritage and SWC regarding the implementation of the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Languages Communities (this represents a decrease of $0.1 million from the amount noted in the 2006–2007 RPP). In 2007–2008 only, it includes $0.2 million attributable to the Interdepartmental Partnership with Official Languages Communities.
SWC remains committed to modernizing its management practices, as task that will be achieved through implementation of the Management Accountability Framework priorities identified under SWC’s Working Environment. Also, in 2007–2008, from a corporate planning and performance management perspective, the intent is
For questions on financial information, contact:
Guylaine Métayer
Director, Corporate Services
Telephone: 613-947-1453; Fax: 613-947-6113
For other questions, contact:
Nanci-Jean Waugh
A/Deputy Coordinator
Telephone: 613-995-7839; Fax: 613-943-2386