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Section II – Analysis of Program Activities
Section III – Supplementary Information
Section IV – Other Items of Interest
AAFC | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
ACAMP | Alberta Centre for Advanced MicroNano Technology Products |
ACC | Atlantic Commercialization Centre |
ACURA | Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy |
AFFORD | Alternative Fuels Facility for Research & Development |
AIP | Atlantic Investment Partnership |
ALMA | Atacama Large Millimetre Array |
BDC | Business Development Bank of Canada |
CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear |
cGMP | Current Good Manufacturing Practices |
CFIA | Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
CFHT | Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope |
CNCB | Canadian Neutron Beam Centre |
CRTI | CBRN Research and Technology Initiative |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency |
CTI | Competitive Technology Intelligence |
DRDC | Defence Research and Development Canada |
FCHP | Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Program |
FCRC | Fuel Cell Research Centre |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GERD | Gross Expenditures in Research and Development |
GHI | Genomics and Health Initiative |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
ICT | Information and Communications Technologies |
IMRIS | Innovative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPF | Industry Partnership Facility |
JCMT | James Clerk Maxwell Telescope |
JWST | James Webb Space Telescope |
LRP | Long Range Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
LTRC | Language Technologies Research Center |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MRS | Major Resource Support |
MSE | Medium-Sized Enterprise |
MUHC | McGill University Health Centre |
NIC | NRC Information Centre (NRC-CISTI) |
NINT | National Institute for Nanotechnology |
NMI | National Metrology Institute |
NRC | National Research Council Canada |
NRC-AMTC | NRC Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre |
NRC-ATC | NRC Aluminium Technology Centre |
NRC-BRI | NRC Biotechnology Research Institute |
NRC-CB | NRC Commercialization Branch |
NRC-CHC | NRC Canadian Hydraulics Centre |
NRC-CISTI | NRC Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information |
NRC-CPFC | NRC Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre |
NRC-CSIR | NRC Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure Research |
NRC-CSTT | NRC Centre for Surface Transportation Technology |
NRC-GTL | NRC Gas Turbine Laboratory |
NRC-HIA | NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics |
NRC-IAR | NRC Institute for Aerospace Research |
NRC-IBD | NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics |
NRC-IBS | NRC Institute for Biological Sciences |
NRC-ICPET | NRC Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology |
NRC-IFCI | NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation |
NRC-IIT | NRC Institute for Information Technology |
NRC-IMB | NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences |
NRC-IMI | NRC Industrial Materials Institute |
NRC-IMS | NRC Institute for Microstructural Sciences |
NRC-INMS | NRC Institute for National Measurement Standards |
NRC-INH | NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health |
NRC-IOT | NRC Institute for Ocean Technology |
NRC-IRAP | NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program |
NRC-IRC | NRC Institute for Research in Construction |
NRC-PBI | NRC Plant Biotechnology Institute |
NRC-SIMS | NRC Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences |
NRCan | Natural Resources Canada |
NSERC | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada |
OAG | Office of the Auditor General of Canada |
OAP | Oceans Action Plan |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OPO | Ocean Science and Technology Partnership |
OTEC | Ocean Technology Enterprise Centre |
PAA | Program Activity Architecture |
PEMFC | Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells |
PERD | Program for Energy Research and Development |
PSST | Public Security Science and Technology |
R&D | Research and Development |
RMSA | Research Management Self-Assessment |
S&T | Science and Technology |
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Solid Oxide Fuel Cells |
STM | Scientific, Technical and Medical |
TBS | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
TIS | Technology and Industry Support |
TRIUMF | Tri-University Meson Facility |