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ARCHIVED - Canadian International Development Agency

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Table 1: Departmental Link to the Government of Canada Outcomes

Strategic Outcome: Increased achievement of development goals consistent with Canadian foreign policy objectives
Program Activities Planned Spending 2008-09 Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area
Countries of Concentration $967,821,000
  • Global Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Development
  • A safe and secure world
Fragile States and Countries Experiencing Humanitarian Crisis $611,209,000
  • Global Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Development
  • A safe and secure world
Selected Countries and Regions $580,822,000
  • Global Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Development
  • A safe and secure world
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions $991,286,000
  • Global Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Development
  • A safe and secure world

Strategic Outcome: Sustained support and informed action by Canadians in international development
Program Activities Planned Spending 2008-09 Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area
Engaging Canadian Citizens $71,633,000
  • Global Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Development
  • A safe and secure world

Table 2: Sustainable Development Strategy

As outlined in the tables below, four core objectives have been established for the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) 2007-09 in support of CIDA's goal of reduced poverty, promotion of human rights and increased sustainable development. These objectives also support the federal sustainable development framework, as illustrated below. Progress on implementing this SDS will be reported annually in the Departmental Performance Report according to the measurement framework included below.

Federal SD Goal: Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations
CIDA’s Objective 1: Support equitable economic development
Expected results Performance measurement
Increased productivity, innovation and employment, and income opportunities
  • Number of business service organizations and Small and Medium Enterprises receiving technical assistance and/or resources
  • Hiring rate of trained youth (16-24 years old)
  • Share of women in wage employment in the non-agriculture sector
More effective regulations conducive to investment, business formation and responsible enterprise
  • Number of administrative and regulatory barriers eliminated to facilitate private sector investment
Increased ability of developing countries to benefit from the global trading system
  • Number of new trade agreements implemented
CIDA's Objective 2: Support social development, with particular emphasis on people living in poverty
Expected results Performance measurement
Progress on the prevention and control of poverty-linked diseases
  • Proportion of population in malaria risk areas using effective malaria prevention and treatment measures
  • Prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis
Reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS
  • HIV prevalence among 15-24 year old pregnant women
Reduced infant and child mortality rates
  • Under-five mortality rate
  • Infant mortality rate
Improved sexual and reproductive health and reduced maternal mortality
  • Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
  • Maternal mortality rate
Improved food security and nutrition
  • Prevalence of underweight children under five years of age
Strengthened health systems
  • Access to health services within a 15 km radius for women, men, boys and girls
Better access to education for all
  • Percentage of children enrolled in primary education
  • Percentage of children completing primary schooling
Progress on closing the gender gap in education
  • Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education
  • Ratio of literate women to men 15-24 years old
Strengthened action against HIV/AIDS through education
  • Number of HIV/AIDS education policies and programs in place
Improved stability and protection for children in emergency settings
  • Number of girls and boys living in crisis situations that participate in formal and non-formal education programming
Federal SDS Goal: Sustainable development and use of natural resources
CIDA's Objective 3: Support environment and natural resources management
Expected results Performance measurement
100 per cent compliance regarding the application of these environmental tools to CIDA’s decisions on policies, plans, programmes and projects
  • Number of CIDA Environmental Impact Assessments and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) applied to CIDA decisions on policies, plans, programmes and projects using the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act or the Federal Cabinet Directive on SEA, as appropriate
Countries have greater capacity to develop and use natural resources in a sustainable manner
  • Degree of integration of environmental sustainability into country policies and programs
Operations at headquarters are green
  • Number of employees in the procurement area trained
  • Number of initiatives for reducing energy and water consumption launched
  • Number of vehicles replaced with hybrid models
  • Percentage of gasoline purchased for CIDA vehicles that is ethanol blended.
  • Level of usage of videoconferencing between CIDA headquarters and foreign offices
  • Amount of paper purchased for printers and photocopiers
Federal SDS Goal: Strengthen democratic governance to support meaningful and significant sustainable development objectives.
CIDA's Objective 4: Support progress in democratic governance and human rights
Expected results Performance measurement
Greater democratization; improved public sector performance and accountability; improved rule of law
  • Level of democratic governance
  • Proportion of seats held by women in local government bodies
Strengthened human rights institutions, effective civil society initiatives (e.g. human rights education) and inclusive public policies
  • Level of improvements in human rights